opencypher tck

openCypher TCK Andrs Zsmboki , Gbor Szrnyas, Jzsef Marton TCK - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

openCypher TCK Andrs Zsmboki , Gbor Szrnyas, Jzsef Marton TCK Overview openCypher TCK The project aims to deliver four types of artifacts: 1. Cypher Reference Documentation 2. Grammar specification 3. TCK (Technology Compatibility

  1. openCypher TCK András Zsámboki , Gábor Szárnyas, József Marton

  2. TCK Overview

  3. openCypher TCK The project aims to deliver four types of artifacts: 1. Cypher Reference Documentation 2. Grammar specification 3. TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) 4. Cypher language specification

  4. openCypher TCK The project aims to deliver four types of artifacts: 1. Cypher Reference Documentation 2. Grammar specification 3. TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) 4. Cypher language specification

  5. Cucumber tests Scenario: Find all nodes Given an empty graph And having executed: """ CREATE ({name: 'a'}), ({name: 'b'}) """ When executing query: """ MATCH (n) RETURN n """ Then the result should be: | n | | ({name: 'a'}) | | ({name: 'b'}) | And no side effects

  6. Cucumber tests Scenario: Find all nodes Given an empty graph And having executed: """ CREATE ({name: 'a'}), ({name: 'b'}) """ When executing query: """ MATCH (n) RETURN n """ Then the result should be: | n | | ({name: 'a'}) | | ({name: 'b'}) | feature results And no side effects

  7. Cucumber tests FeatureResults.g4 Scenario: Find all nodes grammar FeatureResults; Given an empty graph And having executed: value : node | relationship """ | path CREATE ({name: 'a'}), | integer ({name: 'b'}) ... ; """ When executing query: node : nodeDesc ; """ nodeDesc : '(' (label)* WS? (propertyMap)? ')' ; MATCH (n) RETURN n relationship : relationshipDesc ; """ Then the result should be: relationshipDesc : '[' relationshipType WS? (propertyMap)? ']' ; | n | | ({name: 'a'}) | path : '<' pathBody '>' ; | ({name: 'b'}) | feature results pathBody : nodeDesc (pathLink)* ; And no side effects

  8. Side effects Scenario: Create a pattern with multiple hops Given an empty graph When executing query: """ CREATE (:A)-[:R]->(:B)-[:R]->(:C) """ Then the result should be empty And the side effects should be: | +nodes | 3 | | +relationships | 2 | | +labels | 3 | When executing control query: """ MATCH (a:A)-[:R]->(b:B)-[:R]->(c:C) RETURN a, b, c """ Then the result should be: | a | b | c | | (:A) | (:B) | (:C) |

  9. Side effects Scenario: Create a pattern with multiple hops Given an empty graph When executing query: """ CREATE (:A)-[:R]->(:B)-[:R]->(:C) """ Then the result should be empty And the side effects should be: | +nodes | 3 | +nodes | +relationships | 2 | +relationships | +labels | 3 | +labels +properties When executing control query: """ MATCH (a:A)-[:R]->(b:B)-[:R]->(c:C) RETURN a, b, c """ Then the result should be: | a | b | c | | (:A) | (:B) | (:C) |

  10. Exceptions Background: Given any graph Scenario: Using a non-existent function When executing query: """ MATCH (a) RETURN foo(a) """ Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: UnknownFunction

  11. Exceptions Background: Given any graph Scenario: Using a non-existent function When executing query: """ MATCH (a) RETURN foo(a) """ Then a SyntaxError should be raised at compile time: UnknownFunction ~50 features and ~800 scenarios

  12. TCK for the Neo4j Driver

  13. Project goal ingraph TCK test executor

  14. Project goal ingraph TCK test executor

  15. Architecture restart Neo4j server test client Neo4j driver TCK test executor

  16. Architecture restart Neo4j server test client Neo4j driver TCK test executor

  17. Architecture test client Neo4j embedded Neo4j driver TCK test executor

  18. Converting from Embedded to Driver

  19. Architecture test client Neo4j embedded Neo4j driver FeatureResults Scala Gradle Result TCK test executor grammar (Xtext) Cukes Cucumber matchers

  20. Generated report Generated Cucumber report

  21. Points to Discuss

  22. Side effects Scenario: Create a pattern with multiple hops Given an empty graph When executing query: """ CREATE (:A)-[:R]->(:B)-[:R]->(:C) """ Then the result should be empty And the side effects should be: | +nodes | 3 | +nodes | +relationships | 2 | +relationships | +labels | 3 | +labels +properties When executing control query: """ MATCH (a:A)-[:R]->(b:B)-[:R]->(c:C) RETURN a, b, c """ Then the result should be: | a | b | c | | (:A) | (:B) | (:C) |

  23. Calculating side effects  org.neo4j.graphdb.QueryStatistics

  24. Side effects for properties Scenario: Non-existent values in a property map are removed with SET = Given any graph And having executed: """ CREATE (:X {foo: 'A', bar: 'B'}) :X """ foo: 'A' When executing query: bar: 'B' """ MATCH (n:X {foo: 'A'}) SET n = {foo: 'B', baz: 'C'} RETURN n """ :X Then the result should be: | n | foo: 'B' | (:X {foo: 'B', baz: 'C'}) | baz: 'C' And the side effects should be: | +properties | 2 | | -properties | 1 | openCypher/issues/221

  25. Side effects with Cypher queries Idea: an openCypher-compatible engine should support standard Cypher, so use queries to determine side effects MATCH (n) ± nodes RETURN n MATCH ()-[r]->() ± relationships RETURN r

  26. Side effects with Cypher queries MATCH (n) ± labels UNWIND labels(n) AS label RETURN DISTINCT label MATCH (n) UNWIND keys(n) AS key -property RETURN key MATCH (n) UNWIND keys(n) AS key +property WITH properties(n) AS properties RETURN key, properties[key] AS value

  27. Properties considering nodes and relationships -property +property MATCH (n) MATCH (n) UNWIND keys(n) AS key UNWIND keys(n) AS key RETURN key WITH properties(n) AS properties, key UNION ALL RETURN key, properties[key] AS value MATCH ()-[r]->() UNION ALL UNWIND keys(r) AS key MATCH ()-[r]->() RETURN key UNWIND keys(r) AS key WITH properties(r) AS properties, key RETURN key, properties[key] AS value 𝑙𝑤 𝑗 ∖ 𝑙𝑤 𝑗−1 𝑙 𝑗−1 ∖ 𝑙 𝑗

  28. Unobservable behaviour CREATE (n) DELETE n RETURN id(n) Created 1 node, deleted 1 node, started streaming 1 record after 17 ms and completed after 18 ms. MATCH (n) SET n.x = 1 WITH n SET n.x = NULL Set 2 properties, statement completed in 1 ms.

  29. License considerations  Nep4j Embedded: GPLv3  Neo4j Driver: ASLv2  openCypher: ASLv2  ingraph: EPLv1

  30. License considerations  Nep4j Embedded: GPLv3  Neo4j Driver: ASLv2  openCypher: ASLv2  ingraph: EPLv1

  31. TCK to relational algebra  G ábor Szárnyas, József Marton: Formalisation of openCypher Queries in Relational Algebra (Extended Version)

  32. TCK to relational algebra  G ábor Szárnyas, József Marton: Formalisation of openCypher Queries in Relational Algebra (Extended Version) only testing compilation

  33. Summary  Complex toolchain for testing o Cucumber & Gradle plug-in o Feature parser o Test database  Points to discuss o What is the precise semantics of changes? o Check for all behaviour or only observable changes? o What license to use? o Insert +types ? o Potential CIRs?

  34. Related resources  Repository:  Cucumber test reports:  Technical report:  Discussion on observability:  Using ImpermanentGraphDatabase from Gradle:  GraphAware testing framework:


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