our partners in powering the world with solar iceberg

& our Partners in Powering the world with Solar ICEBERG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

& our Partners in Powering the world with Solar ICEBERG INDUSTRIES ENERGY DIVISION Quality is in difference Ranked # 02 in the world for c-si cell production World Class Quality with industrial leading conversion efficiency

  1. & our Partners in Powering the world with Solar ICEBERG INDUSTRIES ENERGY DIVISION

  2. Quality is in difference Ranked # 02 in the world for c-si cell production • World Class Quality with industrial leading conversion efficiency • Ranked # 05 in world for module production JA Solar Warranty Terms • 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 JA Solar Source: IHS Panel Warranty Power Output Guarenteed

  3. Efficiency of the Module JA Solar 300W- 315W Mono & Poly Crystalline Module 20.00% 19.50% 19.00% 18.50% 18.00% 17.50% 17.00% 16.50% Mono Crystalline 300-325 W Poly Crystalline 295-315 W JA Cypress 2 Cell Industry Average


  5. Marking Global Presence in the World

  6. ICEBERG INDUSTRIES ENERGY DIVISION C ommitted To Delivering Energy Independence

  7. Quality is in Difference Market Presence since 1914 • Quality “Made in Germany” • Grant Warranty up to 7 Years on their inverters as a standard • Since They Produce Quality, they offer warranty extension up to 25 years • Full Range Provider in all the important and upcoming market world wide • Approximately 5GW of Installed Power Output •

  8. San Antonio, USA Plant Size: 400MW Inverter: IPS (Integrated Power Station) Worlds Largest Communal Solar Power Plant, will supply 70,000 house holds when finished in 2016

  9. Monti di Eboli, Italy Plant Size: 24MW Inverter: Powador XP 350HV-TL Neuhardenberg, Germany Plant Size: 145MW Inverter: Powador XP 550HV-TL

  10. Sanarica Italy Alange Spain 8.49 MW Thale Germany Simbach Germany



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