Philip Oddie & Abhishek Oswal
The clinical scenario The patient & problem Mrs C. Hocolate is a 57 year old known hypertensive who read in the Daily Mail that eating dark chocolate will help reduce her blood pressure The key research data needed In adults with hypertension, does eating dark chocolate reduce blood pressure compared to a dark chocolate free diet?
The search (database & terms) & results
Primary Study Reference: Cocoareducesbloodpressureand insulinresistance and improvesendothelium- dependentvasodilation inhypertensives.Grassi et al. Hypertension 2005 Aug;46(2):398-405. STUDY Question Patients: 25-60yr old (mean age 44, n = 20) 140<SBP<160mmHg. Not previously treated Intervention: Dark Chocolate Comparison: White Chocolate Outcome: OGTT, BP, ABPM, FMD, Haematological check Quality of Study Randomised? – Yes? Accounted for: obesity, pregnancy, tobacco, alcohol, atherosclerosis, cardiac abnormalities, cholesterol Measurement: (blinded OR objective?): Objective Overall: Good
Primary Study Results
The search (database & terms) & results
Systematic Review Reference: Does chocolate reduce blood pressure? A meta-analysis. Reid et al. BMC Med. 2010 Jun 28;8:39. STUDY Question Patients: Adults Intervention: Low dose of a flavanol containing cocoa product for >2 weeks Comparison: Low Flavanol placebo or white chocolate Outcome: Change in SBP/DBP Quality of Study Find: “chocolate OR cocoa AND blood pressure” in Medline, Cochrane and grey literature databases. Could have used more? Appraised: Scored using Cochrane guidelines Synthesised: Meta-analyis with forest plots performed Overall: Good methods, but high degree of heterogeneity
SBP (Hypertensive) SBP (All) SBP (Normotensive)
Key Results & application to patient Outcomes Difference/mmHg [95CI] I 2 SBP (all) -3.16 [-5.08, -1.23] 74 DBP (all) -2.02 [-3.35, -0.69] 62 SBP -5.02 [-7.99, -2.05] 90 (hypertensive) DBP -2.73 [-4.89, -0.48] 79 (hypertensive) SBP -1.56 [-3.81, +0.69] 23 (normotensive) DBP -1.28 [-2.88, +0.33] 24 (normotensive) The Benefits and risks to patient Unclear whether the benefits seen in hypertensive patients are valid Your Recommendation Have it in moderation, but important to consider other factors too
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