overview on flight tes1ng aspects in part 21

Overview on Flight Tes1ng aspects in Part-21. 6 th SARI 21 Working - PDF document

South Asia Regional Initiatives (SARI) Overview on Flight Tes1ng aspects in Part-21. 6 th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng DOATL: Javier CASTILLO 5th to 7th December, 2016 Male (Maldives) CONTENT OF THE PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION; FTOM

  1. South Asia Regional Initiatives (SARI) Overview on Flight Tes1ng aspects in Part-21. 6 th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng DOATL: Javier CASTILLO 5th to 7th December, 2016 Male (Maldives) CONTENT OF THE PRESENTATION • INTRODUCTION; • FTOM PRESENTATION. • APPENDIX XII OVERVIEW. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 2 1

  2. INTRODUCTION Ø Part-21 has since ini7al amendment requirement 21.A.35 Ø Flight tes7ng in the frame of cer7fica7on ac7vi7es. Ø However, the need to standardise the approach at Design Assurance System level, and on prac7cal level across EU- Part-21, new requirements and AMC&GM has been put in place: on JUNE 30 th 2015, COMMISION REGULATION (EU) 2015/1039 - amending Annex I (Part 21) to Regula7on (EU) No 748/2012 – was published. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 3 INTRODUCTION THE CONTENT OF COMMISION REGULATION (EU) 2015/1039 is the following: • Introduc7on, at point 21.A.243 , of a FTOM for DOAs that need to conduct FT. • Introduc7on, at point 21.A.143 , of a FTOM for POAs that need to conduct FT; • Iintroduc7on of the new Appendix XII -”Categories of FT and associated aircrew qualifica7ons”; • Appendix-XII is also connec7ng Subpart-G, Subpart-J and Subpart-P 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 4 2

  3. Purpose of FTOM 21.A.243(a) If flight tests are to be conducted, a flight test opera7ons manual defining the organisa7on's policies and procedures in rela7on to flight test shall be furnished. The flight test opera7ons manual shall include: a descrip7on of the organisa1on's processes for flight test , including i. the flight test organisa7on involvement into the permit to fly issuance process; crewing policy , including composi7on, competency, currency and flight 7me ii. limita7ons, in accordance with Appendix XII to this Annex I (Part 21), where applicable; procedures for the carriage of persons other than crew iii. members and for flight test training, when applicable; a policy for risk and safety management and associated methodologies; iv. procedures to iden7fy the instruments and equipment to be carried; v. a list of documents that need to be produced for flight test. vi. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 5 FAQ - Purpose of the FTOM - Reduc1on of FTOM contents (in case of low/ limited ac7vity) - Guidance material for establishing an FTOM - In the back-up slides: - Need for LFTE / specific Flight Test CVE - Subcontrac1ng flight test ac7vity 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 6 3

  4. Purpose of FTOM - DO is the operator of the aircrah under test - FTOM shall describe how the essen7al requirements for a/c opera7ons are met - Who performs the flights? - How are flights executed? - Required instruments and equipment? - Required documents? - FTOM is not specific to a given flight 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 7 Reduc1on of FTOM contents - Requirements of 21.A.243(a) apply to all DO - FTOM shall be propor7onate to the organisa7on‘s scope - Reduc7on of contents is therefore linked to the individual scope 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 8 4

  5. Guidance Material AMC to 21.A.143, 21.A.243, 21.A.14(b), 21.A.112B(b) and 21.A.432B(b) Flight Test Opera7ons Manual (FTOM) FTOM template at EASA W e b p a g e : h k p : / / www.easa.europa.eu/ s y s t e m / fi l e s / d f u / a p p r o v a l s - a n d - s t a n d a r d i s a 7 o n - organisa7on-approvals- docs-good-prac7ces- DOH-Templates.zip 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 9 APPENDIX XII CONTENT • QUALIFICATIONS APPLICABILITY ; • CATEGORIES OF FT; • LEAD FLIGHT TEST ENGINEER role; • COMPETENCE AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS for LFTEs and PILOTS. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 10 5

  6. Thank You for your attention! Your Safety is our Mission Back-up slides Back-up 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 12 6

  7. Need for LFTE - No regulatory requirement to involve LFTE in flight tes7ng - To be specified by the DO‘s crewing policy 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 13 Need for specific Flight Test CVE - CVE role is to check that compliance with specific airworthiness requirements has been demonstrated - Flight Tes7ng is no airworthiness requirement but a Means of Compliance - No specific „Flight Test CVE“ is expected but CVEs for specific areas as e.g. „flight“, „performance“, „avionics“ etc. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 14 7

  8. Subcontrac1ng Use of „freelance flight crew“ - Defini7on of crew requirements (incl. currency) - Procedure for selec7on and authorisa7on of flight crew - Introduc7on to FTOM 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 15 Subcontrac1ng „full“ subcontrac7ng - DO retains responsibility for compliance with Part 21 - Subcontractor‘s FTOM to be assessed for compliance with 21.A.243(a) Subcontractor‘s FTOM to be assessed for compliance - with DO‘s requirements Defini7on of interfaces - Arrangement must cover DO‘s obliga7ons (e.g. - gran7ng access to a/c, Agency par7cipa7on to flight tes7ng etc.) 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 16 8

  9. Appendix XII QUALIFICATIONS APPLICABILITY The qualifica7ons established in the Appendix XII regard: the qualifica7ons of aircrew only involved in flight tests for A/ C cer7fied or to be cer7fied i.a.w. CS-25, CS-27, CS-29, CS-23 and with a MTOM of ≥ 2 000 kg. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 17 Appendix XII QUALIFICATIONS APPLICABILITY So what about all the other cases not addressed by App XII? (E.g. CS-LSA, CS-VLA, CS-22 or CS-23 A/C with a MTOM of < 2000 kg.) The crew qualifica7ons must be given in the FTOM of the Organiza7on when describing the competency of its aircrew. It is accepted that the competency should be propor7onate to the A/C complexity & characteris7cs. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 18 9

  10. Appendix XII CATEGORIES of FLIGHT TEST APPENDIX XII establishes Flight Test Categories When establishing the various FT Categories, the Agency used the propor7onality approach/principle. • So, in the akempt to sa7sfy all the needs, 4 different FT categories were generated: Cat 1, 2, 3 and 4. • FT Cat 3 will not be addressed in this presenta7on since it is specifically related to produc7on Flight Test. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 19 Appendix XII CATEGORIES of FLIGHT TEST CRITERIA FOR CATEGORY DIFFERENTIATION Once determined that a flight must be considered as a FT , what are the general guide lines to establish the correct flight test category? v Flight tests on A/C without a TC should be considered as Cat 1 or 2 FT. v Flight tests for a Mod. of an A/C already cer7fied may be Cat 1, 2 or 4 depending on the PURPOSE of the test; 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 20 10

  11. Appendix XII CATEGORY 1 FLIGHT TESTS A few examples of FT to be considered as CAT1 FT: v spinning, V MC , V MU , ini7al stalling, H/V diagrams and Category A engine failures; v where encounter of surprising or even hazardous flight characteris7cs can be expected (e.g. fluker or all the envelope expansion flights); v to determine the A/C Perf. and HQ where the flight envelopes limits are approached (Alt., autudes, W & CG, V, Temp. and so on); v Flight test training for CAT 1flight tests. 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 21 Appendix XII CATEGORY 2 FLIGHT TESTS A few examples of FT to be considered as CAT2 FT: v All-engines-opera7ng climb or cruise performance; v Sta7c stability demonstra7on; In general, when the flight test envelope has already been opened and the general behaviour of the aircrah is adequately safe. v Systems tests (A/P, FGS, GPWS, TCAS) when it is necessary to fly the A/C in devia7on from the SOPs (e.g. SHSS or 2 g turns for CS-25 A/C). 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 22 11

  12. Appendix XII CATEGORY 4 FLIGHT TESTS Under this Category you may consider the following flights : Flights required by the DOA to show compliance with airworthiness requirements of “ not yet approved data ” . Flights in which the modifica7on of the A/C should not affect the A/C behaviour in any way. A typical CAT 4 FT may be a flight to approve/cer7fy a: v cabin conversion; v ELT installa7on; v a new in-flight entertainment system; v a new system (provided only the good func7oning of the system is required and there is no need to fly outside the AFM limita7ons, nor to operate the A/C in devia7on from the SOPs). 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 23 Appendix XII CATEGORIES of FLIGHT TEST Example: Cer1fy a new TAWS Mod on an already cer1fied A/C. 1st step: determine if a flight may be considered as a FT (§B of App. XII) v YES, it may be considered as a Test Flight. 2nd step: classify the fight test. ( It could be a CAT 1, 2 or 4 FT depending on the PURPOSE of the FT ) v Is it a CAT 1 FT ? NO; v Is it a CAT 2 FT ? Maybe; v Is it a CAT 4 FT ? Maybe; 5-7 December, 2016 6th SARI 21 Working Group mee7ng 24 12

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