path to implementation

Path to Implementation Final DRAFT Agreements to Final Board - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Path to Implementation Final DRAFT Agreements to Final Board Approval Agencies Draft Implementing Agreements FORA ENDS Board Workshop Local Agencies Approve Final Leg Impact Agreements JULY MAY JUN FALL WINTER JUN 2020 Post FORA

  1. Path to Implementation Final DRAFT Agreements to Final Board Approval Agencies Draft Implementing Agreements FORA ENDS Board Workshop Local Agencies Approve Final Leg Impact Agreements JULY MAY JUN FALL WINTER JUN 2020


  3. Cooperative Agreement

  4. Habitat Conservation Plans in CA

  5. HCP NAME COUNTY FORMATION DATE MANAGEMENT JURISDICTION COUNT HMA SPECIES STRUCTURE AREA San Joaquin County San Joaquin May 2001 (Plan 501C(3) SJCOG, Inc. / 8 (7 Cities and San Joaquin 100,241 97 Multi-Species approval date / plan Board is same as San County) Acres Habitat Conservation development began Joaquin Council of (see note & Open Space Plan in 1993) Governments (SJCOG), 2) (SJMSCP) which is a JPA Yolo HCP / NCCP Yolo JPA Formed in 2004, JPA 5 (4 Cities and Yolo County) 28,381 12 plan approval Acres January 2019 Santa Clara HCP / Santa Clara JPA formed in 2013, JPA 5 (Parts of 4 Cities, part of Santa 46,900 18 NCCA plan adoption August Clara County), plus Santa Clara Acres 2012 Transportation Agency and Santa Clara Water District East Contra Costa Contra Costa JPA formed 2007, JPA 5 (4 Cites and Contra Costa 30,300 28 plan approved 2006 County) plus Contra Costa Flood Acres Control District and East Bay Regional Park District Similar JPA Organizations to Cooperative

  6. • 501C(3) SJCOG, Inc. / Board is same as San Joaquin Council of Governments (SJCOG), which is a JPA • 7 Cities and San Joaquin County • Habitat: 100,241 Acres • Number of species 97 San Joaquin County Multi-Species Habitat Conservation & Open Space Plan (SJMSCP)

  7. • JPA • 4 Cities and Contra Costa County • Habitat: 30,300 Acres • Number of species 28 East Contra Costa Habitat Conservancy

  8. • JPA • Parts of four Cities, Santa Cala County and the Santa Clara Transportation Agency and Santa Clara Water District • Habitat: 46,900 Acres • Number of species 18 • Annual budget $3.8M / Admin $300-500K San Clara Valley HCP/NCCP

  9. • JPA • 4 Cities and Yolo County • Habitat: 28,381 Acres • Number of species 12 • Budget $2.9M / 500K Admin • Staff/Contractor Yolo HCP/NCCP

  10. Fee Calculations

  11. Fee Calculation

  12. Fee Calculation

  13. JPA MOU • A JPA is established when two or more • A memorandum of understanding public agencies by agreement jointly (MOU or MoU) is a formal agreement exercise any power common to the between two or more parties. contracting agencies. Section 6500 et seq. Companies and organizations can use of the California Government Code MOUs to establish official partnerships. constitutes the enabling legislation for joint powers authorities. • MOUs are not legally binding but they • Covers a wide range of functions, including carry a degree of seriousness and fire protection, water, library, criminal mutual respect, stronger than a justice, recreation, transportation, open gentlemen’s agreement. space, congestion management, animal control, and habitat management. • The member agencies of a joint powers authority may be of like kind, or may be a combination of different types of agencies, including count1es, cities, special districts and state agencies.

  14. COMPARE JPA AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Definition An agreement is a document by An MOU describes the terms of an which parties commit to working agreement without being legally together to reach a common goal. binding or involving the transfer of finances. Traits Offer made and accepted. Offer. Acceptance of that offer. Intentions for the project. Enforceable in a Yes. No (with exceptions). court of law? Liability Shields member agencies from Does not shield member agencies liability. from liability.

  15. JP JPA Finalization Timeline Review with all signatories -Completed • California State Parks - TBD • Monterey Peninsula Regional Parks - TBD Review with legal counsel (FORA) - Completed • Draft Agreement for Permitee Review Permittee Meeting November 20, 9:00-12:00 City/County Legal Review November Execution of Agreement – January - February

  16. Appoint JPA members Staffing Plan FORA Board to review Operating budget that endowment funding ensures compliance with Issues for HCP parameters Discussion / adoption of Cooperative member contributions Meeting Planning MARCH Apr. – June

  17. • League of Cities Helpful Lin inks 71a7-4bc5-8d82-d2009f304297/LR-Cassman • Yolo HCP/NCCP • Santa Clara Valley HCP/NCCP • East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy ater/HCP/index.html


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