outcomes following primary percutaneous coronary

Outcomes Following Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Outcomes Following Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Comparison Between Hospitals With and Without Cardiac Surgery On-Site Ather Anis, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Robert E. Wolf, Ann Lovett, Laura Mauri,

  1. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Outcomes Following Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Comparison Between Hospitals With and Without Cardiac Surgery On-Site Ather Anis, Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Robert E. Wolf, Ann Lovett, Laura Mauri, Neal Patel, Alice K. Jacobs Boston University Medical Center Harvard Medical School & Harvard School of Public Health Boston, MA

  2. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Disclosures • This study was funded through a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (620022A4PRE; Dr. Normand, A. Lovett, and R.E. Wolf). • There are no relevant RWI to disclose. However, four of the authors (Anis, Mauri, Patel, Jacobs) perform primary PCI at hospitals with cardiac surgery on-site.

  3. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Background � Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the preferred reperfusion strategy. It is an ACC/AHA guidelines Class I indication if the procedure can be performed with a door-to-balloon time of within 90 minutes. � The majority of STEMI patients present to hospitals without primary PCI capability. In many states including Massachusetts, the performance of PCI is not allowed in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories within hospitals without cardiac surgery on-site. � To increase the number of STEMI patients with timely access to primary PCI, in 1997 the Massachusetts Department of Public Health approved a pilot program for primary PCI at hospitals without cardiac surgery on-site.

  4. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Aim � To determine the safety and effectiveness of primary PCI for STEMI performed at hospitals with in comparison to without cardiac surgery on-site (SOS) in Massachusetts

  5. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Methods Massachusetts residents with STEMI treated with primary PCI Massachusetts residents with STEMI treated with primary PCI 1/1/05 – 9/30/07 1/1/05 – 9/30/07 Demographic, Clinical, Angiographic, Procedural factors Demographic, Clinical, Angiographic, Procedural factors collected within ACC NCDR instrument collected within ACC NCDR instrument Data reported to Massachusetts Data Analysis Center (Mass-DAC), Data reported to Massachusetts Data Analysis Center (Mass-DAC), state DPH mandated and physician-audited database state DPH mandated and physician-audited database Mortality: Hospital Record, MA Registry of Vital Records & Mortality: Hospital Record, MA Registry of Vital Records & Statistics, National Death Index, Social Security website Statistics, National Death Index, Social Security website Myocardial Infarction and Revascularization: Mass-DAC PCI Myocardial Infarction and Revascularization: Mass-DAC PCI and Mass-DAC CABG registries merged with hospital billing and Mass-DAC CABG registries merged with hospital billing

  6. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Statistical Methods � Propensity score matching: � Logistic regression to predict treatment at No SOS Hospital (versus SOS Hospital) by demographic, clinical, and angiographic variables � Caliper matching of 1 No SOS patient to 2 SOS patients � Primary outcomes presented as hazard ratios at 30-days and at one-year for: � All-cause mortality � Myocardial infarction (MI) � Repeat revascularization (RR) � Target vessel revascularization (TVR)

  7. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Requirements for Primary PCI at No SOS Hospitals � Signed Collaboration Agreement with Tertiary Hospital (24/7 back-up support, accept transfers) � Training - CPORT training of all staff - Ongoing training by Tertiary Hospital � Procedural Volume - Hospital perform minimum 300 diagnostic procedures in each of previous 2 years - 36 primary PCI procedures/year - Physicians perform minimum 75 PCI procedures/year � Data Collection � Joint Quality Assurance Committee

  8. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS N=6139 STEMI Patients Undergoing PCI N=6139 STEMI Patients Undergoing PCI January 1, 2005- September 30, 2007 January 1, 2005- September 30, 2007 Complete 1 year follow-up Complete 1 year follow-up 269 (53 No SOS) patients not 269 (53 No SOS) patients not linked to billing data linked to billing data N=5870 Patients N=5870 Patients 288 (31 No SOS) patients no 288 (31 No SOS) patients no unique identifier unique identifier Exclusions 412 (3 No SOS) patients not 412 (3 No SOS) patients not primary PCI primary PCI N=5170 Patients N=5170 Patients 2152 (39 No SOS) 2152 (39 No SOS) transferred for primary PCI transferred for primary PCI N=3018 Patients N=3018 Patients N=977 (32.3%) No SOS N=2041 SOS N=977 (32.3%) No SOS N=2041 SOS

  9. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Differences in Characteristics Before Match No SOS SOS % Stand (n 977) (n=2041) Diff Race (%) White 90.28 86.92 10.58 Black 1.02 3.67 - 17.57 Hispanic 1.54 3.87 - 14.43 Insurance (%) Commercial 14.84 18.72 - 10.38 HMO 41.66 32.97 18.02

  10. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Differences in Characteristics Before Match No SOS SOS % Stand (n=977) (n=2041) Diff Hypertension (%) 56.19 61.98 - 11.79 Triple vessel Disease (%) 26.9 21.6 12.41 II/b/IIIa platelet antagonist (%)* 92.43 84.57 24.81 * Not included in propensity score model

  11. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Patient Demographic Characteristics After Match No SOS SOS % Stand (n=781) (n=1562) Diff* Mean age (yrs) 62.7 63.0 - 0.02 Female (%) 30.57 29.65 2.01 Insurance (%) Commercial 17.17 16.17 2.70 Government 40.80 40.89 - 0.17 HMO 36.78 38.20 - 2.93 None 5.24 4.62 2.86 * % Stand Diff = Percent Standardized Difference Values <10% reflect well-matched characteristics

  12. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Patient Demographic Characteristics After Match No SOS SOS % Stand (n=781) (n=1562) Diff* Race (%) White 91.72 91.14 2.08 Black 1.22 1.06 1.48 Hispanic 1.83 1.75 0.60 Other 5.24 6.05 - 3.54 * % Stand Diff = Percent Standardized Difference Values <10% reflect well-matched characteristics

  13. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Clinical Characteristics After Match % No SOS SOS Stand (n=781) (n=1562) Diff* Diabetes (%) 19.73 19.48 0.65 Hypertension (%) 58.59 59.11 - 1.07 Current Smoker (%) 37.76 35.77 4.13 Prior MI (%) 15.59 17.17 - 4.26 Prior PCI (%) 13.89 14.17 - 0.82 Prior CABG (%) 3.65 4.24 - 3.03 * % Stand Diff = Percent Standardized Difference Values <10% reflect well-matched characteristics

  14. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Clinical Characteristics After Match % No SOS SOS Stand (n=781) (n=1562) Diff* Symptoms < 6 hours (%) 85.87 86.27 - 1.14 CHF (%) 4.39 5.06 - 3.16 Cerebrovasc Disease (%) 6.70 6.93 - 0.91 PVD (%) 9.14 9.30 - 0.57 Renal Failure (%) 3.17 3.37 - 1.15 Shock (%) 5.24 5.68 - 1.95 * % Stand Diff = Percent Standardized Difference Values <10% reflect well-matched characteristics

  15. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Angiographic and Procedural Characteristics After Match % No SOS SOS Stand (n=781) (n=1562) Diff Triple vessel Disease (%) 24.24 23.91 0.77 Left Main Disease (%) 3.65 4.74 - 5.43 Target Lesion LAD (%) 38.61 37.58 2.13 Target Lesion SVG (%) 2.44 2.31 - 0.83 * % Stand Diff = Percent Standardized Difference Values <10% reflect well-matched characteristics

  16. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Death and MI at 30-Days and 1-Year Myocardial Infarction Death No SOS n=781 SOS n= 1562 No SOS n=781 SOS n- 1562 Cumulative Incidence (%) Cumulative Incidence (%) 25 25 20 20 p=0.51 p=0.11 15 15 p=0.22 p=0.05 9.41% 10 10 6.66% 5.70% 4.35% 8.58% 5 5 5.06% 4.48% 2.82% 0 ll ll 0 2 30 60 365 2 30 60 365 Days following Primary PCI Days following Primary PCI

  17. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Revascularization at 30-Days and 1-Year Repeat Target Vessel Revascularization Revascularization No SOS n=781 SOS n= 1562 No SOS n=781 SOS n- 1562 Cumulative Incidence (%) Cumulative Incidence (%) 50 50 40 40 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 30 30 p=0.39 21.0% p=0.21 14.85% 20 20 10.88% 10 14.72% 10 6.27% 9.73% 7.55% 4.99% ll 0 ll 0 2 30 60 365 2 30 60 365 Days following Primary PCI Days following Primary PCI

  18. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Hazard Ratios for the Primary Outcomes at 1 Year Hazard Ratio (95% CI), No SOS vs. SOS Hazard Ratio (95% CI), No SOS vs. SOS HR 0.9 (0.7-1.2) Mortality p=0.51 HR 1.4 (0.9-2.0) MI p=0.11 HR 1.6 (1.3-2.0) RR p<0.0001 HR 0.9 (0.7-1.2) TVR p=0.39 2.0 1.0 1.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6 Favors No SOS Favors SOS

  19. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Conclusions In STEMI patients treated with primary PCI in No SOS compared to SOS Hospitals in Massachusetts: � There is no difference in mortality at 30-days and 1-year. � There is a small but significant increase in the rate of MI at 30 days in No SOS Hospitals but no difference at 1-year.

  20. PRIMARY PCI in MASSACHUSETTS Conclusions In STEMI patients treated with primary PCI in No SOS compared to SOS Hospitals in Massachusetts: � There is a significant increase in the rate of repeat revascularization at 30-days and 1-year in No SOS Hospitals. � There is no difference in the incidence of TVR at 30-days and 1-year.

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