pathways to prosperity national convening october 2013

Pathways To Prosperity National Convening October 2013 The Noyce - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pathways To Prosperity National Convening October 2013 The Noyce Foundation aims to help young people become curious, thoughtful and engaged learners. The work in Upper Cumberland and Long Beach is part of the Noyce Foundations focus

  1. Pathways To Prosperity National Convening October 2013

  2. ž The Noyce Foundation aims to help young people become curious, thoughtful and engaged learners. ž The work in Upper Cumberland and Long Beach is part of the Noyce Foundation’s focus on expanding opportunities for students to experience hands on science experiences in out-of- school settings. ž Learning Anytime/Anywhere .

  3. The Noyce Foundation: The Noyce Foundation was created by the Noyce family in 1990 to honor the memory and legacy of Dr. Robert N. Noyce, co-founder of Intel and inventor of the integrated circuit which fueled the personal computer revolution and gave Silicon Valley its name. — Although he was an individual of daunting talents and intellect who was honored by two presidents as well as his academic and industry peers around the world, Bob Noyce also remained a humble and approachable man who believed fervently in democracy. In everything the Noyce Foundation undertakes, they are committed to promoting the qualities that Bob Noyce embodied: optimism, creativity, risk taking, and determination. For more information about Robert Noyce read: The Man Behind the Microchip: Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley a 2005 biography by Leslie Berlin.

  4. Goals of the Work ž Expand Career Exploration and Guidance for Middle School Students ž Develop 21 st Century and STEM skills ž Create Structured Anytime/Anywhere experiences that include out-of-school experiences and mentors ž Create curriculum and planning that can be shared

  5. Need for the work ž “Possible Futures, Possible Selves (PFPS) responds to the national need to provide experiences that engage and empower middle school students in career and college preparation, so they and their parents are prepared to make informed choices among different academic and career pathways in the high school years and beyond. Younger students traditionally have little access to information about the world of work and lack experience in the engagement, skills, and attitudes that create success in career and college—even though they are at an age where their choices begin to affect their future opportunities. Yet research highlights both the critical juncture that is middle school and the developmental window ideal for exploring interests and possibility--a time to explore possible futures and possible selves ”

  6. Noyce’s Virtues: Our Work ž Optimism: This project asserts that Middle School youth can be active participants in visioning and preparing for their future. ž Creativity: We are working to create and implement a middle school framework of rigorous academic career exploration that does not yet exist. ž Risk-Taking: In innovation, there will be successes, challenges, obstacles and illumination. ž Determination: This project will learn from the real-work of its diverse partner sites to provide new insight into the field, to create a replicable framework for other Pathway states, and to offer youth real opportunities that both honors and develops their capabilities.

  7. • New to implementation of pathways Upper • Building general structures & partnerships 7- 16 Cumberland, • Building employer relationships & experiences TN • Creating Y1 Anytime/Anywhere Experiences • In 10 Middle Schools, future scaling • HS Pathways in district are wall-to-wall— Long Beach, middle school is new territory • Using lessons from HS pathways and CA employer survey to “backwards map” skills, aptitudes and experiences • Creating Y1 Anytime/Anywhere Experiences

  8. Long Upper Beach, Four Counties 81,000 students Cumberland, CA TN History of innovation & Highly rural reform Access to employers Wall-to-wall HS career challenging academies Highly diverse student Many first generation body, 84% students of college students color Aprox. 68% F&R Highlands Initiative key lunch driver 24% ELL Focusing on Part of state-wide developing employer Pathways network engagement w/in community

  9. Innovation Incubator: 2013-2014 LB: MS UC: Sector Holistic & Focus “7-16 structures” focus New Insight and Understanding for Middle School Structured Career Experiences

  10. Mapping Anytime/Anywhere Experiences Scope & Reflections Sequence of on/Evaluation Employer Asset Implementation Mapping Career Year One of Field Experiences Experiences

  11. Long Beach 2013-2014 Year-long Year-long Course for Anytime/Anywhere 6 th , 7 th , and 8 th Experiences Developed California Career Exploration Software Informed by: Best Instructional Practices from JFF, research, AVID & HS Wall- to-Wall Employer Survey Input (Content)

  12. Long Beach Scholars Year Long-Course with focus on: Future Possibilities ž Career Exploration — Anytime/Anywhere Experiences — Growth Mindset ž Affects of Effort — Independence in Learning and Working — Professional & Academic Skills ž Time-management — Goal Setting — Note Taking — Organization — Relationship & Communication ž Interpersonal Relationships — Communication — Decision-making — Critical Thinking ž

  13. MS Pathway – Health Medical

  14. COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS LONG BEACH SCHOLARS PRE-PATHWAY EXPERIENCES ‘What’ STANDARDS-BASED CURRICULUM Academic Content and Skills Technical Knowledge and Skills Employability Skills • • Common Core State Standards - Career Technical Education • 21st Century Learning Math, ELA, and Literacy in • Standards aligned to CCSS Career Ready Practices - 12 History/Social Studies, Science, practices that reflect the and Technical Subjects expectations from business and • College and Career Readiness industry, labor, community, and Anchor Standards and education representatives Instructional Shifts ‘Why’ COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS Academic Skills + Employability Skills + Technical Skills = DISTRICT GRADUATE PROFILE ‘How’ LONG BEACH SCHOLARS ACADEMIC RELATIONSHIP GROWTH CRITICAL FUTURE DISCIPLINE BUILDING MINDSET THINKING POSSIBILITIES

  15. Upper Cumberland 2013-2014 Year One Two Sector Based Anytime/Anywhere Units Experiences Implemented Scheduling Spring Experience Scope & Sequence Employer Asset Mapping & Engagement Five Career Counselors 7- 16

  16. Upper Cumberland ž Academic Career Coach Model ž Activating Employers as a Key Partner in Pathway Development ž Connecting to Technical & Community Colleges ž Focus on real-time labor market data ž Sector Based Curriculum — Developed by Project Lead the Way Specialist — Advanced Manufacturing & Health Science ž Part of a Statewide Pathways Implementation Strategy ž Anytime/Anywhere Experiences

  17. Upper Cumberland Academic Career Coach Model ž A student centered position beginning with 7 th grade ž Designed to empower students to make informed education and career choice ž Collaborates with guidance counselors and CTE personnel ž Liaison between education and business leaders ž Connects students to dual credit and dual enrollment ž Assists with transition to high school to post-secondary to employment training and the workforce ž Establishes work based learning opportunities ž Develops and maintains student tracking system

  18. Tennessee Sector Focus ž Pre-Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing — Year 1 implement 7 th Grade Career Exploration Module — Year 2 goal 8 th Grade Project — Year 3 implementation in High School ž Health Science — Year 1 implement 7 th Grade Career Exploration Module — Year 2 goal to implement 8 th Grade Project — Year 3 implementation in High School

  19. Highlands JFF Site Leader ž Part time position ž Partners with the Highlands Pathways to Prosperity Team • Liaison between JFF and the Upper Cumberland Region in PtP implementation ž Works closely with Academic Career Coaches — Provides training, guidance and direction — Assists with the Work Based Learning opportunities

  20. Upper Cumberland Perkins IV Reserve Grant ž Funding 5 Academic Career Coaches in the Highlands Region of the Upper Cumberland ž One year grant with future funding expected for 2 additional years ž Successful implementation of pathways expected through coach positions ž Overall goal to improve graduation rates, education attainment level and job readiness

  21. Anytime/Anywhere Learning ž Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment: inside the classroom & out — Explicitly expands the concept of where & when learning occurs — Uses technology as a means, not an end — Includes relationships that foster student growth — Structured for student success, reflection, and learning — Creating Scope & Sequence ž Informed by developments in educational research — Student-Centered Approaches — Addresses agency, motivation and engagement

  22. Components of Middle School to Career (draft) “Student Professionalism” CCSS-based Career Exploration Career Counseling Curriculum Development Anytime/Anywhere Experiences Secondary & Post- Employer Secondary Connections Exploration Student Centered Family Involvement Practice

  23. Next Steps October--December Upper Long Beach Cumberland From CCSS Train Career aligned framework Coaches to daily lesson plans Design Structures Professional for Students & Development for Employer LBS class Interaction Asset Map Asset Map Employer/Field Employer/Field Options Options Draft of Field Draft of Anytime/Anywhere Anytime/Anywhere Experiences for Experiences for Year Year


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