pathogen evolution

Pathogen evolution Introduction to Evolution and Scientific Inquiry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pathogen evolution Introduction to Evolution and Scientific Inquiry Dr. Stephanie J. Spielman; Influenza Emergence of novel influenza strains Known hosts: birds (mostly "poultry") pigs whales

  1. Pathogen evolution Introduction to Evolution and Scientific Inquiry Dr. Stephanie J. Spielman;

  2. Influenza

  3. Emergence of novel influenza strains Known hosts: birds (mostly "poultry") ● pigs ● whales ● seals ● horses ● cats ● humans ● full%2F10.1056%2FNEJMp058281&psig=AOvVaw2rx4GX8elZp6JIZAsl8nX0&ust= 1587066054765000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCNjtxPqX6-gC FQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ

  4. "Evolutionary arms race" with host

  5. Host immune system → selection pressure on virus

  6. Phylogeny of flu therefore tends to look like a ladder

  7. The phylogeography of HIV

  8. Retroviruses have very high mutation rates, and more...

  9. INTRAhost phylogenies

  10. Inter/intra-host phylogeny

  11. Phylogenetic Forensics: the FL dentist…..

  12. Phylogenetic Forensics: the FL dentist…..

  13. A phylogeny of human HIV subtypes and close SIV relatives

  14. Dynamics of SIV: Group O/P reservoir in gorillas

  15. How did HIV get to the United States? 41817/

  16. HIV in the United States: "Patient 0"

  17. Was Patient 0 the first American with HIV?


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