paavo monkkonen why are strs a problem

Paavo Monkkonen Why are STRs a problem? Media survey for 200 cities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

What We Talk About When We Talk About Airbnb Paavo Monkkonen Why are STRs a problem? Media survey for 200 cities in the United States 70 cities had STR complaints/controversies In 39 cities, tax collection main concern in 21 cities, public

  1. What We Talk About When We Talk About Airbnb Paavo Monkkonen

  2. Why are STRs a problem? Media survey for 200 cities in the United States 70 cities had STR complaints/controversies In 39 cities, tax collection main concern in 21 cities, public nuisance in 10 cities, housing market impacts

  3. Supply & demand shifts in housing market: Graph not to scale! A decrease in supply Price S 2 S 1 P 2 P 1 D 2 D 1 An increase in demand Q 1 Q 2 Quantity

  4. With more elastic supply A decrease in supply Price S 2 S 1 P 2 P 1 D 2 D 1 An increase in demand Q 2 Q 1 Quantity

  5. Numbers are relatively small

  6. Restricting density where people want to live pushes development elsewhere Floor Area Ratio Distance to desirable neighborhoods


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