
Peace A Bibliography of Materials Available at the Bibliotheca - PDF document

Peace A Bibliography of Materials Available at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Compiled by Eiman El-Noshokaty Ghada Moshref Heba El-Sentreecy Hend Abdelaziz Hytham Abdelaziz Manar Badr Mohamed Waheed Mona Hegazy Nevine Noureldin Rasha

  1. Peace A Bibliography of Materials Available at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Compiled by Eiman El-Noshokaty Ghada Moshref Heba El-Sentreecy Hend Abdelaziz Hytham Abdelaziz Manar Badr Mohamed Waheed Mona Hegazy Nevine Noureldin Rasha Mohsen Sherine Eid 1

  2. Books Abu-Nimer, Mohammed. Dialogue, Conflict Resolution, and Change: Arab-Jewish Encounters in Israel . SUNY Series in Israeli Studies. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1999. BA Call Number: 956.94054 A166 (F1) Adams, David. I Have Seen the Promised Land: A Utopian Novella . N.p.: David Adams, 2009. BA Call Number: 327.172 A2111 (B2) Adibe, Clement. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Liberia . New York: United Nations, 1996. BA Call Number: 966.6203 A235 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Adibe, Clement. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Somalia . New York: United Nations, 1995. BA Call Number: 327.174096773 A235 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Alain. Mars ou La guerre jugée (1921); suivi de De quelques-unes des causes réelles de la guerre entre nations civilisées (1916) . Collection Folio/essais 262. Paris: Gallimard, 1995. BA Call Number: 355.001 Ala M (B2) Alao, Abiodun, John Mackinlay, and 'Funmi Olonisakin. Peacekeepers, Politicians, and Warlords: The Liberian Peace Process . Foundations of Peace. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1999. BA Call Number: 966.6203 A319 (F2 -- UNU) Allain, J.-E. Manuel encyclopédique, théorique et pratique des juges de paix, de leurs suppléants et greffiers avec les formules de tout les actes . 5 e éd. entièrement refondue. Paris: Marchal; Billard, 1881-1882. BA Call Number: 347.02 A4168 1881 (B2 -- Rare Books -- Closed Stacks) Allenbach, Marc, Gilles Danroc, and Jurgen Stork, eds. Expériences non violentes en Haïti: La Paix est là, nous la cherchons . Paris: Karthala; London: PBI, 2001. BA Call Number: 327.172097294 E9648 (B2) Ammitzbøll, Kartarina, and Stina Torjesen. Maximum or Minimum: Policy Options for Democratisation Initiatives in UN Peace Operations. NUPI Rapport. [Oslo]: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 2007. BA Call Number: 341.231 A519 (B2) 2

  3. Annan, Kofi A. Prevention of Armed Conflict: Report of the Secretary-General . New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 2002. BA Call Number: 341.231 A6135 (F2 -- DPI) Annan, Kofi A. We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century . New York: United Nations, Department of Public Information, 2000. BA Call Number: 327.17 A6135 (F2 -- DPI) Archer, Clive, and Ingrid Sogner. Norway, European Integration and Atlantic Security. London: SAGE, 1998. BA Call Number: 327.48104 A671 (B2) Armouti, Mazen, ed. The Human Dimension: A Roundtable on the Human Dimension of the Middle East Peace Process: Papers, Discussions, Recommendations: November 12-13, 1994, Amman, Jordan . Amman: Institute of Diplomacy, 1995. BA Call Number: 303.4825569505694 H (B2) Atieh, Adel, et al. Peace in the Middle East: P2P and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict . Geneva: United Nations, 2005. BA Call Number: 327.172095694 P3551 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Badri, Amna Elsadik, and Intisar I. Abdel Sadig. Sudan between Peace and War: Internally Displaced Women in Khartoum and South and West Kordofan. African Women for Peace Series. Nairobi, Kenya: UNIFEM, 1998. BA Call Number: 362.8709624 B138 (B2) Barash, David P. Introduction to Peace Studies . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1991. BA Call Number: 327.172 B2259 (B2) Barash, David P., ed. Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies . New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. BA Call Number: 327.172 A (B2) Bardet, Guillaume, and Dominique Caron, eds. La Paix: 20 dissertations avec analyses et commentaires sur le thème (Aristophane: La Paix, Kant: Projet de Paix Perpétuelle, Hugo: Quatrevingt-Treize) . 20 dissertations. Prépas Scientifiques. Rosny-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis): Bréal; Paris: H & K, 2002. BA Call Number: BnF 279659 (B4 -- Closed Stacks -- BnF Collection) Bercovitch, Jacob, ed. Resolving International Conflicts : The Theory and Practice of Mediation. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996. BA Call Number: 341.52 R4342 (B2) 3

  4. Berdal, Mats R., and Achim Wennmann, eds. Ending Wars, Consolidating Peace: Economic Perspectives . Adelphi Series 412-413. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, 2010. BA Call Number: 327.17 E5661 (B2) Beer, Francis A. Peace against War: The Ecology of International Violence . A Series of Books in International Relations. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1981. BA Call Number: 327.172 Bee P (B2) Berman, Eric. Managing Arms in Peace Processes: Mozambique. New York: United Nations, 1996. BA Call Number: 327.17409679 B5161 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Bertram, Christoph. Europe in the Balance: Securing the Peace Won in the Cold War . Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1995. BA Call Number: 327.1709409049 Ber E (B2) Bickerton, Ian J., and Carla L. Klausner. A Concise History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict . 4 th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2005. BA Call Number: 956.04 B5836 2005 (F1) Black, Jeremy, ed. War and the New Disorder in the 21st Century . New York: Continuum, 2004. BA Call Number: 355.020905 B6271 2004 (B2) Blainey, Geoffrey. The Causes of War . 3 rd ed. Baksingstoke, England: Macmillan Press, 1988. BA Call Number: 355.027 Bla C (B2) Blalock, Hubert M. Power and Conflict: Toward a General Theory . Violence, Cooperation, Peace. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE, 1989. BA Call Number: 303.6 B637 (B2) Blondel, Maurice. Lutte pour la civilisation et philosophie de la paix . Bibliothèque de Philosophie Scientifique. Paris: Flammarion, 1939. BA Call Number: 172.4 B654 (B2 -- Special Collections -- Closed Stacks) Bloomfield, Lincoln Palmer. Managing International Conflict: From Theory to Policy: A Teaching Tool Using CASCON. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. BA Call Number: 341.52 Blo M (B4 -- Closed Stacks) 4

  5. Bohman, James, and Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, eds. Perpetual Peace: Essays on Kant's Cosmopolitan Ideal . Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought. Cambridge: The Massachussets Institute of Technology Press, 1997. BA Call Number: 327.172092 Boh P (B2) Bonvicini, Gianni, Tapani Vaahtoranta, and Wolfgang Wessels, eds. The Northern EU: National Views on the Emerging Security Dimension. Programme on the Northern Dimension of the CFSP 9. Helsinki: Ulkopoliittinen instituutti ; Bonn: Institut für Europäische Politik, [2000]. BA Call Number: 355.033048 N8742 (B2) Borrelli, Mario, and and Magnus Haavelsrud. Peace Education within the Archipelago of Peace Research, 1945-1964 . [Norway]: Arena, 1993. BA Call Number: 303.66071 B7374 (B2) Borrie, John, and Ashley Thornton. The Value of Diversity in Multilateral Disarmament Work. Disarmament as Humanitarian Action . Making Multilateral Negotiations Work 4. New York: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2008. BA Call Number: 327.174 B7376 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Borrie, John, and Vanessa Martin Randin, eds. Alternative Approaches in Multilateral Decision Making: Disarmament as Humanitarian Action . Geneva: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 2005. BA Call Number: 327.174 A4665 (F2 -- UNIDIR) Boulden, Jane, ed. Dealing with Conflict in Africa: The United Nations and Regional Organizations . Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. BA Call Number: 341.584 D279 (B2) Bouta, Tsjeard, and Ian Bannon. Gender, Conflict, and Development. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2005. BA Call Number: 305.42091724 B778 (F2 -- WB) Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. An Agenda for Peace, 1995 . 2 nd ed., with the new supplement and related UN documents. New York: United Nations, 1995. BA Call Number: 327.172 B781 1995 (F2 -- DPI) Boutros-Ghali, Boutros. Agenda pour la paix: Diplomatie préventive, rétablissement de la paix et maintien de la paix: Rapport presenté par le Secretaire géneral en application de la déclaration adoptee par la Réunion au sommet du Conseil de securité le 31 janvier 1992 . New York: Nations Unies, 1992. BA Call Number: 327.172 Bou A (F2 -- UN) 5


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