pact meeting 7 pact meeting 7 environmental justice

PACT Meeting #7 PACT Meeting #7 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PACT Meeting #7 PACT Meeting #7 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE PRESENTATION PRESENTATION January 13, 2011 Presentation Topics Introduction to Environmental Justice Project Specific Background Impacts by Alternative


  2. Presentation Topics � Introduction to Environmental Justice � Project Specific Background � Impacts by Alternative � Benefits/Mitigation

  3. Introduction � Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, culture, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws and policies. EPA, Office of Inspector General, Evaluation Report No 2004-P-00007; March 1, 2004

  4. Project Background and Methodology

  5. Environmental Justice Percentage of Minority Communities for Block Groups in the study area.

  6. Environmental Justice Percentage of Low-Income Communities for Block Groups in the study area.

  7. Public Involvement Efforts The public involvement process has been multi- faceted and comprehensive to encompass the diversity of communities and organizations involved.

  8. Public Involvement Efforts � Tools used to solicit input and involvement from stakeholders that addressed issues of diversity in language, level of literacy, and exposure to media include: � Opening project office within project area. � All public meetings conveniently located within project area and accessible by public transportation. � Providing childcare, food, and translations at every corridor-wide meeting. � Providing notifications and advertisements in English and Spanish.

  9. Public Involvement Efforts � Announcements in local and regional media and at faith-based organizations. � Using local businesses to cater meetings, provide translations. � Employing project area residents to lead and staff outreach effort. � Distributing flyers door-to-door to area residence and businesses. � Providing several methods of contact with the project team including e-mail, telephone, website, postal mail, and walk-ins.

  10. Impacts to Low Income and Minority Communities

  11. Impacts � Low-income and minority populations would be affected by all project alternatives for the following resources: � Social and Economic Conditions � Residential and Business Acquisitions � Air Quality � Noise � Construction

  12. Impacts by Alternative

  13. Current Alignment North � 93 residential acquisitions � 45 commercial acquisitions, including community markets and stores � Swansea Elementary School � Denver Rescue Mission

  14. Current Alignment North

  15. Current Alignment South � 64 residential acquisitions � 42 commercial acquisitions, including community markets and stores � Proximity impacts to Dunham Park � Purina

  16. Current Alignment South

  17. Realignment East � Post Office � Proximity to Elyria Park � Proximity to Future FASTRACKS station � 53 residential acquisitions � 52 commercial acquisitions, including community markets and stores

  18. Realignment East

  19. Realignment West � Post Office � National Western Stock Show � Proximity to Future FASTRACKS station � Proximity to Elyria Park � 18 residential acquisitions � 58 commercial acquisitions, including community markets and stores

  20. Realignment West

  21. Realignment

  22. Impacts by Alternative Current Current Realignment Realignment Alignment Alignment East West North South Residential 93 64 53 18 Commercial 45 42 52 58 � � Post Office � Swansea Elementary � Denver Rescue Mission Park proximity Dunham Elyria Elyria � � Station proximity � National Western � Purina

  23. Mitigation Make Alternatives the best they can be: � Relocation Benefits � Noise � Safety � Connectivity, Mobility and Access � Neighborhood Quality � Economic � Suggestion List

  24. � Questions?


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