pe to te pe to te technical evaluation technical

PE to TE PE to TE Technical evaluation Technical evaluation edure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PE to TE PE to TE Technical evaluation Technical evaluation edure (i) The bid shall comprise a single (i) The bid shall comprise a single i i e proce package containing two separate envelopes. nvelope Each envelope shall contain separately

  1. PE to TE PE to TE

  2. Technical evaluation Technical evaluation

  3. edure (i) The bid shall comprise a single (i) The bid shall comprise a single i i e proce package containing two separate envelopes. nvelope Each envelope shall contain separately the financial proposal and the two en technical proposal; ( ) (ii)the envelopes shall be marked as p ii ii e stage “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” and “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” in bold and legible letters to avoid confusion; legible letters to avoid confusion; b)Single (iii)initially, only the envelope marked iii iii “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” shall be TECHNICAL PROPOSAL shall be (b opened;

  4. edure e proce iv iv (iv)the envelope marked as “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” shall be retained in the PROPOSAL shall be retained in the nvelope custody of the procuring agency without being opened; two en v (v)the procuring agency shall evaluate the technical proposal in a manner prescribed e stage in advance, without reference to the price and reject any proposal which does not conform to any proposal which does not conform to b)Single the specified requirements; (b

  5. edure e proce vi vi (vi)during the technical evaluation no amendments in the technical proposal amendments in the technical proposal nvelope shall be permitted; two en vii (vii)the financial proposals of bids shall be opened publicly e stage at a time, date and venue announced and communicated to the bidders in advance; communicated to the bidders in advance; b)Single (b

  6. edure (viii)after the evaluation and approval (viii)after the evaluation and approval viii iii e proce of the technical proposal the procuring agency, nvelope shall at a time within the bid validity period, publicly open the financial two en proposals of the technically accepted proposals of the technically accepted bids only. The financial proposal of bids found The financial proposal of bids found e stage technically non ‐ responsive shall be returned un ‐ opened to the respective bidders; and bidders; and b)Single (ix)the bid found to be the lowest ix ix evaluated bid shall be accepted evaluated bid shall be accepted. (b

  7. Ev Evaluation & aluation & Com Comparison of Bids arison of Bids • The Procuring Agency shall evaluate and compare the The Procuring Agency shall evaluate and compare the bids, which have been determined to be substantially responsive. • The Procuring Agency’s evaluation of technical proposal / bid shall be on the basis of previous proposal / bid shall be on the basis of previous performances, previous test reports, inspection of plant/ factory / premises (if not previously conducted), previous experience, financial soundness and such i i fi i l d d h other details as the Procuring Agency, at its discretion, may consider appropriate, shall be considered. • However, the evaluation of financial proposal shall be on the basis of price inclusive of prevailing taxes and th b i f i i l i f ili t d duties in pursuant to instruction to bidders and bid Security.

  8. All bids shall be evaluated in • accordance with the evaluation criteria and other terms & conditions set forth in these bidding documents. A bid once opened in accordance with • the prescribed procedure shall be th ib d d h ll b subject to only those rules, regulations and policies that are in force at the and policies that are in force at the time of issue of notice for invitation of bids.

  9. Leas Least Cos t Cost Method Method Example (PESSI) The following merit point system for g p y weighing evaluation factors/ criteria can be applied for the TECHNICAL PROPOSALS . The number of points allocated to p each factor shall be specified in the Evaluation Report.

  10. 1 Physical report 15 Complies p with Official Books (BP/USP 03 ( / i. i. etc)/Complies with manufacturer’s Spec Q Quality of Printing, Packing / Packaging & Labeling 10 y g, g / g g g i. Material Submission of complete p Drug g Specification 02 p i. proforma 2 Length of registration of relevant product from 10 Ministry of Health. 1 – 10 years (1 mark for each year) 1- i. 10 3 Past Performance of bidder with PESSI. (Last 2 20 years) Execution of Supply Order 100% 10 i.

  11. 0 3 Past Performance of bidder with PESSI. (Last 2 2 years) y ) 0 Execution of Supply Order 100% 1 i. 0 Execution of Supply Order 50% 5 Execution of Supply Order more than 50% and less 8 than 100% Execution of Supply Order 100% 1 0 Compliance to Supply Order from PESSI outlets 1 i. 0 Execution of Supply Order 50% 5 Execution of Supply Order more than 50% and less 8 pp y than 100%

  12. Execution of Supply Order 100% 10 4 Financial Position/status. 10 i. Income Tax return/any other proof of Income Tax 05 paid for last two years. id f l t t ii. Financial Bank soundness certificate up to 10 02 million. Financial Bank soundness certificate up to 20 05 million. 5 Market availability of the quoted item at Head y q 25 Offices of Leading Chain Pharmacies for last one year (Fazal Din, Servaid, Clinix and Green Plus). i. i. Availability of quoted item at two Pharmacies Availability of quoted item at two Pharmacies 15 15 ii. Availability of quoted item at three Pharmacies 20 iii. Availability of quoted item at Four Pharmacies 25 6 Percentage of dosage forms approved by 10 prequalification team. i i. Less than 50% Less than 50% 03 03 ii. More than 50% / Less than 100% 05 Iii 100% 10

  13. 7 Quality Certificates. 10 i. ISO certification of SOP’s 02 ii. ii G GMP Certification issued by Ministry of Health. C ifi i i d b i i f l h 08 08 Total:- 100 • Anticancer Medicines shall be evaluated under Clause-5 as following details:-

  14. Quality and Cost Based Method Example BCGP Evaluation Criteria Evaluation will be based on quality and cost based method 80% marks and cost based method. 80% marks will be given to technical evaluation and 20% marks will be for financial and 20% marks will be for financial evaluation. The criteria and scoring of technical evaluation will be as of technical evaluation will be as under;

  15. Scope of Work The consultant will be responsible for carrying out all necessary activities related to consultancy and training in procurement carried out by BCGP. The consultant will undertake the following tasks: • In house training for the BCGP employees regarding PPRA Rules • In house training for the BCGP employees regarding PPRA Rules. • The consultant will be responsible to successfully conduct all training activities related to procurement and PPRA rules as and when required by BCGP; • • Develop Training Module and get it approved before execution. • Design the training package including methodologies procedures • Design the training package, including methodologies, procedures and modality for effective training related to PPRA rules and procurement procedures.

  16. • Preparation of standard operating procedures for BCGP for procurement of goods works and services including consultancy services. • • Preparation and vetting of bidding documents. p g g • • Correspondence with National Accountability Bureau (NAB). • • Consultancy in National and International bids. • • Clarifying queries of suppliers/firms regarding bids and pre ‐ bid meetings. • • Assisting in technical evaluation of bids. • • Additional services regarding procurement • Additional services regarding procurement.

  17. No. Criteria Marks 30 1. Experience as trainer i Five to Ten Workshops/Training Sessions 10 on Procurement/PPRA Rules / l ii Eleven to Twenty Workshops/Training y p g 10 Sessions on Procurement/PPRA Rules iii iii Twenty one and above Twenty one and above 10 10 Workshops/Training Sessions on Procurement/PPRA Rules / Total 30

  18. No. Criteria Marks 20 2 Experience of preparing Training Manual/Handbook i i Experience of preparing at least one Experience of preparing at least one 10 10 Handbook/ Training Manual on Procurement. ii Experience of preparing two or more 10 Handbooks/ Training Manuals on g Procurement. Total 20

  19. No. Criteria Marks 3 20 Experience of preparing SOPs for Procurement i i Experience of preparing at least one Experience of preparing at least one 10 10 SOPs for Procurement ii Experience of preparing two or more 10 SOPs for Procurement Total 20

  20. No. Criteria Marks 30 4 Experience of Consultancy Projects in Procurement i One to Two Consultancy Projects in 10 Procurement ii Three and more Consultancy Project 10 in Procurement iii General experience in Procurement 10 / Publications etc. Total 30 Grand 100 Total

  21. Financial scoring Financial scores will be awarded using the method given below; the lowest priced proposal will be given a financial p p p g score of 100 all other proposals will be given a financial score proportionate to this, using the formula Sf = 100 x Fm/F, in which Sf denotes the financial score of the proposal under consideration; under consideration; Fm is the price of the lowest price proposal; F denotes the price of the proposal under consideration. id ti


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