
Outcomes Gain familiarity with the findings of Beyond PD: Teacher - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Outcomes Gain familiarity with the findings of Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems Consider implications of the research for schools and school systems across North America www.learningforward.org Fa

  1. Outcomes • Gain familiarity with the findings of Beyond PD: Teacher Professional Learning in High-Performing Systems • Consider implications of the research for schools and school systems across North America www.learningforward.org

  2. Fa Facilitator Joellen Killion Senior Advisor Learning Forward www.learningforward.org

  3. Agenda • Welcome/introduction • Findings from Beyond PD • Q & A • Additional resources • Next webinar www.learningforward.org

  4. Presenter/Principal Researcher Ben Jensen CEO Learning First www.learningforward.org

  5. Professional learning in high-performing systems Washington DC January 2016

  6. Two messages 1. Core of effective PL 2. Strategy to ensure effectiveness 2

  7. Developing a PD strategy The Past Global best PD evidence lessons practice strategy Investments Investments that improve Adult learning across school teaching and education learning behavioral change School improvement Highlights what we need to do differently 3

  8. Effective professional learning Develop Student Assess learning Evaluate Core of learning communities 4

  9. Learning communities: an intense focus on ‘assess, develop, evaluate’ British Columbia Singapore Shanghai Research Learning Professional Learning and Lesson Groups Stage 1 - Communities Teams Stage 1 - Stage 1 - assess assess assess 1. Scanning 1. Set research 1. Collect and (evidence of student question based on analyze data learning) student learning 2. Discuss focus for Stage 2 - 2. Focusing 2. Review research improvement cycle Stage 2 - develop (prioritizing) evidence develop Stage 2 - 3. Propose new 3. Developing a develop 3. Prioritize teaching approaches hunch strategies 4. Implement new Stage 3 - 4. New professional 4. Test strategies in approaches and evaluate learning class; observe and measure impact Stage 3 - discuss each other’s Stage 3 - evaluate 5. Taking action lessons 5. Review, reflect and evaluate present on what 6. Checking 5. Analyze evidence, worked (assessing impact) identify improvements, and publish results 5

  10. Narrow reform objectives Problem Solution Not enough time for PL Create more time Teachers choose PL based PL is not relevant on their needs Young teachers are Give them mentors struggling PL programs are not Provide feedback forms evaluated 6

  11. A focus on student learning: what does this mean? A stylized example… 3. Monitoring and evaluation of changes in teaching and student learning PD only Teaching Student Impact Impact effective if practice performance s s Teachers assess student learning Teachers assess current 2. 1. to determine where teaching practice to determine the should improve PD required. 7

  12. Shanghai learning communities a key platform for teacher growth All teachers part of two learning communities; 1-2 hours a week (i) Lesson groups - planning lessons, observing delivery, re-examining “Allows the teachers to prepare lessons in a more in-depth manner …” Select research (ii) Research groups topic on subject specific pedagogy • Subject-based Conduct research, • Explore over a year Write up, publish and reviewing literature disseminate findings • Examine literature and evidence • Trial new approaches • Publish findings Peer observation Joint lesson and feedback cycle planning, design to continuously new pedagogy refine Implement new pedagogy

  13. Mentoring is organised throughout the system • Shanghai and Singapore District mentoring through the system Master teachers / Subject researchers • All teachers in Shanghai School • Focuses on student learning in Subject leaders classroom • Frequent feedback based on Advanced teachers observation • Explicit component of teachers’ Mid-level teachers job description Beginning teachers • Mentors have role models and training to be effective

  14. The classroom door is open…..observation is key Frequent observation and feedback within regular work • Shanghai • 1-2 times fortnight • Demonstration lessons • Regular walk throughs by school leaders • Training in Singapore and Shanghai • Slow introduction in Hong Kong

  15. School education strategy 1. What do we want to change? • Improving learning is changing students’ behavior • Improving teaching is changing teachers’ behavior 2. How to change people’s behavior? 11

  16. What the evidence tells us….. Drivers of effective teacher How do adults learn best? professional learning? Motivators for learning at Changing behaviors? work?

  17. Changing practices and behaviors 1. They have a clear purpose to believe in 2. Role models act visibly and consistently 3. They have the skills and capacity for the new behavior 4. Reinforcement systems are consistent • School and teacher evaluation • Accountability • Data collected 13

  18. Strategic directions: setting expectations for professional learning and recognition System Strategy and Policies Developing Leaders Evaluation and accountability Creating time School Distinct Professional Recognise the Shared improvement roles to lead learning built into development of responsibility organized around professional School daily practice teacher expertise for PL effective PL learning Effective professional learning = school improvement 14

  19. 1. Leadership 2. Accountability Leadership – professional learning leaders play a 3. Time critical role in schools • Significant investments in teachers, not just school leaders • Work with school leaders on bigger picture, as well as matching to individual needs School Principal Sets school objectives Aligns professional learning with school objectives Professional Creates professional Learning Leader learning plan Develops professional learning that meets teachers needs Assesses teaching and Heads of learning Department

  20. 1. Leadership 2. Accountability 3. Time Accountability and evaluation for professional learning False dichotomy between accountability and teacher development Broader focus of accountability: 1. School performance 2. Quality of instruction 3. Quality of professional learning Various accountability mechanisms to achieve this…

  21. 1. Leadership 2. Accountability 3. Time Example of teacher evaluation in Shanghai Shanghai teacher evaluation includes:  Performance in learning communities, evaluated through observations, peer feedback and 360 reviews  Improvement in teaching evaluated by internal and external observations  A teacher self-evaluation, with colleague feedback and comments on it  Published papers, demonstration lessons, awards and seminars All of this information goes into promotion discussions

  22. Professional learning: Links with school accountability Districts need The quality of Student Instructional to be tight on professional learning improvement evaluating: learning Greater Change in This may Change in reliance on accountability require: measures professional emphasis judgement 18

  23. 1. Leadership 2. Accountability 3. Time Time for professional learning • Shanghai is an outlier • BC inquiry - 1 period per week • Time is necessary but not sufficient “…as much as the time that is made available, if there isn’t a framework (i.e. the Spiral of Inquiry) for collaboration, that time will be wasted.’” Co-founders, BC • Governments and district leaders need to make active trade-offs e.g. Singapore

  24. Additional resources • Article in February JSD • Tools for Schools Spring 2016 • Second webinar focused on Facilitator Guide: • February 10, 4:00-5:00 PM EST www.learningforward.org


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