ph pharmacy rmacy pr precep ceptor tor upda date te

Ph Pharmacy rmacy Pr Precep ceptor tor Upda date te: : Ge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ph Pharmacy rmacy Pr Precep ceptor tor Upda date te: : Ge Gener nerational ational Diffe fferences rences Kevin W. Cleveland, PharmD, ANP Assistant Dean and Director of OEE Associate Professor Idaho State University College of

  1. Ph Pharmacy rmacy Pr Precep ceptor tor Upda date te: : Ge Gener nerational ational Diffe fferences rences Kevin W. Cleveland, PharmD, ANP Assistant Dean and Director of OEE Associate Professor Idaho State University College of Pharmacy

  2. Dis isclosure closure Stat atement ement I do do not t ha have (nor does any immediate family member have) a vested interest in or affiliation with any corporate organization offering financial support or grant monies for this continuing education activity, or any affiliation with an organization whose philosophy could potentially bias my presentation.

  3. Ob Objecti ectives ves 1. Review recent changes within the Office of Experiential Education (OEE) 2. Recognize potential challenges encountered when collaborating with different generations within your pharmacy/practice site 3. Identify strategies to help overcoming these challenges/barriers while strengthening collaboration amongst the generations

  4. OE OEE E Up Upda date tes

  5. Wh Who o is is that at in in OE OEE? E?

  6. Mer eridi idian an Kevin W. Cleveland, PharmD, ANP Assistant Dean and Director of OEE Experiential Education Zone Liaison-Western Idaho Janet Renk Experiential Education Administrative Assistant

  7. Al Alas aska ka Thomas Wadsworth, PharmD Assistant Dean for Alaska Programs Experiential Education Zone Liaison - Alaska Christina Jackson Alaska Programs Coordinator

  8. Po Pocat atello ello Cassandra Tack Assistant Director Experiential Education Tracy Pettinger, PharmD Experiential Education Zone Liaison – Eastern Idaho

  9. Ou Outer er Ri Rim Te Territorie itories Luke Rice Experiential Education Zone Liaison – Northern Idaho Michelle Barcelon. PharmD, BCPS Reno, Nevada Experiential Coordinator

  10. OE OEE Zon one e Lia iais isons ons Con ontact act Pocatell atello/E o/Eas aster ern Idaho: ho: Dr. Tracy Pettinger / (208) 282-5012 / Bois ise/W e/Weste estern rn Idaho: ho: Dr. Kevin Cleveland / (208) 373-1872 / Alaska ska: Dr. Tom Wadsworth / (907) 786-6211 / Reno: Dr. Michelle Barcelon / (775) 982-6982 / Coeur d’Alene/N. Idaho: Luke Rice /

  11. OE OEE E Pr Prog ogram ram Upda dates tes

  12. New ew IP IPPE PE Struc ucture ture Year/Course Hours Requirements Immunizations, certifications, trainings, background check, drug screen PY0 / PHAR 9911 0 10 hrs outreach/service + PY1 / PHAR 9912 130 120 hrs IPPE Community (3 week summer block) 10 hrs outreach/service + PY2 / PHAR 9913 130 120 hrs IPPE Institutional (3 week winter block OR 3 week summer block) 10 hrs outreach/service + PY3 / PHAR 9914 50 40 hrs APPE Prep Clinical Experience (shadow) (1 week summer block or fall longitudinal block in the following settings: acute inpatient, ambulatory, community & drug information) Total Hours: 310

  13. Pr Prec eceptor eptor Dev evel elopment opment Re Resources ources • CEImpact • Available through E-value portal • Has specific preceptor training available that counts as CE • No cost to the preceptor • Use the code that is available on the brochure

  14. Pr Prec eceptor eptor Dev evel elopment opment Re Resources ources • Pharmacist Letter • Available through E-value portal • Has specific preceptor training available that counts as CE • No cost to the preceptor


  16. The reality is…….. • On the surface, generational differences and diversity in any organization or academic setting is the norm. Faculty, staff, preceptors and students bring energy and life to these environments filled with learning, discovery and collaboration. • However, below the surface, differences in work habits, communication/learning styles, motivations and life experiences can interject challenging situations and conflicts due to the various gaps and lack of understanding that exist between generations.

  17. Dis isclosure closure Stat atements ements 1. For the context of this presentation, individual characteristic traits used to describe/define each generation may not accurately describe/define individuals associated to their respective generation. 2. Each generation is a byproduct of their current environment so we must take care in identifying differences and approaching them in an appropriately positive manner

  18. Did you know….? • The he Tradi ditiona tionalist lists/Bui s/Builders: ders: Approx. 3.8 million in the workplace • The he Ba Baby Bo Boomers: s: Approx. 45.1 million in the workplace • Gen n X: Approx. 52.8 million in the workplace • Gen n Y/M /Millennial llennials: s: Approx. 54 million in the workplace • Gen n Z: TBA Pew Research Center - 2015

  19. Ac Activ ivity: ity: Think, Pair, Share….Who are we? 1. Generational Characteristic Traits  Core Values (fundamental beliefs of a person or organization)  Teaching/Learning Styles (refers to the general principles, pedagogy and communication strategies used for providing/receiving information)  Work Styles/Beliefs (approach to how you work with others, your attitude, and your work ethic)

  20. Tr Trad aditional itionalist ist Tr Trai aits • Cor ore value ues: s: Dedication, law & order, patience, honor, conservative • Learning rning Sty tyles: s: Preferred from someone their age, textbooks and printed material • Teachi aching ng sty tyles: s: Formal, authoritative, and face-to-face • Wor ork Sty tyles s & Beliefs: fs: o If I work hard and am loyal, I can expect good compensation/pension o Need to feel valued by their employer o Top-down approach (Chain of command)

  21. Bo Boomer omer Tr Trai aits • Cor ore value ues: s: Live to Work • Learni rning ng sty tyle: : Study individually with flash cards, reference books, hands-on • Teachi aching ng sty tyle: : Pop quizzes, expressed a need for tactile teaching activities • Wor ork sty tyles s & beliefs: efs: o Expect to be rewarded for a job well done o Often prefer face-to-face communication over email o Identified by their work/title “workaholics”

  22. Ge Gene neration ation X Tr X Trai aits • Cor ore value ues: s: Relationships, Freedom and Flexibility, Skepticism/Cynical • Learning rning sty tyles: s: Studying in groups, focus on what will be tested and seek feedback, structured environment • Teaching aching sty tyle: : Group work and technology-focused • Wor ork sty tyles s & beliefs: efs: o Value work/life balance o Do not respond well to micro-managing

  23. Mi Millenn lennial ial Tr Trai aits • Cor ore Values: es: Confident, cyber literate, realistic, team oriented, achiever, optimistic, fairness is important (no double standards) • Learni rning ng Sty tyles: s: Group based learning, want clear and explicit expectations up front and ongoing, active learning, have high expectations of their learning environment • Teachi aching ng Sty tyles es: : Group work with integrated technology • Wor ork sty tyles s & Beliefs: fs: o Collaborative and creative o Want constant feedback (prefer positive over constructive) o Work/Life Balance very important!!

  24. Ob Observ ervation ation & D & Dis iscus ussion sion 1. What are your observations with regards to generational differences within your practice site? • Have you encountered/observed any issues/problems? • Have you encountered/observed positive interactions/outcomes?

  25. Ti Tips to o stren engthen gthen col olla laboration boration am amon ongst gst the e ge gene nera rations tions

  26. 1. Be e Aw Aware re of Gen ener erationa ional l Differ eren ences ces • Simply being aware of generational differences can significantly impact a relationship, learning environment or experience.

  27. 2. In Intergen rgenerati eration onal l Te Tens nsion ion may y Im Impact ct Learnin ning • Focus on similarities rather than differences between current and prior generations of learners o “Well back in my day, we did it that way…” - this can be counter productive • Avoid assumptions about what motivates individuals o Ask what motivates them!

  28. 3. 3. Sh Share Your Generat eration ional al Ch Characterist cteristic ic Traits ts & Life fe Phi hilo losophy sophy • Provide details on your background and the path to your current role • Share why you enjoy what you do and what you do to keep current and interested in the profession • Be transparent with your teaching/learning styles as we tend to teach the way we learn • Invite students to share their core values, learning/teaching style & work beliefs

  29. 4. Em Emphasize asize Te Team Dyn ynamics mics and nd Collaboration aboration • Some individuals will feel intimidated being part of medical team with rigid hierarchy o Promote inclusiveness within the team o Provide a sense of purpose o Students (especially) need to be reviewed and evaluated, but also look for ways to recognize their contributions toward the team’s combined effort o Remember…..your approach to integrate and recognize contributions my be different depending on the generation


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