opening new windows

Opening new windows Yashwant Gupta National Centre for Radio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The upgraded GMRT : Opening new windows Yashwant Gupta National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune India Science at Low Frequencies III Pasadena 7 Dec 2016 Plan of today's presentation Upgrading the

  1. The upgraded GMRT : Opening new windows Yashwant Gupta National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune India Science at Low Frequencies – III Pasadena 7 Dec 2016

  2. Plan of today's presentation  Upgrading the GMRT – goals and plans  Developments & current status of different aspects of the uGMRT  Status of (phased) release of the uGMRT to the user community

  3. The existing GMRT : An Overview  30 dishes, 45 m diameter each  12 dishes in a central 1 km x 1 km region (central square)  remaining along 3 arms of Y-shaped array  baselines : ~ 200 m (shortest); ~ 30 km (longest)  Frequency range :  130-170 MHz  225-245 MHz  300-360 MHz 1 km x 1 km  580-660 MHz  1000-1450 MHz  max instantaneous BW = 32 MHz 14  km Effective collecting area (2-3% of SKA) :  30,000 sq m at lower frequencies  20,000 sq m at highest frequencies  Supports 2 modes of operation :  Interferometry, aperture synthesis  Array mode (incoherent & coherent)

  4. GMRT : Usage Statistics  GMRT sees users from all over the world : distribution of Indian vs Foreign users is close to 45:55  The GMRT has been typically oversubscribed by a factor of 2 or more

  5. GMRT : Scientific Objectives The GMRT is a powerful instrument to probe several astrophysical objects and phenomena :  The Sun, extrasolar planets  Pulsars : rapidly rotating neutron stars  Other Galactice objects like : supernova remnants, microquasars etc  Other explosive events like Gamma Ray Bursts  Ionized and neutral Hydrogen gas clouds (in our Galaxy and in other galaxies)  Radio properties of different kinds of galaxies; galaxy clusters  Radio galaxies at large distances in the Universe  Cosmology and the Epoch of Reionization  All sky surveys such as the 150 MHz TGSS …and many interesting new results have been produced

  6. Next Generation : The uGMRT  For last several years the GMRT has been working well on the global stage; however, it was time to think of the future & upgrade the facility, keeping in mind technology development for global efforts such as the SKA.  Main goals for the upgraded GMRT (uGMRT) were identified as :  Seamless frequency coverage from ~ 50 MHz to 1500 MHz, instead of the limited bands at present  design of completely new feeds and receiver systems with ~ octave bandwidths  Improved dynamic range and G/Tsys  better technology receivers  Increased instantaneous bandwidth of 400 MHz (from the present  maximum of 32 MHz) new digital back-end receiver  Revamped servo system  brushless drives, new servo computer etc  Modern, versatile control and monitor system  SKA contribution  Matching improvements in offline computing facilities  Improvements in mechanical & electrical systems, infrastructure facilities  To be done without compromising availability of existing GMRT to users

  7. uGMRT : Expected Performance  Spectral lines : broadband coverage will give significant increase in the redshift space for HI lines + access to other lines  Continuum imaging sensitivity will improve by factor of 3 or so.  Sensitivity for pulsar observations will also improve by factor of 3.  Only SKA-I will do better then Expected sensitivity performance of the uGMRT at centimeter wavelengths upgraded GMRT compared to other major facilities in the world, present and projected (courtesy : Nissim Kanekar, NCRA)

  8. Overview of uGMRT Receiver System  Broad-band feeds + FE (in octaves) :  1000 – 1450 MHz (updating L-band)  550 – 900 MHz (replacing 610)  250 – 500 MHz (replacing 325)  120 – 250 MHz (replacing 150)  Modified optical fibre system to cater to wideband (50 to 2000 MHz) dual pol RF signals (while allowing existing IF signals)  Analog back-end system to translate RF signals to 0 - 400 MHz baseband  Digital back-end system process 400 MHz BW for interferometric and beam modes

  9. Wideband feeds + FE for uGMRT : 550-900 MHz system – “Band 4”  Replaces existing 235/610 system  Front-End system split into two parts :  Polariser + LNA is right next to feed (to minimize the loss)  Rest of the FE electronics is in the regular box  Now installed on 10 antennas and growing… Cone Dipole feed (for 550-900) alongwith polarizer and LNA

  10. Wideband feeds + FE for uGMRT : 550-900 MHz system – “Band 4”  Performs better than existing feed at 610 MHz  Nice, clean band with negligible RFI

  11. uGMRT : New Wideband Systems Summary  Proposed configuration of feeds and receivers and their current status :  Band 5 (1000 – 1450 MHz ) : existing wideband feed + improved dynamic range rx with appropriate RFI filters -- completed on 30 antennas !  Band 4 (550 – 900 MHz) : cone-dipole feed with matching receiver system finalized and now in mas production phase -- 10 antennas completed.  Band 3 (250 – 500 MHz) : cone-dipole feed + receiver is well into mass production & installation -- 30 antennas completed !  Band 2 (120 – 250 MHz) : modified Kildal ring feed + modified electronics in last stages of validation – populated on 4 antennas.  Band 1 (50 – 80 MHz) : on hold at present.

  12. GMRT vs uGMRT : Frequency Coverage

  13. Overview of uGMRT Receiver System  Broad-band feeds + FE (in octaves) :  120 – 250 MHz (replacing 150)  250 – 500 MHz (replacing 325)  550 – 900 MHz (replacing 610)  1000 – 1450 MHz (updating L-band)  Modified optical fibre system to cater to wideband (50 to 2000 MHz) dual pol RF signals (while allowing existing IF signals)  Analog back-end system to translate RF signals to 0 - 400 MHz baseband  Digital back-end system process 400 MHz BW for interferometric and beam modes

  14. uGMRT Digital Backend : Hybrid Correlator Design Antenna 1 ADC FPGA CPU + GPU (400 MHz (2channels) (packetizer) (correlator) CPU + GPU 2 pols) (correlator) Antenna 2 ADC FPGA CPU + GPU (400 MHz CPU + GPU (2channels) (packetizer) (correlator) Switch 2 pols) (correlator) (40 Gbe) CPU + GPU (correlator) Antenna 32 ADC FPGA CPU + GPU (400 MHz (2channels) (packetizer) (correlator) 2 pols) 32 stations, 400 MHz BW, 16-32 K channels, Data Acquisition and Control Full Stokes correlator + beamformer + pulsar rx.

  15. GWB-III : 16 antenna (dual poln) 400 MHz software backend for the uGMRT BW : 400 MHz, upto 16K channels 8-node GPU system Int Time : 0.67 sec 16 ADC cards + 8 FPGA boards IA/PA Beamformer Dual K20 GPUs on each T620 node Upgrade to 32 stations by Dec 2016 Released in September 2015

  16. Towards a working uGMRT…

  17. uGMRT : Early Sample Results Imaging with the 400 MHz bandwidth mode at Lband GHB: 4 hrs, BW: 14 MHz, rms=55 microJy/beam GWB: 2 hrs, BW: 250 MHz, rms=30 microJy/beam courtesy : C.H. Ishwara-Chandra + Binny Sebastian

  18. uGMRT : Early Sample Results 3C129 imaged with the uGMRT system using 14 antennas, 300-500 MHz courtesy : Dharam Vir Lal + Binny Sebastian • Calibration in AIPS • 80 microJy • Imaging in CASA • 3 hours • W-projection • 14 antennas • MS-MFS • 300-500 MHz

  19. uGMRT : Early Sample Results Abell 2256 with the uGMRT, 300-500 MHz • 400 microJy • 8 hours • 16 antennas • 300 -- 500 MHz courtesy : Ruta Kale

  20. uGMRT : Early Sample Results A85 relic with the uGMRT, 300-500 MHz • 16 antennas • 2048 channels • 200 MHz bandwidth • 6 x 20 min • rms ~0.9 mJy/beam • beam 6.5 arcsec courtesy : Ishwar-Chandra

  21. Pulsars uGMRT : sample profiles • J1455-3330 • S_1400 = 1.2 mJy • Band-5 (1260 to 1460 MHz) • 10 mins scan • 12 antennas

  22. Pulsars with uGMRT : sample profiles • MSP : J1455-3330 • S_400 = 9 mJy • Band-3 (300 to 500 MHz) • 10 mins scan • 4 antennas (only)

  23. Wideband pulsar observations : improved sensitivity PSR B1508+55 120 MHz at Lband (1330-1450) vs 33 MHz at Lband (1390 sub-band) Simultaneous observations using same # of antennas in phased array mode.

  24. Precision timing with the uGMRT  Regular timing observations for a few well known MSPs  Simultaneous observations using legacy and upgraded GMRT  Now extended to simultaneous dual-frequency observations with uGMRT : Band-5 (1060-1260-1460 MHz) and Band-3 (300-500 MHz)  Should be able to extend to multi-frequency (3 bands) with 30 antennas

  25. Pulsar timing results with uGMRT Timing residuals for MSP J0751+1807 : ~ 7 micro RMS Timing residuals for MSP B1855+09 : ~ 2 micro RMS courtesy : Nikhil Naik & Y. Gupta

  26. Pulsar timing results with uGMRT Timing residuals for dual frequency observations for MSP J1455-3330 courtesy : Nikhil Naik & Y. Gupta

  27. Wideband Coherent Dedispersion for the uGMRT • Coherent Dedispersion on voltage output of phased array mode of uGMRT • Working in real-time (GPUs), for 100 to 200 MHz BWs, at low frequencies. • Will be released soon for the general user community. • Will increase the quality of pulsar timing with the uGMRT Comparison of regular phased array beam output with coherent dedispersion output for 300 to 500 MHz band of the uGMRT, for PSR J0613-0200 courtesy : Kishalay De & Y. Gupta


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