
Phonic Screening Presentation P:\curriculum talks\year 1\Phonics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery Year 1 Parents Phonic Screening Presentation P:\curriculum talks\year 1\Phonics screening.ppt Phonics screening W/c 12th June Takes place during the week of 12 th -16t h June 2017 The

  1. Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery Year 1 Parents Phonic Screening Presentation P:\curriculum talks\year 1\Phonics screening.ppt

  2. Phonics screening W/c 12th June Takes place during the week of 12 th -16t h June 2017 • The screening check will identify children who have phonic decoding skills below the • level expected for the end of year 1 and who therefore need addition support. The screening check ensures that teachers understand which children need support with decoding There are 40 words - 20 real and 20 nonsense ( some examples later in this • presentation) The screening is carried out individually with each child by the class teacher. It should • be an enjoyable activity for a child, which will take no more than 15 minutes. There will be a few practise words at the beginning to make sure your child understands the activity Results are reported to parents by letter and submitted to the Department for • Education in July If a child does not meet the threshold in year 1, support is put in place and they will • retake the screening at the end of year 2

  3. How do WFIS results compare to other schools nationally? % of children % of children at WFIS who Year 1 Phonic Screening No of children nationally who achieve the expected Results at WFIS achieve the expected level level 2016 60 88 % (54 pupils) 80 %

  4. Examples

  5. l igh t light

  6. p air pair

  7. s n a k e snake

  8. shog

  9. foid

  10. thade

  11. think

  12. brown

  13. stripe

  14. comic

  15. pumpkin

  16. fighters

  17. reaching

  18. What can you do to help your child at home? • There are a number of things that parents can do to support early reading development • Let your child see you enjoy reading yourself. They are influenced by you and what you do! • Immerse your child in a love of reading • Make time for your child to read their school book to you • With all books, encourage your child to ‘sound out’ unfamiliar words and then blend from left to right rather than just looking at pictures to guess • Encourage your child to ‘sound out’ when writing, blending from blend from left to right. Focusing particularly on spotting more unusual sound patterns. – Digraph- 2 letters making one sound - rain – Trigraph- 3 letters making one sound - night – Split Digraph- 2 vowels with a consonant in between. You may have called it magic e. – spine - i_e – Use phonics when you speak: “It’s time to go to b -e- d.” • There are lots of phonic games available for children to access on the computer • Remember, we are here to help your child achieve their very best • If you have any questions please ask Mrs Barber (English leader), or your child’s class Teacher or TA • We are always happy to help!

  19. Useful websites: We will now show you the Phonics Play website,, which has many helpful hints for parents and games for children to practise real and nonsense words. Other useful websites:


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