p12 yerevan telecommunication

P12 Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute CJSC YeTRI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  1. Deve Deve evelopment of evelopment of of Emb of Emb mbedded Syst mbedded Syst ystem Cou ystem Cou Courses Courses es wit es wit with imp with imp mplementation of mplementation of of of Inno Inno nnovative nnovative ve Virtual ap ve Virtual ap approaches approaches es for es for or int or int ntegration of ntegration of of Rese of Rese esearch, esearch, Edu Edu ducation an ducation an and Pr and Pr Production in Production in n UA, n UA, UA, GE UA, GE GE, GE, , AM , AM AM AM Presentation of P12 – “Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute” CJSC YeTRI Tbilisi Technical University 27-29 October 2015 Mher Markosyan TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 1 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  2. Founded in 1978 as Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communication Specialized in the field of means and units of satellite communication. Since 1989 is an independent institute and works in the field of: - design and manufacturing of communication systems and units , - radio technical systems for different purposes (Hardware & Software); - Software. TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, YeTRI 2 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  3. YeTRI More than 400 students (from YSUAC, RAU, NASA, SEUA, YSU) More than 130 staff members (30 in the field of trainings, 6 with scientific degrees, 3 with ranks of professors) More than 6 degrees National University of National Politechnical Architecture and University of Armenia Construction of Armenia (NPUA) (NUACA) YeTRI Russian-Armenian Yerevan State University (Slavonic ) (YSU) State University (RAU) Moscow Technical National Academy of University of Kazakhstan Science of RA (NASA) Communication and Informatics (MTUCI) TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 3 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  4. Structure of YeTRI Structure of YeTRI Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute YeTRI Scientific Laboratories, Training Center Pilot Production Departments and Design Offices TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 4 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  5. Structure of YeTRI YeTRI Training Center Computer Science & Telecommunication Industrial Electronic Networks Simulation of Automated Control Р radio Systems Measuring Systems Systems Systems Thermoregulation of Complex Applied Software of Complex Systems Mechanical Systems Design TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 5 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  6. Structure of YeTRI Training Center Training and Retraining TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 6 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  7. Structure of YeTRI Training Center TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 7 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  8. Structure of YeTRI YeTRI Pilot Production Technological Mechanical Production Production Manufacture of Microwave modules PCB Manufacturing Wood Processing Metal Processing & GIC Production of Assembling Galvanotechnics Photomask Production TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 8 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  9. Structure of YeTRI Scientific laboratories, departments and design offices Scientific laboratories, departments and design YeTRI offices Metrological Electronics Design Department of Mechanical Department Bureau Engineering Technology Laboratory Laboratory of radio Laboratory of Department Microwave devices Devices Power Supplies Laboratory of Laboratory of Microprocessors & Laboratory of Telephony Digital Technology Software and DSP TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 9 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14 YeTRI

  10. Technological Forces TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 10 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  11. Internet – TFOP connector Radio system for VHF,UHF repeater simultaneous translation GSM, 3G Repeater GSM Duplexer TV FM Transmitters Band pas filters (VHF, UHF, Jammer GSM Radio modem RF PA RF, MW TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 11 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  12. Mini ATES-8/2 Mul ultichannel el man manual switchboard of switc of pho phone e lines nes Analogue Ana ue an and di digit gital confer con erence e syst system Lou Loud-speaking communication syste com system Mini ATE ATES up up to o 20 subs subscribers TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 12 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  13. Design and manufacturing of microcircuits and micro assembly by order Acousto-optic convolver Crystal oscillator of Voltage Module of correlation processing reference controlled frequency oscillator (VCO) Circuit power Delay Delay lines nes Micro-strip dividers/combiners directional couplers TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 13 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  14. System of call registration SCADA system Biometric system of staff registration Automated control system by technological processes TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 14 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  15. GPRS controller Controller for technological VSWR sensor for P2-102 device processes Inclinometer Detector head for P2-102 Temperature and measuring device pressure sensors TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 15 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  16. GPRS modems with controller Antennas and rotary support TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 16 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  17. TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 17 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  18. Enterprises and Companies EMC Aerotechnika CJSC LT-Pirkal (Ukraine) Litak-Tak CJSC YeTRI CRIPTO BG (Bulgaria) (Lithuania) Delta electronics FAZAN CJSC (Moscow, (Switzerland) RF) TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 18 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  19. Local Project Team • Laboratory of radio devices, Laboratory of microprocessors & digital technology – specialized in embedded hardware and software development – analogue and digital system design • Department of Mechanical Engineering – Mechanical and structural design and behavior. TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 19 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  20. M TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 20 28 28-30 Jan anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  21. At the YeTRI the following curricula have been developed for the DEP EPARTMENT OF OF MANAGEMENT AND TE TECHNOLOGY • Microcontro roll llers • Har ardware fo for Em Embedded Sy Syst stems • “C” for Embedded Systems • Embedded Operating Syst Em stem • ECAD el electronic ic des esig ign • Digit ital l Ele Electro ronic ics TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 21 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  22. Act ctiv iviti ities Car arrie ied out t  Collaboration was set among partner universities  Dissemination meetings with partner universities were held  Support of Retraining within the scope of Desire Project  Preparation of a handbook on TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 22 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  23. Act ctiv iviti ities Car arrie ied out t • Regular Disseminations within the scope of DeSIRE Project were held in Yerevan • On July 15, 2014 Dissemination of DeSIRE Project was held in Sevan Town, Armenia. TMM – Campus De TM e Naye ayer, r, 23 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14

  24. Contact Information Lilit Barseghyan DCs Mher Markosyan International Relations Officer Local Project Coordinator Director of YeTRI 26Dzorapi , 0015,Yerevan, 26Dzorapi , 0015,Yerevan, Republic of Armenia Republic of Armenia Phone: (+37410) 566061 Phone: (+37410) 566061 Fax: (+37410) 561737 Fax: (+37410) 561737 Cell: (+37491) 419591 Cell: (+37491) 401215 E-mail: lilit.barseghyan@yetri.am E-mail: mark@yetri.am TM TMM – Campus De e Naye ayer, r, 24 28-30 Jan 28 anuary ry, , 20 2014 14


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