planning graphs and knowledge compilation

Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation Hctor Geffner ICREA and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation Hctor Geffner ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, SPAIN 6/2004 Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 1 Planning as SAT (Kautz and Selman) Encode: Map Strips

  1. Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation Héctor Geffner ICREA and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, SPAIN 6/2004 Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 1

  2. Planning as SAT (Kautz and Selman) • Encode: Map Strips problem P with horizon n into a propositional theory T • Solve: Using a SAT solver, determine if T is consistent, and if so, find a model • Decode: Extract plan from model Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 2

  3. Our goal Use of propositional logic for defining and computing lower bounds for planning (admissible heuristics) • understand the planning graph construction as a precise form of inference • exploit account to uncover relations (e.g., to variable elimination) and introduce generalizations (e.g., incomplete information) Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 3

  4. Strips Refresher • A problem in Strips is a tuple � A, O, I, G � where – A stands for set of all atoms (boolean vars) – O stands for set of all operators (ground actions) – I ⊆ A stands for initial situation – G ⊆ A stands for goal situation • The operators o ∈ O represented by three lists -- the Add list Add ( o ) ⊆ A -- the Delete list Del ( o ) ⊆ A -- the Precondition list Pre ( o ) ⊆ A • The task is to find a plan: a sequence of applicable actions that maps I into G . . . Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 4

  5. Lower Bounds and Planning Graphs • Build graph with layers P 0 , A 0 , P 1 , A 1 , . . . where ... ... ... A1 P0 P1 A0 = { p ∈ s } P 0 { a ∈ O | Prec ( a ) ⊆ P i } = A i { p ∈ Add ( a ) | a ∈ A i } P i +1 = • Graph represents lower bound for achieving G from s : h max ( s ) = min i such that G ⊆ P i Need No-op( p ) action for each p : P rec = Add = { p } Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 5

  6. More Informed h in Graphplan • Planning graph in Graphplan also keeps track of pairs that cannnot be reached simultaneously in i steps, i = 0 , 1 , . . . – action pair mutex at i if incompatible or preconditions mutex at i – atom pair mutex at i + 1 if supporting action pairs all mutex at i • Mutexes computed along with planning graph and yield more informed admissible h def = min i s.t. G ⊆ P i and G not mutex at i h G ( s ) Graphplan is an IDA* regression solver driven by this heuristic Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 6

  7. Lower Bounds crucial in Planning and Problem Solving • LBs explain performance gap between Graphplan and predecessors • In SAT/CSP planning models, LBs represent implicit constraints that speed up the search: SAT/CSP approaches to planning indeed do not encode the planning problem directly but its planning graph • Our main goal in this work: understand derivation of these LBs or implicit constraints in the planning graph as a precise form of inference Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 7

  8. Deductive Inference and Lower Bounds for Planning • Consider following heuristic h where T encodes Strips problem with horizon n without the goal def min i ≤ n such that T �| h ( G ) = = ¬ G i i.e., h ( G ) encodes first time i at which goal G consistent with T • Such h is well defined – Good news: h very informative ; indeed h ( G ) = h ∗ ( G ) (optimal) – Bad news: h intractable Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 8

  9. Deductive Inference and Lower Bounds (cont'd) Consider now approximation h Γ given by sets Γ 0 , . . . , Γ n of deductive consequences of T at the various time points 0 , . . . , n : def min i ≤ n such that Γ i �| = ¬ G i h Γ ( G ) = • If sets Γ i = ∅ , then h Γ ( G ) = 0 (non-informative) • If sets Γ i = PI i ( T ) , then h Γ ( G ) = h ( G ) (intractable) • Always 0 ≤ h Γ ≤ h Question: how to define sets Γ i so that resulting LBs are informative and tractable ? ( PI i ( T ) = prime implicates of T at time i ) Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 9

  10. Prime Implicates and Lower Bounds: First attempt Stratify Strips theory T (without the goal) as T = T 0 ∪ T 1 ∪ · · · ∪ T m Define sequence of sets Γ i iteratively as def Γ 0 = PI 0 ( T 0 ) def Γ i +1 = PI i +1 (Γ i ∪ T i +1 ) It follows that no info lost in iteration, and same sets and h result: Γ i = PI i ( T ) h Γ = h = h ∗ But then computation of h Γ remains intractable . . . Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 10

  11. Prime Implicates and Tractable Lower Bounds Define sequence of sets Γ i iteratively as def PI k Γ 0 = 0 ( T 0 ) def PI k i +1 (Γ i ∪ T i +1 ) Γ i +1 = for a fixed k = 1 , 2 , . . . , where PI k i ( T ) stands for set of prime implicates of T at time i with size no greater than k Key result: We show in paper that for Strips theories T • sequence of Γ i sets and h Γ informative and tractable • h Γ equal to Graphplan h G for k = 2 , and • x ∈ Layer i iff ¬ x i �∈ Γ i AND ( x, y ) ∈ Layer i iff ¬ x i ∨ ¬ y i ∈ Γ i where x ∈ Layer i and ( x, y ) ∈ Layer i stand for atom and mutex pair in layer i of planning graph Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 11

  12. General Framework: Stratified Theories Propositional theories T defined over indexed variables x i ∈ L i , 0 ≤ i ≤ m , that can be expressed as union of subtheories T 0 , . . . , T m where • T 0 made up of clauses C 0 ∈ L 0 • T i +1 made up of clauses C i ∨ C i +1 , where C i +1 ∈ L i +1 and C i ∈ L i ( C i +1 non-empty) Example: Stratified theory for Strips with horizon n 1. Init T 0 : p 0 for p ∈ I , and ¬ q 0 for q ∈ A not in I 2. Action Layers T i +1 : for i = 0 , 2 , . . . , n − 2 • p i ∨ ¬ a i +1 for each a ∈ O and p ∈ pre ( a ) i +1 for interfering a , a ′ in O • ¬ a i +1 ∨ ¬ a ′ 3. Propositional Layers T i +1 : for i = 1 , 3 , . . . , n − 1 • ¬ a i ∨ p i +1 for each a ∈ O and p ∈ add ( a ) • ¬ a i ∨ ¬ p i +1 for each a ∈ O and p ∈ del ( a ) np • a 1 i ∨ a 2 ∨ ¬ p i +1 for each p ∈ A i ∨ · · · ∨ a i Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 12

  13. Tractable PI-k Inference over Stratified Theories Three conditions guarantee that the iterative computation of prime implicates of bounded size remains tractable for stratified theories T : def PI k Γ 0 = 0 ( T 0 ) def PI k Γ i +1 = i +1 (Γ i ∪ T i +1 ) 1. T is compiled : resolvents over variables x i +1 in T i +1 subsumed in T 2. T has bounded support width: number of clauses C i ∨ C i +1 in T i +1 with common literal l i +1 ∈ C i +1 and body | C i | > 1 , bounded 3. T is pure: only x i +1 or ¬ x i +1 occur in T i +1 • Stratified Strips theories are compiled , have support width 1 , and can easily be made pure (3. not needed for k ≤ 2 ) • Paper contains sound algorithm for computing Γ i sets that under conditions 1--3 is complete and polynomial Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 13

  14. Graphplan vs. Variable Elimination and Variations • Variable Elimination is a family of algorithms for solving SAT, CSPs, Bayesian Networks, etc (Dechter et al) that follows the pattern of gaussian elimination for solving linear equations • Given a theory T = T 0 over variables x 0 , . . . , x n – Forward pass: eliminate var x i from T i resulting in theory T i +1 over x i +1 , . . . , x n , 0 ≤ i < n – Backward pass: Solve theories T n , T n − 1 , . . . , T 0 in order, each for a single variable; result is a model (if T is satisfiable) -- Good: backward pass (solution extraction) is backtrack free -- Bad: forward pass (elimination pass) is exponential in time and space Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 14

  15. Alternative 1: Bounded-k Variable Elimination • Restricts size of constraints induced by elimination of vars to k • Elimination sound but not complete; performs in polynomial time (removes some but not all backtracks) Alternative 2: Bounded-k Block Elimination • Eliminates blocks of vars in one-shot, inducing constraints of size ≤ k only • Stronger than Bounded-k Var Elimination, but exponential in size of blocks Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 15

  16. Graphplan and Bounded-k Elimination As a corollary of earlier results we get that: • For Strips theories , Bounded-k Block Elimination is polynomial in the size of the blocks (blocks are the sets of vars in same layer) • Graphplan actually does a Bounded-2 Block Elimination pass foward exactly , followed by a backward Backtrack Search • Thus Graphplan fits nicely in the variable elimination framework, where it exploits the special structure of Strips theories Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 16

  17. Negative vs. Positive Deductive Lower Bound LB scheme based on proving negation of the goal def = min i ≤ n such that T �| = ¬ G i h ( G ) h ( G ) is a LB because if ∃ Plan that achieves G in m ≤ n steps, then ∃ M of T ∧ G m , then T �| = ¬ G m Question: Can we define LBs based on the proving the goal itself , possibly from transformed theory T + ? such that T + | def h + ( G ) min i ≤ n = = G i Hector Geffner, Planning Graphs and Knowledge Compilation, 6/2004 17


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