5/7/17 Final Presentation United States Africa Command Personnel Recovery Enterprise Addressing the #1 challenge to US operations in Africa Don Brody | Soham Trivedi | TURTLE Wilson | Harry Yoo The ROCKSTAR Group SYST 699 – System Engineering Capstone Project Spring 2017 George Mason University Problem Statement The United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM) Personnel Recovery (PR) capability and capacity has exceeded its ability to consistently ensure the survivability and recovery of injured US personnel on the continent of Africa. Resources are required to improve, expand and sustain USAFRICOM PR capability and capacity. Image Source: hKps://www.airforce.com/careers/detail/pararescue 2 1
5/7/17 UNITED STATES AFRICA COMMAND (USAFRICOM) USAFRICOM is one of six of the US Defense Department’s geographic combatant commands and is responsible to the Secretary of Defense for military relations with African nations. Mission USAFRICOM, with partners, disrupts and neutralizes transnational threats, protects US personnel and facilities, prevents and mitigates conflict, and builds African partner defense capability and capacity in order to promote regional security, stability and prosperity. Located in StuKgart, Germany 3 Personnel Recovery The United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM) is headquartered in CONOPS StuKgart, Germany Germany 4. Long-range transport deployed 3. Higher Headquarters notified 5. Personnel Recovery team contacted 2. Command & Control Node contacted 1. US person sustains injury Africa 6. Personnel Recovery team deployed 7. Injured US person transported to major airfield and transferred to long- range transport to hospital in Germany Both military and contract-owned/ contract-operated (CO/CO) civilian assets are utilized in Personnel Recovery (PR) operations. 4 Image Sources: Wikipedia; Can Stock Photo 2
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion How big is Africa anyway? (That’s the US laid over Africa … ) (Alaska and Hawaii not included) 5 Image Source: thetruesize.com Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Agenda Overview Background, problem, objectives, and need on USAFRICOM’s PR enterprise Scope Focus of this project for the Master’s capstone Approach Technical approach to the problem including assumptions/limitation and concepts utilized for modeling and analysis Model & Analysis Simulation architecture, model validation, value hierarchy with weights, alternatives, and sensitivity analysis Results Results of simulating alternatives including cost versus utility graph Conclusion Evaluation, recommendations, future work, and acknowledgements 6 3
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Key Terms for this Presentation Department of Defense DoD US government branch coordinating/supervising agencies and functions concerned with national security and US armed forces United States Africa Command USAFRICOM US military command responsible for military operations and relations in Africa; headquarters based out of Germany COHSASA Council of Health Service Accreditation of South Africa Accreditation body for healthcare facilities based in Africa CO/CO Contract Owned / Contract Operated DoD contractor assets utilized by USAFRICOM C2 Command and Control Authority giving direction to aKach forces to accomplish mission Personnel Recovery PR Recovery of military, DoD civilian, DoD contractor personnel, or other personnel who are isolated, missing, detained, or captured in an operational environment N+ Time N+ time describes the time it takes for an aircrew to go from standby to deploying as soon as they are notified of a PR event they must respond to 7 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Role Definitions for Medical Capabilities Role 1 Point of injury care (first response) Basic primary care w/ surgical capabilities when augmented by a Forward Role 2 Surgical Team (FST) Facility with secondary care staff and equipment to treat all categories of Role 3 patients to include resuscitation, damage control surgery, and postoperative treatment. Role 4 Medical care found in CONUS-based hospitals and other safe havens. 8 4
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Objectives § Provide recommendations to improve PR Capability and Capacity § Increase Command resource allocations; guide investment decisions § Improve the survivability of US personnel in Africa 9 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion The ROCKSTAR Group’s approach to this project Bi-weekly Stakeholder Tag-ups Value Weight Alternatives Cost/Utility Hierarchy Elicitation Development Analysis Evaluate Results Random Simulation Probability Sensitivity PR Events Model of Success Analysis Generator 10 5
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Scope USAFRICOM has invested in Contract Owned/Contract Operated (CO/CO) PR capabilities to mitigate some of the military’s shortfall. The ROCKSTAR Group will focus on CO/CO PR capabilities as such data is publicly available. Local national medical facilities and infrastructure are also in scope for this project. Out of Scope: The location and allocation of military assets is, and will remain, unknown to team due to the sensitive nature of Casa 212 CO/CO Aircraft overseas military operations. Only DoD-approved Hospital (Kenya) Bell 412 Image Sources: Africa SilhoueKe: hKp://www.africaprogresspanel.org/en/ 11 Casa 212: hKp://www.forumavia.ru/ Bell 412: hKps://www.aviationsmilitaires.net/v2/base/view/Model/71.html Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Assumptions Report, locate, support, and recover process has a desired timeline of 6 hours or less. § Clock starts when an injury occurs. § Location of injured personnel is known; no search required. § Local Command and Control (C2) node present to facilitate reporting and airspace requests. § CO/CO airborne PR capabilities operated from major international airport in country of § deployment (Burkino Faso, Uganda, Niger). One aircraft refueling available per mission. § Ground transportation available for US person (e.g., vehicle to drive to nearby airfield or § clearing) Long-range air transport available and ready on continent to support transport to nearest US § medical facility (Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany) 12 6
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation 13 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation Architecture View Layer Mainframe Database View Sim View Analysis View Model Layer Database Module Sim Module Analysis Module Data Layer SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File KML 14 7
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation Architecture View Layer Mainframe Database View Sim View Analysis View Model Layer Sim Module Analysis Module Database Module Sim Module Analysis Module Coordinate data in database view of simulation Data Layer Sim Properties Text File KML SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File KML 15 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation Architecture View Layer Mainframe Database View Sim View Analysis View Model Layer Database Module Sim Module Analysis Module User input for simulation parameters Data Layer SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File KML 16 8
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation Architecture View Layer Mainframe Database View Sim View Analysis View Model Layer Database Module Sim Module Database Module Sim Module Analysis Module Analysis view with helicopter rescue scenario loaded Data Layer SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File KML 17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Simulation Architecture View Layer Mainframe Database View Sim View Analysis View KML output file generated by simulation for a PR event Model Layer Database Module Sim Module Analysis Module Data Layer SQLite Database Sim Properties Text File KML 18 9
5/7/17 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Concepts used for modeling Geo-fencing is used by software to define the boundaries of an area on a map based a list of coordinates Distance between grid coordinates are calculated using the haversine formula hav(c) = hav(a - b) + sin(a) sin(b) hav(C) � a = length from u to v � b = length from u to w � c = length form v to w � C = angle of corner opposite c Shortest flight paths between locations are calculated using Dijkstra’s algorithm 19 Overview Scope Approach Model & Analysis Results Conclusion Model Validation Due to the sensitive nature of the details regarding specific PR cases, the model could not be validated with a real-world case. However, the model has been validated in pieces. 20 10
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