pathogen safety security assistance pathogen safety

Pathogen Safety/Security Assistance Pathogen Safety/Security - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pathogen Safety/Security Assistance Pathogen Safety/Security Assistance Efforts of the United States Efforts of the United States United States United States BWC Experts Meeting BWC Experts Meeting Geneva, August 2008 Geneva, August 2008

  1. Pathogen Safety/Security Assistance Pathogen Safety/Security Assistance Efforts of the United States Efforts of the United States United States United States BWC Experts Meeting BWC Experts Meeting Geneva, August 2008 Geneva, August 2008

  2. Long- -term Commitment term Commitment Long � The United States has been providing The United States has been providing � assistance with pathogen safety and assistance with pathogen safety and security for nearly two decades. security for nearly two decades. � Historic approach has been agency Historic approach has been agency- - driven driven � with general coordination of programs. with general coordination of programs. � Congress and the Administration support Congress and the Administration support � these critical efforts with ongoing, these critical efforts with ongoing, significant, funding and policy emphasis. significant, funding and policy emphasis.

  3. Agencies Actively Involved in Agencies Actively Involved in Assistance Efforts Assistance Efforts � Department of State Department of State � � Department of Energy Department of Energy � � Department of Health and Human Department of Health and Human � Services Services � Department of Agriculture Department of Agriculture � � Department of Defense Department of Defense �

  4. Presidential/Congressional Support Presidential/Congressional Support � “ “ National Strategy to Combat WMD National Strategy to Combat WMD” ” � (2002) Presidential Directive (2002) Presidential Directive st Century � “ “ Biodefense Biodefense for the 21 for the 21 st Century” ” (2004) (2004) � � Nunn Nunn- - Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction � (CTR) Initiated (1991) (CTR) Initiated (1991) � Funding of 1+ billion dollars appropriated Funding of 1+ billion dollars appropriated � in biological arena in biological arena

  5. Goals of Bio Threat Reduction Goals of Bio Threat Reduction � Enhance safety, security, and Enhance safety, security, and � containment of dangerous biological containment of dangerous biological agents in bioscience facilities. agents in bioscience facilities. � Strengthen capacities to detect and Strengthen capacities to detect and � control dangerous pathogens. control dangerous pathogens. � Improve understanding and Improve understanding and � mitigation of biological threats. mitigation of biological threats.

  6. Pathogen Safety/Security Pathogen Safety/Security Activities Activities � Laboratory training Laboratory training – – facility/ codes facility/ codes � � Cooperative biological research Cooperative biological research � � Guideline development Guideline development – –WHO, OECD WHO, OECD � � Drafting of legal measures Drafting of legal measures � � Potential early warning of Potential early warning of bioterror bioterror � attacks and potential pandemics attacks and potential pandemics

  7. State State Bio- -Engagement Program (BEP) Engagement Program (BEP) Bio Mission: To engage scientists worldwide to prevent terrorist acquisition To engage scientists worldwide to prevent terrorist acquisitio n Mission: � � of dangerous biological materials, technology and expertise by: of dangerous biological materials, technology and expertise by: • • Promoting lab biosafety Promoting lab biosafety and and biosecurity biosecurity; ; • Safe, secure and sustainable lab capacity building to detect and respond to respond to • Safe, secure and sustainable lab capacity building to detect and disease outbreaks; disease outbreaks; • Fostering transparent research and development; and • Fostering transparent research and development; and • Promoting international collaborations and standardization. • Promoting international collaborations and standardization. Resources: $26 million in fiscal year 2008; $29 million in fiscal year $26 million in fiscal year 2008; $29 million in fiscal year Resources: � � 2009. 2009. • • Partnerships with U. S. agencies, universities, and international organizations Partnerships with U. S. agencies, universities, and internationa l organizations across the globe. across the globe. Works across health, science, and National Strategy I m plem entation: National Strategy I m plem entation: Works across health, science, and � � security sectors to advance the 4 pillars of security sectors to advance the 4 pillars of “ “ U. S. U. S. Biodefense Biodefense Strategy Strategy” ” : : • Threat Awareness • Threat Awareness • Prevention and Protection • Prevention and Protection • • Surveillance and Detection Surveillance and Detection • • Response and Recovery Response and Recovery Provides dual- - benefit assistance to reduce the threat of bioterrorism benefit assistance to reduce the threat of bioterrorism Provides dual w hile com bating infectious disease w orldw ide. w hile com bating infectious disease w orldw ide.

  8. State State Guidelines Development/Training Guidelines Development/Training � WHO Laboratory WHO Laboratory Biosecurity Biosecurity Guidance Guidance � � Biosecurity Biosecurity chapter of the chapter of the Biosafety Biosafety for for � Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) (BMBL) � OECD Best Practices OECD Best Practices Biosecurity Biosecurity Guidelines Guidelines � � CEN Laboratory CEN Laboratory Biosecurity Biosecurity Management Management � Guidelines Guidelines � Funded development of WHO guidelines and Funded development of WHO guidelines and � materials for biosecurity biosecurity materials for � Funding delivery of Funding delivery of biosafety biosafety and and biosecurity biosecurity � training in a “ “ Train the Trainers Train the Trainers” ” format through format through training in a WHO regional offices WHO regional offices

  9. Energy Energy � Laboratory Laboratory biosafety biosafety, , biosecurity biosecurity, and , and � biocontainment world world- - wide wide biocontainment � Infectious disease diagnostics and control Infectious disease diagnostics and control � � Training and workshops Training and workshops � � Policy, regulatory, and guidelines support Policy, regulatory, and guidelines support � � Assessments and analysis Assessments and analysis �

  10. Health and Human Services Health and Human Services � Regional laboratory Regional laboratory biosfety biosfety and and � biosecurity fora fora in Central America, Africa, in Central America, Africa, biosecurity and Asia and Asia � Multi Multi- - nation Asian nation Asian Biosafety Biosafety and and � Biosecurity Conference Conference Biosecurity � Support for a WHO project on Support for a WHO project on “ “ Life Life � Sciences R&D and Global Health Security Sciences R&D and Global Health Security � CDC/ HHS serves as a WHO Collaborating CDC/ HHS serves as a WHO Collaborating � Center for Applied Biosafety Biosafety and Training and Training Center for Applied

  11. Agriculture Agriculture � Travel support for global leaders in animal health, Travel support for global leaders in animal health, � biosafety and biosecurity to participate in biosafety and biosecurity to participate in international meeting – – scheduled for later in scheduled for later in international meeting 2008, Paris, France 2008, Paris, France • • Goal: Establish a mechanism for Ministries of Agriculture Goal: Establish a mechanism for Ministries of Agriculture to obtain training and advice on working safely and to obtain training and advice on working safely and securely with highly contagious animal and zoonotic zoonotic securely with highly contagious animal and pathogens. pathogens. � Joint development of a biological safety training Joint development of a biological safety training � program with CDC for use by all federal response program with CDC for use by all federal response and research laboratories and eventually by the and research laboratories and eventually by the public world- - wide. wide. public world � Scientific collaboration through the DOS Bio Scientific collaboration through the DOS Bio- - � Engagement Program (BEP) Engagement Program (BEP)


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