Day 3 Oral Presentation Instructions
Oral session ● 12 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions ● Each student must present one block. Instructors will decide which one each. 2
Grading BSc MSc Online Tests 60% 30% Lab 30% 30% Project - 30% Communication - 10% Attendance 10% -10% x miss day 3
Project Evaluation ● Not about performance but about discussion and understanding 4
Communication skills ● Your presentation is addressed to: ○ your classmates ○ an external judge who is an expert on the topic ● do not explain the problem from scratch ! 5
Communication skills DO NOT DO ● Look much at the ● Adapt your talk to the screen. audience. ● Do not play with your ● Look at the audience. hair, belt, button… ● Talk aloud and clear. ● Sway ● Use gestures to ● Include much text. communicate ● Drink much coffe. ● Use slides to show ● Talk longer than graphical information allowed !!! 6
Front page ● Names of all student members. ● URL for the GitHub project page. ○ Consider adding links to your LinkedIn or personal page if you want recruiters to find you. 7
Task 1: Architecture 8
Task 1: +Resources ● Software framework ● Hardware used 9
Task 2: Training 10
Task 3: Visualization 11
Task 4: Transfer learning 12
Task 5: Open project 13
References Provide links to any resource you used in terms of: ● Papers ● Software ● Blogs... 14
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