phonics presentation may 2018 introduction

Phonics Presentation May 2018 Introduction Being able to read is - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Castle House Preparatory School Phonics Presentation May 2018 Introduction Being able to read is the most important skill children will learn during their early schooling and has far-reaching implications for lifelong confidence and

  1. Castle House Preparatory School Phonics Presentation May 2018

  2. Introduction Being able to read is the most important skill children will learn during their early schooling and has far-reaching implications for lifelong confidence and well-being. (‘Letters and Sounds’ Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics)

  3. The Rose Review • The independent review of early reading, conducted by Jim Rose, confirmed that ‘high quality phonic work’ should be the prime means for teaching beginner readers to learn to read (and spell). • The review also highlighted the importance of developing, from the earliest stages, children’s speaking and listening skills – ensuring that beginner readers are ready to get off to a good start in phonic work.

  4. What is Phonics? • Phonics is the link between letters and the sounds they make. • Using a highly structured programme working through 6 progressive phases, children are taught: • The full range of common letter/ sound correspondences. • To hear separate sounds within words. • To blend sounds together.

  5. What are Speech Sounds? • Although there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, there are 44 speech sounds. • Phonemes –The smallest unit of sound in a word, e.g. ‘t’ or ‘s’. • Graphemes – What we write to represent a sound/ phoneme – for some phonemes, this could be more than one letter, e.g. ‘ th ’ or ‘ igh ’.

  6. Blending – Oral then Written • Hearing a series of spoken sounds and merging ( blending ) them together to make a spoken word – no text is used. For example, when children hear /b/u/s, they will say bus. • The skill is usually taught before blending using printed words. • Recognising the letter sounds in a written word. For example c-u-p, and blending them in the order which they are written, to read the word ‘cup’. • Examples: s i t l e g m o p c a n

  7. Digraphs/Trigraphs • Two or three letters which make one sound. • A consonant digraph contains two consonants next to each other, but they make a single sound. E.g. sh as in shop, ck as in click, th as in this, ll as in hill. • A vowel digraph contains at least one vowel but the two letters still make a single sound. E.g. ai as in rain, ee as in meet, ar as in car, oy as in boy. • A trigraph contains three letters to make one sound. E.g. s igh t, f ear, ch air.

  8. RWI Phonics • Three sets of Speed Sounds Lessons – taught and consolidated every day. These are called Green Words. • High Frequency Words that are not phonetically regular are taught as ‘tricky’ words or Red Words. • Lively phonic books are closely matched to children’s increasing knowledge of phonics and tricky words so that they experience plenty of success early on. Repeated readings of the texts support their increasing fluent decoding. Fred the frog is used to support ‘Fred talk’.

  9. RWI Phonics Books • Each book is read at least three times to develop word reading, fluency and comprehension. • The children also write every day using the same words to help develop spelling and sentence structure as well as new grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. • Sets of books follow through from the Red Ditty Books to Green, Purple, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Blue and Grey.

  10. RWI Phonics – Booklets For Parents • rwi_RPhO_PIB1 (2).pdf • rwi_RPhO_PIB2 (3).pdf

  11. Phonics Questions?? Thank you for listening.


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