Organ Donation and Transplantation Activities 2012 Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation (GODT) Last updated version 07/01/2014
Global Activity in Organ Transplantation 2012 Estimates GODT 2012 Kidney Liver Heart Lung Pancreas Small bowel 77818 23986 5935 4359 2423 169 Information of 109 Member States on organ transplantation activities is included in the GODT : 91 of 2012, 9 of 2011, 3 of 2010, 2 of 2009, 4 of 2008.
Kidney Transplantations per Region Kidneys from Deceased Donors (%); Absolute number; Kidney Tx (pmp) GODT 2012 Kidney from LD Kidney from DD 70% 65.8% 24283 (26.92) 17.5% 6204 (10.2) 61.1% 5.6% 30234 (31.86) 38.3% 6183 (3.33) 540 (0.60) 10374 (5.73)
60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0 Croatia Kidney Transplantations from deceased and living donors Spain Belgium Estonia Norway Austria France US Portugal Finland Czech Rep UK Latvia Poland Netherlands Ireland Uruguay Australia Italy Sweden Per million population (pmp) Canada Denmark Slovakia Lithuania Hungary Germany Argentina Brazil Rate Living Kidney tx (pmp) Switzerland Malta Belarus Rep of Korea Colombia Panama Iran New Zealand Chile Greece Cuba Kuwait Israel Venezuela Turkey Mexico Ecuador Romania Russia Costa Rica Paraguay Peru Cyprus Singapore Saudi Arabia SouthAfrica Thailand Rate Kidney tx from DD (pmp) China Qatar Dom Republic Bolivia Japan Malaysia Philippines Bulgaria Guatemala Kazakhstan Tunisia UAE Morocco Ukraine India Algeria Tajikistan Iceland Syria TFYRM Sudan Egypt Sri Lanka Jordan Rep of Moldova Georgia Pakistan Azerbaijan Oman Kenya Nigeria Indonesia Nicaragua Ghana Nepal El Salvador Myanmar GODT 2012 Bangladesh Mongolia Armenia Mauritius Kyrgyzstan Libya Albania 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0
Norway Netherlands Kidney Transplants per Country and Per million population (pmp) US Spain Croatia Austria Belgium France UK Estonia Sweden Czech Rep Portugal Turkey Denmark Canada Finland Australia Rep of Korea Ireland Switzerland Iran Latvia Germany Slovenia Poland Italy Jordan Uruguay Argentina Costa Rica Hungary Brazil Lithuania Living Kidney tx (pmp) Cyprus Slovakia Kuwait New Zealand Mexico Israel Malta Saudi Arabia Belarus Iceland Egypt Panama Colombia Chile Greece Sri Lanka TFYRM Japan Syria Cuba Tunisia Venezuela Mauritius Kidney tx from DD (pmp) Kazakhstan Singapore Romania Ecuador Bolivia Paraguay El Salvador Thailand Russia SouthAfrica Oman Guatemala Tajikistan Peru Azerbaijan Pakistan Qatar Sudan Dom Republic Mongolia China Philippines India Georgia Algeria Nepal Armenia Lebanon Ukraine UAE Indonesia Nicaragua Bulgaria Malaysia Albania GODT 2012 Rep of Moldova Kenya Libya Kyrgyzstan Morocco Nigeria Bangladesh Ghana Myanmar 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0
Liver Transplantations per Region Livers from Live Donors (%); Absolute number; Liver Tx (pmp) GODT 2012 13.34 % Livers from LD 5.2 % Livers from DD 8563 (9.5) 54.5 % 83.1% 33.05% 9210 (9.7) 1103 (1.81) 946 (0.51) 5.4 % 4127 (2.28) 37 (0.04)
30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0 Croatia Belgium Liver Transplantations from deceased and living donors Spain US France Italy Sweden Germany UK Switzerland Canada Per million population (pmp) Czech Rep Australia Argentina Netherlands Living Liver tx (pmp) Poland Rep of Korea Brazil New Zealand Iran Israel Belarus Chile Colombia Turkey Romania Singapore Liver tx from DD (pmp) Saudi Arabia China Costa Rica Russia Mexico Japan Bulgaria Kazakhstan Tunisia India Venezuela Ukraine Myanmar Panama Mongolia Indonesia GODT 2012 Egypt Azerbaijan Jordan Algeria 30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0
Transplanted Organs per Million Population 50 Most Active Countries Globally GODT 2012 100,0 Kidney pmp 90,0 Liver pmp Heart pmp 80,0 Lung pmp Pancreas pmp 70,0 Small bowel pmp 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 20,0 10,0 0,0
Myanmar Algeria Ukraine Morocco Tunisia UAE Kazakhstan Bulgaria India Guatemala Philippines Malaysia Japan Bolivia Qatar Dom Republic Donation from deceased persons (pmp) Thailand SouthAfrica Lebanon Singapore Russia Saudi Arabia Romania Costa Rica Peru Mexico Ecuador Cyprus Turkey Venezuela Kuwait Panama Greece Iran Israel Paraguay Colombia Luxembourg New Zealand Chile Rep of Korea Cuba Iceland Belarus Brazil Lithuania Switzerland Germany Slovakia Denmark Hungary Sweden Argentina Netherlands Australia Canada Uruguay Poland Ireland Latvia UK Finland Czech Rep Italy Norway Slovenia GODT 2012 Portugal Austria Estonia US France Malta Belgium Croatia Spain 40,0 35,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 10,0 5,0 0,0
Deceased donors per million population vs Human Development Index GODT 2012 40,0 AFR AMR EMR EUR SEAR WPR Spain Croatia 35,0 Malta 30,0 US Estonia 25,0 Norway 20,0 Uruguay Australia Canada 15,0 Brasil Belarus Rep of Korea 10,0 Paraguay Iran 5,0 South Africa Thailand Singapore Japan 0,0 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Total Kidney Transplants per million population vs Human Development Index GODT 2012 70,0 AFR AMR EMR EUR SEAR WPR Norway 60,0 Spain Croatia US Belgium 50,0 Estonia Turkey 40,0 Australia Iran Jordan 30,0 Brasil N Zealand 20,0 Colombia Chile Syria Japan 10,0 Bolivia Guatemala Singapore Sudan Pakistan Qatar 0,0 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Disclaimer The data and information presented here are published in order to promote transparency in transplantation activities. Whenever possible this information has been confirmed by official national sources. However, in some instances, there are still provisional estimates. It is therefore anticipated that some data presented may be modified without prior notice. As the facts displayed here are not definitive, they cannot be reproduced or quoted unless shown with the above warning and the date. Data presented for China, South Africa and India are best estimates from official sources as health authorities are in the process of setting up comprehensive registries on organ transplantation. Note of Caution: 2010 data has been used for China in this provisional set of slides. We are expecting more complete 2012 data soon and the slides will be updated accordingly.
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