Parallel Incep+on MPP Databases GPGPU Kyle Dunn
Me Data nerd for Recovering HPC/GPGPU researcher
Adap+ve JIT Mature Cu?ng Edge SQL GPGPU Rigid
SQL MemSQL pg_strom numba JIT GPGPU
Edmund Cartwright (1784/5) Scale vs. Capability
GPGPU Magic Code blueprint Results
MPP SELECT foo(columnA), bar(columnB) FROM someTable; Magic Results SQL Query
The incep+on MPP Node
Ship it.
So what?
x1 SQL query Shard 2 xN - MPP Nodes Shard 1 xP - GPU Cores
Free lunch? 1. IO – Depends on the restaurant… 2. SIMD – And the entrée… 3. Concurrency – Hoard your Pi[e]
Time series “Find the related measurements in full flight data.”
x1 SQL query CF34 xN - MPP Nodes GE90 GEnx xP - GPU Cores
Mul+media “Find a set of plants with resemblance to this one.”
x1 SQL query Gnetophyta xN - MPP Nodes Magnoliophyta Cycadophyta xP - GPU Cores
Geospa+al “Find loca+ons with high historical solar insola+on.”
x1 SQL query Florida xN - MPP Nodes Colorado California xP - GPU Cores
tl;dr • Turn-key >> nuts and bolts • JIT your code • SQL lives (seriously though)
and then… @kdunn926
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