parallel automated reasoning

Parallel automated reasoning Maria Paola Bonacina Dipartimento di - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Parallel automated reasoning Maria Paola Bonacina Dipartimento di Informatica Universit` a degli Studi di Verona Verona, Italy, EU Lecture at the Third International Summer School on Satisfiability, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, and

  1. Parallel automated reasoning Maria Paola Bonacina Dipartimento di Informatica Universit` a degli Studi di Verona Verona, Italy, EU Lecture at the Third International Summer School on Satisfiability, Satisfiability Modulo Theories, and Automated Reasoning (SAT/SMT/AR), Instituto Superior T´ ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, EU, July 2019 Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  2. Motivation for parallel reasoning ◮ Problems from applications get bigger and bigger ◮ It is hard to improve sequential performance ◮ Parallel hardware is available ◮ Automated reasoning neatly separates inference and control: from sequential to parallel organization of inferences? Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  3. Motivation for parallel reasoning ◮ Several SAT/SMT/AR systems are portfolio systems ◮ Multiple strategies by interleaving, time slicing, or in parallel ◮ Portfolio system: framework for parallel experiments or parallel prover/solver? ◮ Different degrees of integration/interaction ◮ What is a parallel prover/solver? ◮ Why is parallel reasoning challenging? Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  4. Focus of the lecture Parallel strategies for ◮ Automated theorem proving (ATP) in ◮ First-order logic (FOL) Further reading: ◮ Youssef Hamadi and Lakhdar Sais (Editors) Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning Springer, May 2018 ◮ Chapter 6: Maria Paola Bonacina. Parallel theorem proving (with 230 references) Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  5. Theorem-proving strategies Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  6. Theorem proving as inference + search ◮ Inference system: a set of inference rules ◮ Generate a derivation by applying the inference rules ◮ An inference system is non-deterministic ◮ Theorem-proving strategy: inference system + search plan ◮ A theorem-proving strategy is a deterministic procedure ◮ Refutationally complete inference system + fair search plan = complete theorem-proving strategy ◮ Parallelism affects the search component Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  7. Taxonomy of theorem-proving strategies ◮ Ordering-based strategies ◮ Subgoal-reduction strategies ◮ Instance-based strategies ◮ This lecture: ordering-based and subgoal-reduction strategies ◮ Less work on parallelizing instance-based strategies ◮ That have some commonalities with subgoal-reduction strategies from a parallelization viewpoint Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  8. Ordering-based strategies Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  9. Ordering-based strategies ◮ Expansion and contraction of a set of clauses (e.g., resolution, subsumption, paramodulation/superposition, simplification) ◮ Well-founded partial ordering ≻ on terms, literals, clauses: ◮ Restrict expansion ◮ Define contraction and redundancy ◮ State of the art for quantifier reasoning + equality reasoning ◮ Provers: e.g., Otter, EQP, Prover9, Spass, Discount, E, Gandalf, Vampire, Waldmeister, Zipperposition Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  10. Expansion inference scheme An inference A B where A and B are sets of clauses is an expansion inference if ◮ A ⊂ B : something is added ◮ Hence A ≺ B ( ≻ extended by multiset extension) ◮ Soundness of expansion: what is added is a logical consequence of what was already there B \ A ⊆ Th ( A ) hence B ⊆ Th ( A ) hence Th ( B ) ⊆ Th ( A ) Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  11. Expansion inference rule: superposition Example: f ( z , e ) ≃ z f ( l ( x , y ) , y ) ≃ x l ( x , e ) ≃ x ◮ f ( z , e ) σ = f ( l ( x , y ) , y ) σ ◮ σ = { z ← l ( x , e ) , y ← e } ◮ f ( l ( x , e ) , e ) ≻ l ( x , e ) ( by the subterm property ) ◮ f ( l ( x , e ) , e ) ≻ x ( by the subterm property ) ◮ Superposition closes a peak: l ( x , e ) ← f ( l ( x , e ) , e ) → x Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  12. Expansion inference rule: superposition/paramodulation S ∪ { l ≃ r ∨ C , L [ s ] ∨ D } S ∪ { l ≃ r ∨ C , L [ s ] ∨ D , ( L [ r ] ∨ C ∨ D ) σ } ◮ s is not a variable ◮ l σ = s σ with σ mgu ◮ l ≃ r : para-from literal/clause ◮ L [ s ]: para-into literal/clause ◮ l σ �� r σ and if L [ s ] is p [ s ] ⊲ ⊳ q then p σ �� q σ ( ⊲ ⊳ is ≃ or �≃ ) ◮ ( l ≃ r ) σ �� M σ for all M ∈ C ◮ L [ s ] σ �� M σ for all M ∈ D Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  13. Contraction inference scheme An inference A B where A and B are sets of clauses is a contraction inference if ◮ A �⊆ B : something is deleted or replaced ◮ B ≺ A : if replaced, replaced by something smaller ◮ Soundness of contraction adds adequacy: what is gone is logical consequence of what is kept A \ B ⊆ Th ( B ) hence A ⊆ Th ( B ) hence Th ( A ) ⊆ Th ( B ) (monotonicity) ◮ Every step sound and adequate: Th ( A ) = Th ( B ) Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  14. Contraction inference rule: simplification S ∪ { s ≃ t , L [ r ] ∨ C } S ∪ { s ≃ t , L [ t σ ] ∨ C } ◮ s σ = r and s σ ≻ t σ ◮ L [ t σ ] ∨ C is entailed by the original set (soundness) ◮ L [ r ] ∨ C is entailed by the resulting set (adequacy) ◮ L [ r ] ∨ C is redundant S ∪ { f ( x , x ) ≃ x , P ( f ( a , a )) ∨ Q ( a ) } S ∪ { f ( x , x ) ≃ x , P ( a ) ∨ Q ( a ) } Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  15. Ordering-based strategies: derivation ◮ Input set S ◮ Inference system: a set of inference rules ◮ Derivation: S = S 0 ⊢ S 1 ⊢ . . . S i ⊢ S i +1 ⊢ . . . ∀ i S i +1 is derived from S i by an inference ◮ Refutation: a derivation such that ✷ ∈ S k for some k ◮ Refutational completeness: for all unsat S there is refutation ◮ Persistent clauses: S ∞ = � � j ≥ i S j i ≥ 0 ◮ Once redundant always redundant Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  16. Ordering-based inference system ◮ Expansion rules: ordered resolution, ordered factoring, superposition/ordered paramodulation, equational factoring, reflection (resolution with x ≃ x ) ◮ Contraction rules: subsumption, simplification, tautology deletion, clausal simplification (unit resolution + subsumption) ◮ Refutationally complete Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  17. Contraction before expansion ◮ Simplification-first search plans ◮ Contraction-first search plans ◮ Eager-contraction search plans ◮ Keep sets of clauses interreduced Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  18. Forward and backward contraction I ◮ Forward contraction: ◮ Reduce new clause ϕ by older clauses ◮ Find all clauses ψ that can reduce ϕ ◮ Backward contraction: ◮ Reduce older clause ψ by new clause ϕ ◮ Find all clauses ψ that ϕ can reduce Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  19. Forward and backward contraction II ◮ Forward contraction before backward contraction ◮ Forward contraction implemented as pre-processing clause ϕ ◮ Forward contraction is part of the generation of ϕ ◮ Before forward contraction: raw clause ◮ Backward contraction implemented as post-processing ϕ : detect that ψ can be reduced + forward contraction ψ ◮ Clauses generated by backward contraction treated like those generated by expansion ◮ Backward contraction: highly dynamic database of clauses Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  20. Search plans for ordering-based strategies ◮ Lists To-Be-Selected and Already-Selected ◮ Given-clause algorithm: select a given-clause ϕ from To-Be-Selected , do all expansion inferences between ϕ and all ψ in Already-Selected , move ϕ to Already-Selected ◮ Apply forward contraction to each raw clause ◮ Two versions for backward contraction: ◮ Keep the union of the two lists interreduced ◮ Keep only Already-Selected interreduced Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  21. Subgoal-reduction strategies Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  22. Subgoal-reduction strategies ◮ Linear resolution, model elimination (ME): pick a goal clause and try to reduce it to ✷ by reducing goals to subgoals ◮ ME-tableaux: Tableau as survey of interpretations Try to eliminate them all Tableau frontier ∼ goal clause ◮ Equality reasoning still an open problem ◮ Provers: e.g., Setheo, Protein, leanCoP, EKR-Hyper Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  23. Ordered linear resolution ◮ At each step: resolve current goal L ∨ C with side clause L ′ ∨ D such that L σ = ¬ L ′ σ ◮ Next goal: the resolvent ( D ∨ C ) σ ◮ Subgoal L reduced to a new bunch of subgoals D σ ◮ Side clause: either input or ancestor ◮ Linear: at every step one parent is previous resolvent ◮ Ordered: literals in the goal reduced in fixed order e.g., left-to-right (literal-selection rule) Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning

  24. Model elimination ◮ ME-extension: resolve current goal L ∨ C with side clause L ′ ∨ D such that L σ = ¬ L ′ σ ◮ Next goal: the resolvent ( D ∨ [ L ] ∨ C ) σ ◮ Reduced subgoal L saved as framed literal ◮ ME-reduction: reduce goal L ′ ∨ D ∨ [ L ] ∨ C to ( D ∨ [ L ] ∨ C ) σ when L σ = ¬ L ′ σ ◮ ME-contraction: reduce goal [ L ] ∨ C to C ◮ Side clause: input clause ◮ Linear input strategy for FOL Maria Paola Bonacina Parallel automated reasoning


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