
OPEN renewed into the 2018 version of their 2017 plan. To keep - PDF document

J. J./ 7/ I.) J. Vermont Health Connect Open Enrollment 2018 Updates from DVHA's Health Access Eligibility and Enrollment Unit's Annual Effort to Enroll and Renew Vermonters into the State's Health Insurance Marketplace Cory Gustafson,

  1. J. J./ 7/ I.) J. Vermont Health Connect Open Enrollment 2018 Updates from DVHA's Health Access Eligibility and Enrollment Unit's Annual Effort to Enroll and Renew Vermonters into the State's Health Insurance Marketplace Cory Gustafson, Commissioner Department of Vermont Health Access November 9, 2017 Key Info: Dec. 15 Deadline • . mOi'fr HEALTH CONE Current members will automatically be OPEN renewed into the 2018 version of their 2017 plan. To keep their coverage, alt they have to f.o rtoLLAiEi vr do is keep paying their bills. 0. If a member wants to change plans, they have until December 15 to do so. NOV 1 — to DEC 15 -1 ', 2017 is If a new member wants to sign up for 2018 coverage, they have until December 15 to apply and confirm a health plan. JD J••DA.Lifil � 0. Enhanced Silver plans with cost-sharing orisuahricr � TIAVIE ."i • .• riONS 111101111 � Ulf � •r; VOA I/ T FLA 1? reductions are still available to income- eligible Vermonters. Not sure where to start? 0. Vermonters who won't qualify for financial help can direct enroll with carriers. Help it evadable online, by phone, or invetton. CAW TOU.VIDE1455-899.960 a CIXII3WWVILVUDIONTHEM.11403HINACT eat

  2. 11/ V . / .UJ. Operational Readiness • Starting in early July, biweekly planning meetings held with DVHA, all three carriers, and the Health Care Advocate to plan outreach, noticing, technical work and testing • Automated renewal process for qualified health plans (QHP) ran Saturday, October 14th r. 97.8% success rate 0. Surpassed both last year's 91.5% result as well as this year's 95% goal and positioned DVHA for quick, efficient renewal process 0- Staff completed all of the remaining cases on Monday, October 16th, allowing HAEEU to return to business as usual on Tuesday, October 17th • Members could access their accounts, view 2018 financial help and plan information and report changes on November 1st, as planned • Minimal impact on Change of Circumstance (CoC) processing and other work queues, which remained low Operational Metrics: Pre-Open Enrottment 4:0111INIMMIN , 0- Operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at best levels of the year in September and October Key goals met across the board, including in two areas that missed targets earlier in the summer: the Customer Support Center and VHC-WEX integration • All 20 metrics with year-over-year comparables showed better results in September 2017 than September 2016

  3. J. J./ 7/ Z. .L Operational Metrics: Last Week 0 , Tier 1 Customer Support Center O 93% of calls within 24 seconds (year earlier: 94%, goal: 75%) 0- Tier 2 Customer Support Center • 100% answered within 5 minutes (year earlier: 57%, goal: 75%) 0- Timely Processing 0- 96% of VHC customer requests completed within ten days (year earlier: 89%, goal: 85%) 10 Escalated Cases 0 2 open as of end of last week (year earlier: 17 open, year-and-a- half earlier: close to 100 open) ' Help with Plan Selection or- 2018 Plan Comparison Tool ime ~~ Already used in 8,000 sessions, up 50% from last year .1 Estimates financial help, premiums after financial help, and expected total costs (premium plus out-of- pocket) of all plans options based on age, income, and health status , Inaft Webinars or• Feature staff from DVHA and all three carriers r. One version tailored to individuals who get financial help and another for those who don't Assisters I , . More than 160 Certified Application Counselors (CACs) and Navigators throughout the state ~~ 50% more Assisters providing free in-person help than two years ago

  4. � J..Li f L.U.L Health Insurance Literacy Resources Heatth Insurance: Wly Getting Started with � Vermont Health � It's Important Et What Health Insurance 101 Connect � You Need to Know 666666616 666646 6 HEALTH INSURANCE 101 GET STARTED ViiTH iIDON'T TAY WILAT IMAPPr � , 4 6 VY FIJI LIL Ci • VERMONT HEALTH CONNECT 6 6 4 a' 61 1U 4U a � a � 4116 16 4 MINCMOIM � 414 a 1/.1.•••• � ............ � 14011.1.1.1. 411 IIIIIVAION• � 111111.1.1010 � HEALTH .........,..— � .......k •1....... 6 6 4 4. ..... 4r.m. lw. � ......... � INSURANCE • 66 ..•,..,•••• •••• .......r � 6 4 4 4.4....... � .......... li 41 4 Voy70980•40itt6- � 44/k A. • • 6 1teilookesitoilm , 6 6 6 tfr &A � • • 4 • • 6 lianEENIMIREMENSEIBIEMOINIE tee

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