pensions divorce

PENSIONS & DIVORCE A PRACTICAL GUIDE This is for financial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PENSIONS & DIVORCE A PRACTICAL GUIDE This is for financial adviser use only and shouldnt be relied upon by any other person. PENSIONS & DIVORCE OBJECTIVES By the end of this session, attendees will be able to: Understand the

  1. PENSIONS & DIVORCE A PRACTICAL GUIDE This is for financial adviser use only and shouldn’t be relied upon by any other person.

  2. PENSIONS & DIVORCE OBJECTIVES By the end of this session, attendees will be able to: • Understand the divorce process and the options available for pensions in a divorce settlement • Explain the impact of pension freedoms on pensions and divorce • Consider the issues facing clients and solicitor connections in relation to pensions and divorce. 2

  3. PENSIONS & DIVORCE DISCLAIMERS We will assume: Divorcees are subject to English Law… No conflict of interest One party has the larger pension assets… And that it’s always the bloke’s fault in an opposite sex marriage…


  5. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE BACKGROUND Number of opposite sex couples divorcing: On petition of/Party to whom granted, all decrees 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 Total Wife Husband Source: ONS, 26 September 2018

  6. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE BACKGROUND Divorces of opposite sex couples: Men and Women age 60 and over 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 Source: ONS, 26 September 2018

  7. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE BACKGROUND Marital status by age group and sex, England, 2002 to 2017. Divorced over age 65, all persons 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: ONS, 26 September 2018

  8. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE BACKGROUND Almost all (92%) of the brides and grooms aged 65 and over in 2014 were Planning Point: divorcees, widows or widowers, with Make sure any divorcees have only 8% getting married reviewed/changed any nomination for the first time. Source: ONS

  9. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE THE MARKET “Nearly one quarter of a million people face divorce in the UK each year, with the majority needing financial assistance . Yet there are just 42 accredited financial adviser specialists in family law – that’s one adviser for every 5,000 people .” Source: Resolution with the Personal Finance Society “Unlock the divorce and separation market”

  10. PENSIONS & DIVORCE BACKGROUND Griffiths v Dawson & Co (1993) • Dawson & Co failed to include Pension Assets • Mrs Griffiths successfully sued her lawyer • Pensions Act 1995 – Pensions must be included when assessing assets


  12. PENSIONS & DIVORCE THE LEGAL PROCESS Irretrievable breakdown: • 5 criteria: adultery unreasonable behaviour desertion two years separation + consent 5 years separation without consent The reason for the divorce does not affect • the financial settlement • 2 separate legal processes… dissolution and financial remedy

  13. PENSIONS & DIVORCE THE LEGAL PROCESS Dissolution  Court order  Collaborative Law  Mediation  Online – does NOT include financial remedy! Financial remedy  Kids’ needs first  Clean break, 50/50 split preferred


  15. PENSIONS & DIVORCE ACTION POINTS 3 stages: 1 Find the pensions 2 Value the pensions 3 Decide how to split the pensions

  16. 1 PENSIONS & DIVORCE 1. FIND THE PENSIONS Factfind • Assets, liabilities and income for both parties • Can use Form E for voluntary disclosure • Required if full disclosure ordered by the Court

  17. 2 PENSIONS & DIVORCE 2. VALUING THE PENSION(S) Cash Equivalent Value (CEV) • Defined Contribution › CEV = Fund Value Exit charge ? GARs? Loyalty Bonus? • Defined Benefit › CEV calculated by Scheme Actuary Subject to assumptions…

  18. PENSIONS & DIVORCE DEFINED BENEFIT - CALCULATING THE CEV Cost of Basic Project to pension at Cost today pension SRA SRA Revaluation Annuity Discount e.g. 60ths factor factor factor Fixed: Interest/ Statutory: Actuarial scheme Mortality/ CPI/RPI discretion rules Expenses

  19. DEFINED BENEFIT CALCULATING THE CEV Example • Male, aged 45, salary £50,000, 10 years’ service, NRD 65 • Pension x Revaluation x Discount Rate x Annuity Rate (10/60 x 50,000 x (1+RR)^20 x (1/(1+DR))^20)/AR RPI Annuity Discount CEV 2.5% 2.86% 7.00% £123,383 2.5% 2.86% 6.00% £148,872 2.5% 2.166% 7.00% £162,915 2.5% 2.166% 6.00% £196,571 Source: Royal London, Money Advice Service. Figures shown are for illustrative purposes only.

  20. PENSIONS AND DIVORCE UNIFORMED SERVICES & PUBLIC SECTOR Scheme CEV MCCV Difference Police £624,000 £2,125,000 +240% Armed Forces’ £301,000 £587,000 +95% (75) Planning Point: Teachers’ £149,600 £244,000 +63% Always consider independent (in payment) valuation for Armed Forces/Public NHS £273,300 £556,000 +103% Sector schemes Firefighters’ £756,000 £1,240,000 +64% (in payment) Source: Bradshaw Dixon & Moore Limited, “Cash Equivalent Values versus Market Consistent Capital Values”. Used with permissio n.

  21. 3 PENSIONS & DIVORCE 3. DECIDE IF/HOW TO “SHARE” IT 3 options • Offsetting: the only option pre-1995 • Attachment: under the Pensions Act 1995* • Sharing: under the WRPA 1999 *Can’t be used for pension payments in Scotland

  22. PENSIONS & DIVORCE OFFSETTING • The matrimonial assets are listed and valued • One party retains/receives the (full) pension asset • The other party retains/ receives financial assets of equivalent value

  23. PENSIONS & DIVORCE ATTACHMENT • The order can be made on one or more of: Lump sum death benefit Lump sum when benefits taken (PCLS) Pension payments • COBS 19.2.4 A firm should take into account the existence of any attachment (or earmarking) orders in respect of a client’s personal pension scheme or stakeholder pension scheme

  24. PENSIONS & DIVORCE THE EFFECT OF PENSION FREEDOM From 6/4/15 scheme members >55 can take their pension as a cash lump sum • Offsetting Provide ready cash Planning Point: Review any Pressure from spouses? pension attachment orders: Hiding of assets? Pension Freedoms • Attachment Member could cash out Need to revisit order?


  26. PENSIONS & DIVORCE PENSION SHARING • Allows the physical split of pensions benefits • Public sector schemes invariably offer scheme membership Order will specify % of value : • Pension credit is now owned by the • ex-spouse • Member gets a corresponding pension debit

  27. PENSIONS & DIVORCE TAXATION – PENSION CREDITS Tax Aspect Effect of pension credit LTA Can be enhanced if credit is from pension in payment LTA IP2014/16 Credit added on for LTA purposes Planning Point: LTA enhanced/FP12/14/16 Protection lost if new money Where LTA protection applies, purchase scheme make sure the pension credit goes Annual Allowance None to an existing scheme Lump sum protection Only 25% available Pension in payment – No PCLS available: disqualifying pension credit • No UFPLS Does not trigger MPAA •

  28. PENSIONS & DIVORCE PENSION DEBIT: TAXATION Tax Aspect Effect of pension debit LTA primary Primary protection factor reduced LTA IP2014/16 Personalised LTA reduced LTA enhanced FP12/14/16 None* Annual Allowance None but watch MPAA Planning Point: Lump sum protection Not reduced What’s the most tax-efficient Pension in payment Might pay less tax way of rebuilding assets? * Protection will be lost where the member makes contributions or where benefit accrual in DB/cash balance schemes exceeds the ‘relevant percentage’


  30. PENSIONS & DIVORCE EXAMPLE CASE STUDY 1 Paul Heather • Much younger, minimal • Pension in payment pension £200,000 p.a. • Capital value of Paul’s • Heather’s solicitor argues pension = £3,350,000 this is unfair • Paul is not prepared to offer • Widow’s pension valued a share : at £1m in her hands 1. They weren’t married very long 2. She’s young enough to • Heather received an fund her own pension! extra cash settlement of £500k

  31. PENSIONS & DIVORCE EXAMPLE CASE STUDY 2 Brad Angelina • Final Salary scheme, • Minimal pension NRA 60 • Angelina’s solicitor wonders if • CEV = £250,000 this should affect the share out • He is intending to retire at • CEV recalculated at age age 50 50= £450,000 • Angelina’s share was increased by £12,800 (from 40% to 45% of the original CEV)

  32. PENSIONS & DIVORCE CASE STUDY 3 Gwyneth Chris • Several pensions from • No pension at all. different careers: • Chris’ solicitor is not sure which Pension Value pension(s) should be shared RAC £20k PP1 £30k • Adviser analysed the separate pension plans PP2 £45k EPP £100k • Chris gets 100% share on • The couple have agreed on PP1, 66% share on PP2 a sharing order and 0% on RAC and EPP

  33. PENSIONS & DIVORCE PLANNING POINTS SUMMARY Make sure any Always consider divorcees have independent valuation for reviewed/changed Armed Forces/Public any nomination Sector schemes Review any pension attachment orders What’s the most tax- Where LTA protection efficient way of applies, make sure the rebuilding assets? pension credit goes to existing scheme


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