one voice wales

One Voice Wales Larger Councils Conference Wednesday 8 July 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

One Voice Wales Larger Councils Conference Wednesday 8 July 2015 Presentation by Richard Penn IRP Chair 2 July 2015 Overview Background Role & remit The Panel s work to date Current Framework Future work programme

  1. One Voice Wales Larger Councils Conference Wednesday 8 July 2015 Presentation by Richard Penn IRP Chair 2 July 2015

  2. Overview • Background • Role & remit • The Panel ’ s work to date • Current Framework • Future work programme 2 July 2015

  3. Background • Independent Public Body established 1 st January 2008 • Ministerial appointments: Chair: Richard Penn (since 2008) Members: John Bader (since 2008) Anne Abel (since 2012) Greg Owens (since 2013) Stephen Mulholland (since 2013) 2 July 2015

  4. Role & Remit • Initial role: to set the range and maximum level of allowances that local authorities in Wales may pay their councillors (and certain co-opted members) • Changing powers:  The Local Authorities (Allowances for Members) (Wales) Regulations 2007 ( ‘ the 2007 Regulations ’ ) covering Local Authorities  Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 ( ‘ the Measure ’ ) covering Local Authorities, Welsh NPAs & FRAs, Community & Town Councils • Annual / Supplementary Reports 2 July 2015

  5. The Panel ’ s work to date • Evidence-based approach • National framework for remuneration • Collaborative approach with shared thinking • An evolving framework based on annual reporting 2 July 2015

  6. Current framework • Local authorities • ‘ Capping ’ • FRAs and NPAs • Implementation of Panel determinations • Community and Town Councils • HOPS remuneration 2 July 2015

  7. Future work • Local government reorganisation in Wales • Chief Executives and Chief Officers remuneration • Community and Town Council issues 2 July 2015

  8. Community and Town Councils - issues for discussion • Take up of £100 allowance • Civic allowances • Senior salaries? • Care allowance? • Publication of allowances • Further consultation 2 July 2015

  9. Contact details • Secretariat (Welsh Government): Email: Tel: 029 2082 6913 Post: Welsh Government, Room M05, 1st Floor, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff. CF10 3NQ • IRP Website address: 2 July 2015

  10. Thank you for listening Any questions or comments? 2 July 2015


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