MIE Aug 2011 @ Oslo, Norway Organs Transplantation How to Improve the Process? Viriato Ferraz, Gerardo Oliveira, Pedro Vieira-Marques, Ricardo Cruz-Correia Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Contents à Motivation à Software agents à Aim à Information Requirements à Changes in information flow à Developed system à Discussion and future work Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Motivation à The number of available organs is much lower then the needed – growing size of waiting lists for donation à Transplants must be performed in a short period of time in order to achieve satisfactory results (from 6h to 8h) 1. Identification of brain death and potential donor by doctor (e.g. ICU) 2. Communication to Coordinator Office (C.O.) 3. Validating of donor by coordinator office (C.O.) 4. Histocompatibility tests 5. Perform the transplant à Timely and optimized communication between health professionals is often referred as an area of improvement Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Local motivation (North of Portugal) à High number of patients being monitored – Hard to perform timely validation of all signs indicating brain death to each specific patient – When signs are missed a race against time starts à Hospital S. João (HSJ), a large Portuguese hospital numbers – In 2008, 65 potential donors, 12 not validated in time – In 2009, 61 potential donors, 19 not validated in time Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Software Agents à Agent is a complex software entity capable of acting with autonomy in order to accomplish tasks on behalf of its host à An agent is defined in terms of its behavior à Agents are defined regarding its – persistence (code runs continuously and decides for itself when it should perform some activity) – autonomy (agents have capabilities of task selection, prioritization, goal-directed behavior, decision-making without human intervention) – social ability (agents are able collaborate on a task) – reactivity (agents perceive the context in which they operate and react to it appropriately) à Agents have been used to improve workflow and information flow Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Aim à Design and implement a multi-agent software platform to assist the information flow between hospitals and coordinator offices (C.O.) à So that C.O. accesses information of potential donors before and during brain death tests Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Information requirements by C.O. Ar Area De Descript scription ion Data T Type Glasgow Score Number Neurologic Neurocritic Injuries Yes/No à Several meetings with Respiratory SpO2 Number C.O. of HSJ to determine Ph Number Fio2 Number data that allows C.O. to Ratio Number Thoracic Drains Yes/No early identify possible Rx Yes/No NA Normal/High organs donors Cardiovascular Dopa Normal/High Cardiogram Echo Yes/No Abdominal Echo Free Text Digestive Abdominal Drains Yes/No Renal Echo Free Text Oliguria Yes/No Renal Proteinuria Yes/No Urine Sediment Number Coetaneous Tattoos Yes/No Hematologic Transfusions Yes/No Infection Yes/No Infection Focus Free Text Diagnostic Diagnosis Free Text Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt !
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt !
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Developed system à Agent based system à JADE and MySQL à Main agents à Health care unit agent (e.g. ICU) à Signalize patient as possible donor to C.O. à C.O. receiver à Receive and process possible donor from health care units à Receive and process possible donor from other C.O. à C.O. sender à Send updates to other C.O. à Web-based human interface à Java (JSP) and MySQL Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Discussion à The pilot has been successfully developed à Evaluation by users à C.O. users find it useful à ICU doctors ask for integration with their existing EPR/Monitoring systems à The developed system has the potential to reduce 1h+ in the process due to early notification of C.O. Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? Future Work à Implement communication protocols with EPR à Study new healthcare scenarios suitable for multi-agent systems à Searching, negotiating and retrieving specific patient information distributed in different hospitals before user request (doctor or patient) Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
MIE Aug 2011 @ Oslo, Norway Thank you for your attention Organs Transplantation How to Improve the Process? Viriato Ferraz, Gerardo Oliveira, Pedro Vieira-Marques, Ricardo Cruz-Correia Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
Organs Transplantation - How to Improve the Process? CINTESIS – Health Informatics Group Faculty of Medicine @ Porto, Portugal • Patient records • Central repositories • Departmental Patient Records (O&G, Breast, ICU, … ) • Regional networks • Information and work flow improvement • Security • Role-base access control • Knowledge discovery • Data mining • Performance indicators • Log analysis (audit trails) • Technology assessment Health Informatics Group - http://cintesis.med.up.pt
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