online surveys

Online Surveys Americans Continue to Drop Their Landline Phones By - PowerPoint PPT Presentation Online Surveys Americans Continue to Drop Their Landline Phones By Steven Shepard Americans continue to ditch their landline phones in favor of mobile devices.(AFP/Getty Images) Americans are increasingly giving up

  1. Online Surveys

  2. Americans Continue to Drop Their Landline Phones By Steven Shepard Americans continue to ditch their landline phones in favor of mobile devices.(AFP/Getty Images) “Americans are increasingly giving up their landline telephones, a new government study shows, underscoring the radical changes in people’s communication preferences as well as the challenges those habits present to pollsters. The new figures, from the National Center for Health Statistics, show 43.1 percent of adults live in wireless-only homes. Combined with another 2.4 percent who are phoneless, more than 45 percent of adult Americans live without landlines.” http:// 2

  3. 7 in 10 Voters Use Cell Phones Equally or More Than Landlines Of all the personal telephone calls that you receive, that is calls not related to your job, do you… ONLY use a cell phone, MOSTLY use a cell phone, Use a cell phone and a landline equally, MOSTLY use a landline phone or ONLY use a landline phone? 50 46 45 40 35 31 28 30 25 25 19 20 15 15 9 10 5 1 0 USE CELL Cell Phone Mosty Cell USE BOTH USE Mostly Use Only Use a Ref. PHONE Only Phone EQUALLY LANDLINE Landline Landline MORE MORE National Post-Elect November 2014 3

  4. Almost 9 in 10 Voters are on the Internet From the following list, what social networks do you use MOST? 66 70 60 50 39 40 30 20 17 20 7 10 4 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 USE Google+ Twitter No Internet No Computer Refused Facebook Other Pinterest Linkedin Instagram On Internet/No Social National Post-Elect November 2014 4

  5. Benefits of Online Polling:  Easier to contact more voters online than via phone.  Online format allows actual online testing in real time of broadcast, digital, and audio ads and visual  More accurate than full IVR surveys that by federal concepts for direct mail to targeted voter segments law cannot call cell only voters.  Enables campaign to get surveys done when voter  Eliminates need for expensive costs for live phones are saturated by landline and cell calls that interviewers calling landlines and cells. reduce phone productivity as refusal rates by phone increase.  Faster turnaround  We have state of the art software that gets through  Larger samples and subcells within the poll for spam filters. greater accuracy.  Allows the campaign to strategically respond in real  Due to the private nature of taking a survey online, time daily or hourly digitally through email, texts and voters are more likely to respond truthfully to social media based upon survey results. questions, decreasing undecided answers and non-  Survey results can be added to voter records in the responses, which are more likely to occur when they're speaking to live interviewers. campaign's voter database for predicting future vote and GOTV efforts.  Voters will be able to take their time and not be rushed by interviewer to move on to the next question, they can go at their own pace. 5

  6. Successful November 2014 McLaughlinonline Voter Surveys Tests 1. October 24 Online survey of 1627 voters in Virginia's 10 th Congressional District forecasts Barbara Comstock winning by 15 points. Comstock wins on November 4 th 56% to 40%. 2. October 24 Online survey of 753 voters in New York’s First Congressional District forecasts Lee Zeldin winning by 11 points. Zeldin wins on November 4 th 55% to 45%. 6

  7. John Foust Barbara Comstock Other Undecided 60 56 50 46 46 44 52 40 37 40 30 31 33 31 17 20 17 23 10 7 7 6 5 0 3 May 23rd, 2014 September 15th, 2014 October 20th, 2014 October 24th, 2014 Election Day Online Survey Actual Results Polling By:

  8. General Election For Congress Tim Bishop Lee Zeldin Undecided 60 51 55 49 49 47 47 50 42 45 40 40 44 42 39 36 36 30 20 13 16 16 15 10 9 9 0 August 22, 2013 March 13, 2014 July 20, 2014 September 12, October 9, October 24, November 4, 2014 2014 2014 2014 Online Election Day Actual Results Survey 8

  9. For more information about McLaughlinonline Surveys and other services contact: John McLaughlin Or, Keith Zeig Phone: 845-365-2000 9


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