philippines sme resilience

Philippines SME Resilience: Understanding the needs of SMEs and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Philippines SME Resilience: Understanding the needs of SMEs and developing roadmaps of priority actions for strengthening SME resilience Ms. Elvira Tan MSMEs in the Philippines: Distribution of enterprises according to size Medium

  1. Philippines SME Resilience: Understanding the needs of SMEs and developing roadmaps of priority actions for strengthening SME resilience Ms. ¡Elvira ¡Tan ¡

  2. MSMEs in the Philippines: Distribution of enterprises according to size Medium ¡, ¡ Large, ¡ 0.4% ¡ 0.4% ¡ Small, ¡ 9.7% ¡ Micro, ¡ 89.4% ¡

  3. Distribution of MSMEs according to industry sector 1.1% ¡ 1.3% ¡1.2% ¡ 2.7% ¡ Wholesale ¡and ¡retail ¡ 1.8% ¡ 1.8% ¡ Manufacuring ¡ ¡ 3.4% ¡ Hotels ¡and ¡restaurants ¡ 4.1% ¡ Real ¡estate/renHng ¡ Health ¡and ¡social ¡work ¡ 5.9% ¡ Financial ¡intermediaHon ¡ ¡ 49.9% ¡ EducaHon ¡ ¡ 12.3% ¡ Agriculture,forestry ¡ Transport/storage ¡ ConstrucHon ¡ ¡ 14.7% ¡ Electricity, ¡gas&water ¡ Others ¡

  4. MSME employment distribution Micro, ¡30% ¡ Large, ¡39% ¡ Small, ¡24% ¡ Medium ¡, ¡ 8% ¡

  5. SME development system Main legislation: • Republic Act No. 9501, “Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Act of 2008” • Republic Act No. 9178, “Barangay Micro Business Enterprises (BMBEs) Act of 2002” • Republic Act No. 10644, “Go Negosyo Act of 2013”

  6. DRRM / CCA systems Main Legislation • Republic Act No. 10121, “National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act” • Republic Act No. 9729, “Climate Change Act” • Republic Act 10174 “People’s Survival Fund Act”

  7. MSME Survey results (+) High awareness of disaster risks (+) Significant degree of engagement with DRRM system at local level (-) MSMEs incur significant losses from disasters (-) Low awareness on BCM as a risk reduction tool (-) Low uptake of external risk financing (-) Need for disaster risk reduction training

  8. Towards a Road Map for MSME Disaster Resilience in the Philippines Bridging ¡the ¡gap ¡towards ¡“MSME ¡disaster-­‑resilience” ¡ ¡ Disaster ¡risk ¡ reducHon ¡and ¡ management ¡& ¡ SME ¡development ¡ climate ¡change ¡ adaptaHon ¡

  9. Towards a Road Map for MSME Disaster Resilience in the Philippines The ¡pracAcal ¡components ¡of ¡“MSME ¡disaster-­‑resilience” ¡ ¡ • What are the identified needs • Who needs to be concerned with MSME disaster resilience • Which policy modalities or actions can best support MSMEs to become more disaster-resilient • How and where policy initiatives and targeted activities can communicate with and access MSMEs

  10. Towards a Road Map for MSME Disaster Resilience in the Philippines Modalities for MSME resilience road map: • Existing and potential MSME participation in DRRM system institutions. • Existing channels in MSME development and business registration • Existing channels in business finance, insurance and taxation • Adapting risk and recovery finance to MSMEs • Focus: Region/Industrial area /Sectoral

  11. Towards a Road Map for MSME Disaster Resilience in the Philippines Modalities for MSME resilience road map: • Mainstream disaster-resilience into health and safety compliance • Support the development of MSME business organizations • Develop and disseminate targeted tools and training • Link with large corporations on BCM

  12. Maraming Salamat (Thank you)

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