Presentation including 2018 Results and 2019 Business Plan OPPORTUNITY DAY
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2018 Performance: Built to Last with Discipline TRANSFERS 33,171 A 20 YEAR JOURNEY 5,209 1999 2006 2008 2010 2011 2017 2018 2009 2012 2015 2016 2013 2014 Our JV with Global Political Bangkok IPO JV with Thailand Mourning Trade War 1 st Day Pramerica Financial Crisis Unrest Flooding Mitsui Coup Period Looming 3
2018 Performance: Deliver All Time High Transfers and Profits NET PROFIT ANANDA SHARE IN TRANSFERS TRANSFERS 120 82 54 % % % GROWTH GROWTH GROWTH YoY YoY YoY 33,171 2,419 18,547 12,077 1,328 15,098 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Note : Net profit included non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries 4
Dividend: Increase Investment Return to Shareholders 6 YEARS DIVIDEND PER SHARE (BAHT) 400% GROWTH 0.2540 0.1275 0.1250 0.10 0.098 0.05 IPO 2018 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2012 5
Profitability: Investment from Joint Ventures was a Key to Grow Y2017 Y2018 % Y-o-Y M Baht % M Baht % Total revenue 12,950 100% 10,555 100% (18%) 8,932 69% 5,905 56% (34%) Revenue from sale of real estate 2,061 16% 2,080 20% 1% Project management and commission income 1,208 9% 1,674 16% 39% Construction income 749 6% 896 8% 20% Other incomes Gross profit 4,898 38% 3,605 34% (26%) 2,865 32% 1,644 28% (43%) Sale of real estate 1,324 64% 1,176 57% (11%) Project management and commission Construction 102 8% 140 8% 37% Others 606 N/A 645 N/A 6% SG&A 2,570 20% 2,912 28% 13% Selling expenses 1,112 9% 947 9% (15%) Administrative expenses 1,458 11% 1,965 19% 35% Other expenses 0 0% 173 2% N/A Share of Profit (Loss) (342) (3%) 2,341 22% N/A EBIT 1,987 15% 2,861 27% 44% Interest expenses 285 2% 368 3% 29% Net Profit (Loss) 1,328 10% 2,398 23% 82% Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 0 0% 22 0% N/A Profit attributable to equity holders of the company 1,328 10% 2,419 23% 82% 0.34 0.65 Earnings per share (baht) 6
Profitability: Investment from Joint Ventures was a Key to Grow 342 % 27,267 ALL TIME HIGH Transfers from JV GROWTH YOY 6,166 Joint Venture Project Performance 2,341 Share Profit from JV -342 37% %Gross Profit Margin 33% Unit: M Baht 22% %Net Profit Margin 17% 2018 2017 7
Productivity: Improving Efficiency for the Group Transfers & %Admin Expenses to Transfers & Other Incomes Other Incomes (MB) Decreased in 4 Years 40,000 14% 12% 35,000 12% 30,000 10% 25,000 7% 8% 20,000 6% 15,000 4% 10,000 2% 5,000 0 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 Note : 1 including Joint Venture projects 8
Balance Sheet: Business Growth with Discipline Y2017 Y2018 % Y-o-Y M Baht M Baht Cash balance and equivalent 2,063 4,914 138% Assets 29,904 41,573 39% Interest bearing debts 12,361 18,396 49% Liabilities 16,444 23,584 43% Shareholders' equity 13,460 17,989 34% D/E ratio (times) 1.22 1.31 7% Net IBDE ratio (times) 0.77 0.75 (2%) 9
Balance Sheet: Business Growth with Discipline 2.5 Times Bond Covenants 1.5 1.1 1 0.5 0 2018 2017 2014 2015 2016 Note : Net Interest bearing debt including JV debt to equity 10
Transfer Performance 2018: Transfers were All Time High 33,171 INCREASING 93 TRANSFERS % CONDOMINIUM 15,098 7 % HOUSING 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 3Q18 1Q18 2Q18 4Q18 Transfer 1,342 993 878 435 3,647 Condo Housing 511 542 597 608 2,258 1,853 1,534 1,475 1,043 5,905 Ananda F/S 1,014 2,665 4,448 4,516 12,643 Ananda Share in JV 974 2,560 5,914 5,117 14,624 Partner Share in JV 2,866 4,199 5,923 5,559 18,547 Ananda Share in Transfers 33,171 3,840 6,759 11,837 10,736 Total (M Baht) 11
Transfer Performance 2018: 10 New Condo Completed Projects were Transferred 74 10 % NEW CONDO PROJECTS OF TRANSFERS THAT COMPLETE THIS COMING FROM YEAR Transfer 1Q18 2Q18 3Q18 4Q18 Begins 12
Transfer Performance 2018: International Transfers were All Time High 6.3 Bn 300 % GROWTH YoY UNITS 94 966 19 % % GROWTH YoY INCREASING 19% INTERNATIONAL 81 % TRANSFERS 10% 2015 2016 2017 2018 13
Transfer Performance 2018: Our Customers were Cashed Up 43 100% % CASH 90% 80% FY2018 70% 24 % DOMESTIC 60% 19 % 50% INTERNATIONAL 40% 57 % 30% MORTGAGE 20% FY2018 10% 0% 2015 2016 2017 2018 14
Presales Performance 2018: International Sales were Remaining Strong 31,483 MILLION BAHT 32 ALL TIME HIGH % INTERNATIONAL SALES 10,119 MILLION BAHT 68 % 10,119 9,775 21,364 MILLION BAHT 3,111 1,256 1,730 1,235 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 15
Presales Performance 2018 31,483 MILLION BAHT 11 % HOUSING 89 % CONDOMINIUM 2018 1Q18A 2Q18 3Q18 4Q18 PRESALES CONDOMINIUM 5,848 9,793 7,038 5,193 27,872 HOUSING 834 825 1,144 807 3,611 TOTAL 31,483 6,685 10,618 8,182 6,000 (MILLION BAHT) 16
Launch Performance 2018: All 12 Projects had been Launched as Promised 26,756 MILLION BAHT 12 PROJECTS 82 % CONDOMINIUM 18 Tick tock cycles 42,450 % HOUSING 26,756 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 17
Launch Performance 2018: All 12 Projects had been Launched as Promised 26,756 MILLION BAHT 12 PROJECTS 5 JOINT VENTURE PROJECTS NO. LAUNCH 2018 4Q18 1Q18 3Q18 2Q18 BEGINS 4,325 6,822 5,123 5,582 21,854 Condo Housing - 401 3,684 818 4,902 TOTAL 26,756 4,325 7,223 8,807 6,400 (MILLION BAHT) 6 (5 JVs) NO. OF CONDO PROJECT 2 (1JV) 1 JV 2 JVs 1 JV 6 - 1 4 1 NO. OF HOUSING PROJECT 19
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