opportunities in


SSH OPPORTUNITIES IN FRANCE FOR POST- DOCTORAL STUDENTS Elonore Dispersyn, PhD Project Manager EUI-ACO, 02.12.2015 WHO WE ARE A public organisation depending on the Ministry of research Created in 2005, and reinforced by a

  1. SSH OPPORTUNITIES IN FRANCE FOR POST- DOCTORAL STUDENTS Eléonore Dispersyn, PhD Project Manager EUI-ACO, 02.12.2015

  2. WHO WE ARE A public organisation depending on the Ministry  of research  Created in 2005, and reinforced by a decree in 2014  A research funding agency: Competitive project-based research funding:  In all fields of science → In basic and applied research → For research organisations, universities, private companies → & SMEs www.anr.fr/en Twitter @agencerecherche ANR 08/12/2015 2

  3. OUR MISSIONS  Fund and promote the development of basic and applied research, technical innovation and technology transfer, and academia-industry partnerships  Implement the programme planning decided by the Ministry in charge of research  Manage the major State investment programmes (“ Investments for the future ”) in the area of higher education and research and monitor their implementation  Reinforce scientific cooperation at European and international level by hinging our programming around the European and international initiatives  Analyse the development of the research offering and measure the impact of the allocated funding on French scientific research output 08/12/2015 3

  4. PROJECT-BASED FUNDING Target and Promote Prepare a focus Direct the research excellenc llence new to socie ietal tal resources on generation and the best chall allenges nges of talents nts creativ ativity ity project jects Speed up Facilitate Foster production & European opean and inter erdi disciplina sciplinary transf nsfer of internationa ernational work & di dialogu logue knowledge in partnerships between disciplines PPP PPP 08/12/2015 4

  5. OUR PRINCIPLES OF ACTION  Competitive selection  Equitable treatment  Peer review  External French and foreign peer reviewers  Close management of conflicts of interest  Compliance with international standards 08/12/2015 5

  6. ANR IN THE LANDSCAPE OF RESEARCH FUNDING Funding range (whole project duration) € 10 M Horizon 2020 FUI ERC EUREKA € 1 M ANR BPI France € 0.1 M Basic Indust ustri rial Expl plor orat atory y Innovati ation on Research Research Developmen pment 08/12/2015 6

  7. ANR IN FIGURES (2014)  € 414,3 M : 2014 budget devoted to the funding of projects  ~ 13,300 projects funded since the ANR was created ( 107 071 projects funded in 2014)  5,490 on-going projects in the portfolio  More than 8,000 peer reviewers from all over the world  250 250 staff (Full-Time Equivalent) 08/12/2015 7

  8. KEY FIGURES OF 2014 SELECTION  10,532 projects submitted  1,07 071 projects funded (76% are collaborative projects), including 216 international projects (20%)  € 14,9M : Hosting High Level Researchers Budget 08/12/2015 8

  9. WORK PROGRAMME 2016  Comes under the framework fixed by the "France Europe 2020 “ national Strategic Agenda  Describes initiatives and calls for proposals issued by the ANR for a financial year 2016  Sets out research priorities and funding instruments available  Addresses all scientific communities and all public or private players involved in French research A large part of the funding offer in a ge generic eric cal all for for proposals roposals + a number of additional specif ific ic calls s (ERA-NETs & JPIs, international calls, Challenge competitions & Specific programmes: Astrid, LabCom, etc.) 08/12/2015 9

  10. 4 COMPONENTS Each h with a speci cific ic budg dget, t, ins nstru rument ments s and nd calls ls Major Societ etal al Challen enge ges 9 socie ietal al challen allenges ges Collaborative research projects (PRC) & Challenge competitions Young Researchers (JCJC) At At the Fro ronti tier ers s of R Researc arch All-kno Al nowled wledge challe lleng nge Collaborative research projects (PRC) & OH Risk Young Researchers (JCJC) Building ding the e Euro ropean ean Research Area and France’s international attr tractiv activene eness Setting up European or International International collaborative research Scientific Networks, Hosting high-level projects (PRCI) researchers, Bi- and multilateral calls Economic Impac pact t of R Researc arch h and Competi petiti tivene eness Collaborative research projects involving LabCom, Carnot Institutes, Industrial enterprises (PRCE) Chairs SPECI CIFI FIC C GENERIC IC CA CALL CALLS CA LS 08/12/2015 10

  11. BUILDING THE ERA AND FRANCE’S INTERNATIONAL ATTRACTIVENESS Generi ric c or Type of pro roje ject ct Instrume In trument nt speci cific fic call ll? Collaborative bilateral projects International Collaborative research including one or more teams Generic call projects (PRCI) from a particular country Collaborative bilateral projects Specific calls for bilateral project including one or more teams Specific call proposals from a particular country Collaborative multilateral projects including one or more Specific calls for multilateral project Specific call teams from several particular proposals countries Scientific networks including Setting up European or International one or more European or Specific call Scientific Networks (MRSEI) international teams Individual project of a researcher from any country who wishes to come and work Hosting High-Level Researchers Specific call in a French research organisation 08/12/2015 11

  12. OUR MAIN FUNDING INSTRUMENTS Colla llaborativ borative e rese sear arch Collaborative research projects (PRC) Collaborative research projects involving Individu dividuals als enterprises (PRCE) International collaborative research projects Young Researchers (PRCI) Hosting High-Level Specific international calls (bilateral or Researchers multilateral) Industrial Chairs Challenge competitions LabCom 80% of ANR Flash calls Each instrument has its fundin OH Risk own raison d’être, g specific expected impacts, and distinct Pro roje ject ct in init itia iatio tion characteristics in terms Setting up European or International Scientific Networks of selection 08/12/2015 12

  13. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Increase the excellence, the competitiveness,  the attractiveness, the impact and the outreach of French research in Europe and the world Provide concerted answers to global and societal  issues such as climate change, food security, health, ageing, energy resources, etc. Pool resources and share research and its costs  on the major challenges of knowledge Contribute to building the European Research  Area  Build strategic partnerships 08/12/2015 13

  14. DEDICATED INSTRUMENTS Interna rnational tional collabo aborativ rative e resear arch proj rojec ects ts • Simplify and strengthen the bilateral partnerships of researchers Specif cific ic Europ ropean ean and internat rnationals ionals calls s for pro ropo posals sals • Implement common international research programmes on targeted themes or disciplines Hosting ing High-Le Level el Resear archer ers • Facilitate the hosting of world-renowned researchers Set ettin ting g up Euro ropean pean or Intern rnational ational Scientif ntific ic Net etwor orks ks • Enhance the position of the French teams in the European and international large programmes 08/12/2015 14

  15. BUILDING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA  Integrate and position our activities into the context of Horizon 2020 2020 Coordination and inter-connection of national and European  programmes/funding  An instrument for enhancing the position of the French teams in Europe (“Setting up European or International Scientific Networks”)  Respond jointly to the major scientific and societal challenges High level of participation in the ERA-NET projects and in 8 Joint  Programming Initiatives (JPI) out of the 10 that exist Build strategic partnerships in focused areas (global  security, strategic materials…)  Encourage open (borderless) research areas Remove the obstacles to cooperation and promote the lead  agency principle Share best practices  08/12/2015 15

  16. Building the European Research Area 75 75% of ANR co-funde nded d in internati ernational nal proj rojec ects ts are Euro ropean ean pro rojects cts 2006-2014 Figures 08/12/2015 16

  17. HHLR  A specific call for foreign students : Hosting High-Level Researchers (HHLR)/Accueil de Chercheurs de Haut Niveau (ACHN) 08/12/2015 17

  18. Hosting High-Level Researchers (Accueil de Chercheurs de Haut Niveau)  A specific call open to:  French and foreign researchers (no age limit)  All disciplines  Basic, technological or industrial research  Objective: To enable French and foreign high-level researchers, living outside France, to relocate to France and carry out their research in a French laboratory for 3 to 4 years in excellent conditions  Next call : Spring 2016 (consult the ANR website)


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