phil leeks principal policy officer sepa workshop

Phil Leeks Principal Policy Officer, SEPA Workshop Construction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Construction Site Licences Phil Leeks Principal Policy Officer, SEPA Workshop Construction SUDS Workshop Explanation of environment being protected on construction sites Highlight generic solutions What happens when it goes

  1. Construction Site Licences Phil Leeks – Principal Policy Officer, SEPA

  2. Workshop • Construction SUDS Workshop • Explanation of environment being protected on construction sites • Highlight generic solutions • What happens when it goes wrong • Regulations • Pollution Prevention Plans • Case studies

  3. Environment on a Construction Site • Soil • Resource • Geology • Rivers • Geomorphology process moves sediment down river • Sediment from construction sites causes smothering • Rain • In Scotland it rains – a lot!

  4. Environment on a Construction Site

  5. Solutions • Solutions can be simple and/or technical • Reduce amount of exposed soils • Reduce amount of surface water run-off • Reduce chance of soil mixing with run- off • Treat sediment laden run-off • Attenuation • Swales • Pump solutions etc.

  6. Going wrong Silt in D&G

  7. Going wrong

  8. Going wrong

  9. Going wrong

  10. Going wrong  MORE PHOTOS


  12. RANGE OF ACTIVITIES  The requirements for a licence will be where a construction site, including any constructed access tracks:  has an area of 4 hectares or more;  a length of 5 km or more; or  includes any area of more than 1 hectare or any length of more than 500 metres on ground with a slope in excess of 25°.  Below this level the activity will be regulated via the GBR.

  13. RANGE OF ACTIVITIES  GBR10b  Know how your sites works and how you are controlling the run-off to prevent sediment going into the river  Construction SUDS Licence  Application to SEPA  Write a Pollution Prevention Plan  Keep the Pollution Prevention Plan up- to-date  Work on site as described in the Pollution Prevention Plan

  14. Pollution Prevention Plan • What land? • What construction activity? • Point of Contact • Identify pollution risks • How are you preventing pollution? • Managing the water run-off • What if something goes wrong? • How do you know your Pollution Prevention Plan is effective and being adhered to? • Who is in charge of making the plan work?

  15. Tracks Example route map. Brown = track at >3km and 4m wide; light brown = passing places (indicative only); grey – borrow pit; red = freshwater SSSI; green = Geological SSSI; blue square = water crossing; orange circle = deep peat/blanket bog; light green circle = pollution risk area.

  16. Pipes

  17. Housing

  18. Questions and Answers


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