Peter Thorpe
Peter Thorpe We would like you to be able to paint a space themed picture in the style of the famous artist Peter Thorpe. Have ever heard of Peter Thorpe? Let’s learn a little more about him...
What is abstract art? A painting or sculpture that does not represent a person, place or thing in the natural world.
Peter Thorpe uses abstract art in the background of his work & then paints a space feature (e.g. rocket/planets) in the foreground. Note the contrast in colours used in background/foreground. ( Why is this? (So that the main features stand out).
Here are some more examples of his work …
We would like you to plan and create your own abstract piece of art based on Peter Thorpe’s work.
Children’s examples:
Suggested task: Paint your background separately to foreground then once dried put together. Please send a photograph of any completed work!
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