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The Hardwood Federation Hardwood Manufacturers Association September 24, 2019 What is the Hardwood Federation? Voice of the U.S. Hardwood Industry Established in 2004 28 Hardwood Businesses Organization Members Our Members

  1. The Hardwood Federation Hardwood Manufacturers Association September 24, 2019

  2. What is the Hardwood Federation? • Voice of the U.S. Hardwood Industry • Established in 2004 • 28 Hardwood Businesses Organization Members

  3. Our Members • Allegheny Hardwood Utility Group • National Wood Flooring Assn. • American Hardwood Export Council • National Woodland Owners Assn. • Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers • North Carolina Forestry Assn. • Appalachian Lumbermen’s Club • Northeast Loggers Assn. • Empire State Forest Products Assn. • Pennsylvania Forest Products Assn. • Hardwood Distributor’s Assn. • Penn-York Lumbermen’s Club • Hardwood Manufacturers Assn. • Railway Tie Association • Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Assn. • Southern Cypress Manufacturers Assn. • Indiana Hardwood Lumber Assn. • Southwestern Hardwood Manufacturers Club • Kentucky Forest Products Assn. • Tennessee Forestry Association • Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Assn. • Virginia Forestry Association • Lake States Lumber Assn. • Western Hardwood Association • Maple Flooring Manufacturers Assn. • Westside Hardwood Club • Missouri Forest Products Assn. • Wood Component Manufacturers Assn.

  4. The Hardwood Federation Charge • Educate Policy Makers • Monitor Federal Policy • Participate in the Process • Network with Allies • Support Our Champions - HFPAC

  5. Why Does Advocacy Matter? Why Does the Hardwood Industry Need A Washington Presence? People in DC Don’t Care About My Opinion. Everything is a Mess. Nothing is Getting Done. So Why Bother?

  6. If You Are Not at the Table… You are on the Menu!

  7. Constituents and Economics Matter Voters and Jobs Get Attention

  8. The Hardwood Economic Impact 2016 Direct Economic Impact U.S: $135.6 B; 700,000 Jobs 2016 Direct Economic Impact PA: $6.1 B; 32,000 Jobs 2016 Total Economic Impact U.S: $348.1 B; 2 million Jobs 2016 Total Economic Impact PA: $11.1 B; 62,974 Jobs

  9. Politics is S low Change is Incremental Usually

  10. 2018 Successes Federal Forest Management Reform Farm Bill Passage Waters of the U.S.

  11. 2019 Focus It’s All About Trade!

  12. Changes in China Jan – June 2019 Source: AHEC 25% Tariff 20% Tariff 5% Tariff 10 Millions of Board Feet 0 +1% Red Oak White Oak Ash Cherry Maple Ot her Walnut West ern Yellow -10 Temperate Red Alder Poplar -54% -28% -20 -72% -41% -32% -30 -47% -40 -63% -50 -60 -70 -36% -80

  13. Quarterly US HDWD Lumber Exports to China $450 D) ($US $400 MILLIONS In 12 months since Trade $350 War started, lumber exports $300 are down $615 million $250 Q2 2018 vs $200 Q2 2019: $150 Down 43% $100 $50 $- Q1 '17 Q2 '17 Q3 '17 Q4 '17 Q1 '18 Q2 '18 Q3 '18 Q4 '18 Q1 '19 Q2 '19

  14. US Losing Hardwood Lumber Market Share in China 100% 90% 80% Germany 70% Laos Canada 60% USA: Cameroon 50% 27% Romania USA: USA: Indonesia 31% 40% 18% Gabon Russia 30% United S tates 20% Thailand 10% 0% 2017 2018 2019 S ource: Global Trade Atlas, data through June ‘ 19

  15. How Did We Get Here? Jan-March 2018: U.S. Tariffs on solar panels, washing machines, steel and aluminum. China retaliates with tariffs on $3B in U.S. goods

  16. How Did We Get Here? July 6, 2018: U.S. imposes 25% tariffs on $34 B in Chinese goods. China retaliates with 25% tariffs on $34 B in U.S. goods. Aug. 23, 2018: U.S. imposes 10% tariffs on $16 B in Chinese goods. China retaliates with 10% tariffs on $16 B in U.S. goods.

  17. How Did We Get Here? Sept. 24, 2018: U.S. imposes 10% tariffs on $200 B in Chinese goods. China retaliates with 5-10% tariffs on $60 B in U.S. goods. Fall 2018: U.S. threatens to escalate 10% tariffs to 25%. Dec. 1, 2018: U.S. and China agree to delay increases.

  18. How Did We Get Here? May 5, 2019: Negotiations break down. Electronics company Huawei placed on restricted export list to the US. June 1, 2019: U.S. raises 10% tariffs on $200 B in Chinese goods to 25%. China retaliates with 5-25% tariffs on $60 B in U.S. goods.

  19. How Did We Get Here? July 31, 2019: US-China talks end. Little progress. Aug. 1, 2019: U.S. raises 10% tariffs on additional $300 B in Chinese goods on Sept. 1. Aug. 6, 2019: U.S. declares China a currency manipulator. China suspends new U.S. Ag purchases.

  20. How Did We Get Here? Aug.13, 2019: US delays latest tariffs on certain products until Dec. 15. Some still set for Sept. 1. Aug. 13, 2019: U.S. and China agree to talk again.

  21. How Did We Get Here? Aug. 23, 2019: China announces $75 B in new tariffs on U.S. goods on Sept. 1 or Dec. 15. Aug. 23, 2019: President tweets U.S. will increase tariffs on $300 B in Chinese goods slated for Sept. 1. 25% tariffs on $250 B in Chinese goods will increase to 30%.

  22. How Did We Get Here? Aug. 26, 2019: China calls for calm and continuation of negotiations. Aug. 26, 2019: President Trump indicates agreement.

  23. Tariff Totals US Tariffs Applied on Chinese Goods: $550 Billion Chinese Tariffs Applied on U.S. Goods: $185 Billion

  24. Why is Trade Hard? Decisions are made at the very highest levels of government. Constant changes to the status quo. Limited powers lie with Congress. Many agree with the “get tough” position.

  25. Federation Action Congressional Outreach Administration Contacts Fly-Ins to D.C.

  26. How to Be Engaged Become Informed Become Involved Take Action!

  27. Hardwood Federation If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools. Plato


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