particle physics hints from cosmology

Particle Physics: Hints from Cosmology V.A. Rubakov Institute for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Particle Physics: Hints from Cosmology V.A. Rubakov Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow COSMOLOGY Consistent picture of present and early Universe But to large extent orthogonal to existing knowledge in particle physics Major problems with

  1. Particle Physics: Hints from Cosmology V.A. Rubakov Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow

  2. COSMOLOGY Consistent picture of present and early Universe But to large extent orthogonal to existing knowledge in particle physics Major problems with the Standard Model: Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe Dark matter: “Seen” in galxies, galaxy clusters Has strong effect on Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies Bottom line ρ DM = ( 0 . 2 − 0 . 25 ) · ρ total

  3. Dark matter absolutely crucial for structure formation CMB anisotropies: baryon density perturbations at recombination, T = 3000 K � δρ B � δ T � � δ B ≡ = ( a few ) · 10 − 5 ≃ ρ B T rec CMB Matter perturbations grow as δρ ρ ( t ) ∝ T − 1 Perturbations in baryonic matter grow after recombination only. If not for dark matter, � δρ � = 1100 × ( a few ) · 10 − 5 = ( a few ) · 10 − 2 ρ today No galaxies, no stars... Perturbations in dark matter start to grow much earlier

  4. Growth of perturbations (linear regime) Λ domination Radiation domination Matter domination δ DM δ B δ γ Φ t eq t rec t Λ t

  5. Baryon asymmetry of the Universe There is matter and no antimatter in the present Universe. Baryon-to-photon ratio, almost constant in time: η B ≡ n B = 6 · 10 − 10 n γ What’s the problem? Early Universe ( T > 10 12 K = 100 MeV): creation and annihilation of quark-antiquark pairs ⇒ n q , n ¯ q ≈ n γ Hence n q − n ¯ q ∼ 10 − 9 n q + n ¯ q How was this excess generated in the course of the cosmological evolution? Sakharov’67, Kuzmin’70

  6. 14 billion years Today 2 . 7 К 300 thousand years 3000 K CMB 10 9 K nucleosynthesis 1 — 300 s Generation of matter-antimatter Generaion of asymmetry dark matter Inflation

  7. Best guess for dark matter: WIMP New neutral stable (on cosmological scale) heavy particle Does not exist in the Standard Model Stability: new conserved quantum number ⇐ ⇒ new symmetry Pair produced in early Universe at T ≃ M , pair-annihilate at T < M , freeze out at T ∼ M / 30 Calculable in terms of mass (log dependence) and annihilation cross section ( 1 / σ dependence) To have right present abundance: ( 10 − 1000 ) GeV Mass range: Strength of interactions ≃ weak force: annihilation cross section = ( 1 ÷ 2 ) · 10 − 36 cm 2 Just in LHC range

  8. Life may not be that simple Clouds over CDM Numerical simulations of structure formation with CDM show Too many dwarf galaxies A few hundred satellites of a galaxy like ours — Much less observed so far Kauffmann’93; Klypin’99; Moore’99;...; Madau’08 Too low angular momenta of spiral galaxies Too high density in galactic centers (“cusps”) Not crisis yet But what if one really needs to suppress small structures? High initial velocities of DM particles = ⇒ Warm dark matter

  9. Free streaming At time t free streaming length v = p l fs ( t ) ∼ v ( t ) · t , m At radiation-matter equality (beginning of rapid growth of perturbations), l fs ( t eq ) ∼ p T eq t eq T m Perturbations at smaller scales are suppressed. p T ≃ 3 (if relativistic thremal-like distribution at decoupling) z eq ≃ 3000 , T eq ≃ 1 eV, t eq ≃ 60 kyr ≃ 20 kpc = ⇒ Suppression of objects of mass � 3 � 1 keV M � ρ DM · 4 3 π l 3 0 ∼ 10 9 M ⊙ · m ∼ 10 8 ÷ 10 9 M M

  10. Power spectrum of perturbations M, M � 10 10 10 9 10 8 10 7 1 0.1 P k , � h � Mpc � 3 0.01 0.001 C D M 10 � 4 1 15 keV 2 30 keV 1 keV 5 keV 0 0 k k e e V V 10 � 5 10 15 20 30 50 70 100 150 200 k , h � Mpc Assuming thermal primordial distribution normalized to Ω DM ≃ 0 . 2 .

  11. Warm dark matter: additional argument Tremaine, Gunn Hogan, Dalcanton; Boyanovsky, ... Initial phase space density of dark matter particles: f ( � p ) , independent of � x . Fermions: 1 f ( � p ) ≤ by Pauli principle ( 2 π ) 3 Not more than one particle in quantum unit of phase space volume ∆ � x ∆ � p = ( 2 π ¯ h ) 3 . 1 NB: Thermal distribution: f max = 2 ( 2 π ) 3 Expect maximum initial phase space density somewhat below ( 2 π ) − 3

  12. Non-dissipative motion of particles, gravitatonal interactions only: particles tend to penetrate into empty parts of phase space = ⇒ coarse grained distribution decreases in time; maximum phase space density also decreases in time. But not by many orders of magnitude initial phase space density present phase space density = f = ∆ f 0 with ∆ ≃ 10 ÷ 1000

  13. Observable: x ) = ρ DM ( � x ) Q ( � � v 2 || � 3 / 2 ρ DM ( � x ) ⇐ ⇒ gravitational potential � v 2 || �⇐ ⇒ velocities of stars along line of sight. Assume dark matter particles have same velocities as stars (e.g., virialized) n ( � x ) 3 p 2 � 3 / 2 ≃ 3 3 / 2 m 4 f 0 ( � Q ≃ m 4 x ,� p ) � 1 Estimator of primordial phase space density: Q f ≃ ∆ 3 3 / 2 m 4

  14. Largest observed: dwarf galaxies 3 · 10 − 3 ÷ 2 · 10 − 2 � M ⊙ / pc 3 � Q max = km/s With M ⊙ ≃ 1 · 10 63 keV, 1 pc = 1 . 5 · 10 26 keV − 1 , km/s = 3 · 10 − 6 0 . 2 keV 4 = Q max # 3 3 / 2 ∆ − 1 · m 4 f max ≃ 3 3 / 2 ∆ − 1 · m 4 ≃ ( 2 π ) 3 If maximum observed Q indeed estimates the largest phase space density of DM particles in the present Universe, then m ∼ ( 1 ÷ 10 ) · keV

  15. Gravitinos as WDM candidates Gorbunov, Khmelnitsky, VR’ 08 Mass m 3 / 2 ≃ F / M Pl √ F = SUSY breaking scale. = ⇒ Gravitinos light for low SUSY breaking scale. E.g. gauge mediation Light gravitino = LSP = ⇒ Stable Decay width of superpartners into gravitino + SM particles M 5 M 5 ˜ ˜ Γ ˜ S S S ≃ F 2 = 6 m 2 3 / 2 M 2 Pl S = mass of superpartner ˜ M ˜ S Heavy superpartners = ⇒ gravitinos overproduced in the Universe Need light superpartners

  16. Superpartner mass range

  17. To summarize: Gravitinos are still warm dark matter candidates Possible only if superpartners are light, M � 300 GeV Will soon be ruled out (or confirmed) by LHC

  18. Competitor: strile neutrino Gorbunov, Khmelnitsky, VR’ 08 Simplest production mechanism: via active-sterile mixing. Dodelson, Widrow; Dolgov, Hansen; Asaka Almost thermal primordial spectrum normalized to Ω DM ≃ 0 . 2 β g ν s f ( p ) = ( 2 π ) 3 e p / T ν + 1 Ω ν = Ω DM = ⇒ � 1 keV � ∝ sin 2 2 θ β = 10 − 2 m

  19. Phase space bound: Also: Boyarsky et. al. m 4 f max > # · Q max = ⇒ sin 2 2 θ = ( a few ) · 10 − 9 m > 5 . 7 keV = ⇒ Similar to, and independent from Ly- α bounds. Ly- α : Abazajan; Seljak; Viel m > 10 ÷ 28 keV Tension with X-ray limits: ν s → νγ in cosmos m < 4 keV Boyarsky et. al.; Riemen-Sorensen, Watson; Abazajan X-ray astronomy: way to discover sterile neutrinos, if they are dark matter particles

  20. Baryon asymmetry: Sakharov conditions To generate baryon asymmetry, three necessary conditions should be met at the same cosmological epoch: B -violation C - and CP -violation: microscopic physics discriminates between matter and antimatter Thermal inequilibrium

  21. Conservation laws in the Standard Model Energy, momentum Baryon number ( N q − N ¯ q ) proton is stable, τ p > 10 33 years! Lepton numbers L e = ( N e − + N ν e ) − ( N e + + N ¯ ν e ) L µ , L τ Muon decay e µ ν e µ / → e γ , ¯ Br < 10 − 11 − ν µ Matter-antimatter asymmetry cannot be explained within the Standard Model

  22. BUT Baryon number is violated in electroweak interactions. Non-perturbative effect, requires large fluctuations of W -and Z -boson fields At zero temprature rate suppressed by tunneling exponent: − 16 π 2 g 2 W ∼ 10 − 165 e High temperatures: large thermal fluctuations (“sphalerons”). B -violation rapid as compared to cosmological expansion at high temperatures, T � 100 GeV. PROBLEM: Universe expands slowly. Expansion time at T ∼ 100 GeV H − 1 ∼ 10 − 10 s Too large to have deviations from thermal equilibrium?

  23. The only chance: 1st order phase transition, highly inequilibrium process Electroweak symmetry is broken in vacuo, restored at high temperatures Transition may in principle be 1st order 1st order phase transition occurs from supercooled state via spontaneous creation of bubbles of new (broken) phase in old (unbroken) phase. Bubbles then expand at v ∼ 0 . 1 c Bubbles born microscopic, r ∼ 10 − 16 cm, grow to macroscopic size, r ∼ 0 . 1 H − 1 ∼ mm, before their walls collide Boiling Universe, strongly out of thermal equilibrium

  24. φ = 0 φ � = 0

  25. Does this really happen? Not in Standard Model Standard Model fully calculable No phase transition at all; smooth crossover Also: way too small CP -violation What can make EW mechanism work? Extra fields/particles Should interact strongly with Higgs(es) Should be present in plasma at T ∼ 100 GeV = ⇒ not much heavier than 300 GeV Plus extra source of CP -violation. Better in Higgs sector = ⇒ Several Higgs fields

  26. More generally, electroweak baryogenesis at T ∼ 100 GeV requires complex dynamics in electroweak symmetry breaking sector at E ∼ ( a few ) · 100 GeV , LHC range Is EW the only appealing scenario? By no means! — Leptogenesis


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