open ext aff m a info 2 1 ove verview

OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-1 Ove verview I. Campaign Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-1 Ove verview I. Campaign Update II. NextGen + Missouri Compact Scholarship Program OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-2 Cam Campai aign U Update OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-3 Campaign Progress

  1. OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-1

  2. Ove verview I. Campaign Update II. NextGen + Missouri Compact Scholarship Program OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-2

  3. Cam Campai aign U Update OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-3

  4. Campaign Progress Productivity $1M+ Gifts (In Millions) (In Millions) $1,249 29 $200 $1,064 $171 23 $164 $906 $162 $152 21 21 21 $148 20 $763 $137 $129 $604 14 $450 11 $299 $150 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-4

  5. Nex extGen + Misso ssouri ri Com Compact Sc Schol olarsh ship P Progr ogram OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-5

  6. Ne NextGen Gen P Precision He Health Planning Study • Completed by GGA in October 2018 • Transforming healthcare and improving the quality of life overwhelmingly viewed as the primary objective that should be communicated – elevating MU stature and igniting public-private partnerships were distant 2nd’s • Best practice methodologies showed that a $75 million goal for NextGen was ambitious, but not unattainable. However, raising this amount purely in support of the capital project will be challenging. GGA recommended that equipment, program support, and faculty and student support also be a part of the $75 million goal • Best practice would indicate that this goal would include a $25 million lead gift – no prospect at this level was identified OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-6

  7. Ne NextGen Gen P Precision He Health • Current total prospects list: 115 • Corporate: 33 • Individual: 82 • 1M+ Prospects: 35 • Total substantive engagement activity: 214 • Personal visits: 136 • Current gift total: $18,009,581* *Gift total pending confirmation of new estate gift proceeds being used for NextGen cancer research activities. • Current proposed gifts outstanding total: $8,500,000 • Soft verbal commitments: $1,550,000 OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-7

  8. Ne NextGen Gen P Precision He Health Other Updates • Leadership gift announcement set for October 11 (Homecoming Friday) in Jesse Hall • Advancement is working to lead donor engagement with leadership for the President and Chancellor. Strategies are focused on $1 million plus donors/corporations and very high net-worth aspirational prospects. The initial strategy meeting with both was on 8/26. OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - INFO 2-8

  9. Missouri Compa pact Scho holarship Program • Compact provides matching support for Promise and Opportunity and Next Generation Merit Scholarships • Promise and Opportunity are for Pell or Near-Pell eligible students • Next Generation Merit are for students eligible for admission to the Honors College • Cash & Pledges: $23.7 million raised so far • $21M for Promise and Opportunity Scholarships (Need Based) • $2.7M for Next Generation Merit Scholarships • Goal: $96M • $72M for Need Based • $24M for Merit Scholarships OPEN - EXT AFF M&A - 2-9

  10. Questions? s? OPEN - EXT AFF MM&A - INFO 2-10


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