Your and Your Family's Health Outcomes: What’s Important Lambeth and Southwark Public Engagement Event 28 January 2014 Cambridge House
Welcome & Introductions NHS and Southwark and Lambeth Councils working together to: To shape care and support around you so you can keep well and stay as independent as possible
Aims of today • To create a shared understanding of what we mean by outcomes • To understand what is important to you and your family in staying as well and as independent as possible • To understand what you think are the important areas to take forward • This is about you and your life outcomes, not about the details of what services do
Context • We measure what services do and how many people they see etc, but we are not so good at measuring the differences our services make to your life • We are looking at all adults no matter how well or unwell they are, including the impact on service users and carers • This is on-going process • you and others have already told us what’s important in living your lives as part of our on-going engagement • we want to understand these areas in more detail and which areas to take forward first • work will continue looking at different groups in more detail • Services are required to measure outcomes better as part of national work on integration / joined up services
What is an outcome? • Spend 5 minutes on your own, with the person sitting next to you or as a table
Outcome definitions • “the changes, benefits, learning or other effects that actually occur as a result of what is done” - Lambeth Living Well Collaborative • “a change in health status of an individual or population which is attributable to a planned intervention or series of interventions regardless of whether the interventions were intended to achieve the change” - The New South Wales Health Outcomes Program • Outcomes are important because they describe how you know when you are doing well
Outcomes Services really I feel … work when I am … I can … I do … I live …
Any Questions?
Over-arching outcomes 1. I live the life I want 2. I am part of a community 3. I am as healthy as possible 4. I am at the centre of my care and support: it is organised around me 5. I can manage my own condition and get support to do this if I need it 6. I live independently 7. I have as small a disruption as possible to my life when a crisis happens 8. I feel safe and respected, my dignity is maintained and I do not experience any discrimination or harassment
Round Table Discussion Questions 1. What does this outcome mean to you? 2. How do we know if these outcomes are being achieved (and how would we measure this?) • Are these outcomes the right ones? If there is something missing please go and write it on flip chart at any point during the discussion • There is a facilitator for each outcome who will come round the tables and you have 10 minutes discussion on each outcome • Facilitator will collect up your post-it notes
Summary and Next Steps • What you have told us is important under each over-arching outcome will help us define them further • What you have told us today will inform future work for specific groups of people • We will be doing further engagement on detailed outcomes and people with different needs • We will use what you’ve told us to work out how we can measure each outcome so we know the services we plan are working for you • This will feed into the Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care (SLIC) programme of work across Lambeth and Southwark to inform the use of the Better Care Fund
Prioritising • We want to take all these ideas forward, but we need to start somewhere • You can help us prioritise which areas are the most important for Lambeth and Southwark people • You have one red dot each, please use this to put against the outcome on the wall you think is the most important
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