on the spatial scales of population fluctuations

on the spatial scales of population fluctuations of two competing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effects of harvesting and strength of competition on the spatial scales of population fluctuations of two competing species Javier Jarillo Daz Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) Mathematical Perspectives in Biology ICMAT

  1. Effects of harvesting and strength of competition on the spatial scales of population fluctuations of two competing species Javier Jarillo Díaz Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) Mathematical Perspectives in Biology − ICMAT − February 2016

  2. Spatial population synchrony scale  One species models. Effects of:  Environmental fluctuations (Moran effect).  Dispersal.  Two species models. Effects of:  Harvesting.  Competition.  Conclusions.

  3. Spatial population synchrony  Spatial population synchrony: correlation of temporal fluctuations in population size between neighbor localities.  Causes:  Environmental factors (e.g., temperature and humidity).  Dispersal.  Inter-specific interactions (e.g., competition and predation).  Implications:  Estimation of global extinction risk.  Species conservation.  Sustainable harvesting strategies.

  4. Moran effect  Moran (1953) analyzed a linear model of two closed populations, subjected to environmental stochasticity, with no dispersal.  He found correlations between populations equals environmental correlation, 𝜍 𝑧 = 𝜍 𝑓 𝑧  Thus, population synchrony scale equals the environmental correlation length, 𝑚 = 𝑚 𝑓

  5. Dispersal effect  Observations: cohabitant related species with different dispersal abilities show different synchrony scales. Local dynamics 𝑒𝑂 𝑒𝑢 = 𝑠 𝑂 𝐿 − 𝑂 𝐿 Linear evolution of population fluctuations around equilibrium, /𝑂 𝑓𝑟 , with 𝑂 𝑓𝑟 = 𝐿 𝜗 = 𝑂 − 𝑂 𝑓𝑟 𝑒𝜗 𝑨, 𝑢 = − 𝑠 + 𝑛 𝜗 𝑨, 𝑢 𝑒𝑢 + 𝑛 𝑒𝑢 𝜗 𝑨 − 𝑦, 𝑢 𝑔 𝑦 𝑒𝑦 + 𝜏 𝑓 𝑒𝐶 𝑨, 𝑢 Spatial population synchrony scale (Lande, Engen, and Sæther, 1999) 2 2 + 𝑛 𝑚 𝑛 𝑚 2 = 𝑚 𝑓 𝑠

  6. Two competing harvested species: Local dynamics Evolution equations  𝑒𝑂 1 𝐿 1 − 𝑂 1 − 𝛽 1 𝑂 2 𝑒𝑢 = 𝑠 1 𝑂 1 − 𝛾 1 𝑂 1 𝐿 1 𝑒𝑂 2 𝐿 2 − 𝑂 2 − 𝛽 2 𝑂 1 𝑒𝑢 = 𝑠 2 𝑂 2 − 𝛾 2 𝑂 2 𝐿 2 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 1 ∗ ≡ 𝛽 𝑗 𝐿 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 2 ∗ , (with 𝛽 𝑗 ∗ Stable coexistence when 1/ 𝛽 2 > 1 > 𝛽 1 𝑘 /𝐿 𝑗  ∗ ≡ 𝛾 𝑗 /𝑠 𝑗 ), with equilibrium point and 𝛾 𝑗 ∗ − 𝛽 1 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 2 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 1 𝑓𝑟 = 𝐿 𝑂 1 ∗ 𝛽 2 1 ∗ 1 − 𝛽 1 ∗ − 𝛽 2 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 1 ∗ 1 − 𝛾 2 𝑓𝑟 = 𝐿 2 𝑂 2 ∗ 𝛽 2 ∗ 1 − 𝛽 1 Harvesting and competition displace the deterministic equilibrium, reducing the  effective carrying capacities.

  7. Two competing harvested species: Population synchrony scales  Procedures for one species models can be generalized. ∗ ≪ 1 (inter-specific  We assume 𝜗 𝑗 ≪ 1 (small population fluctuations), 𝛽 𝑗 competition weaker than intra-specific competition: competitive exclusion ∗ ≪ 1 (harvesting rates smaller than growth rates). principle), and 𝛾 𝑗 2 2 + 𝑛 1 𝑚 𝑛1 2 = 𝑚 𝑓1 ∗ Φ 1 + 𝛾 1 ∗ 𝑚 1 1 + 𝛽 1 ∗2 , 𝛾 ∗2 , 𝛽 1 ∗ 𝛾 ∗ + 𝒫 𝛽 1 1 1 𝑠 1 2 2 + 𝑛 2 𝑚 𝑛2 2 = 𝑚 𝑓2 ∗ Φ 2 + 𝛾 2 ∗ 𝑚 2 1 + 𝛽 2 ∗2 , 𝛾 2 ∗2 , 𝛽 2 ∗ 𝛾 2 ∗ + 𝒫 𝛽 2 𝑠 2 ( Φ 𝑗 : competition sensitivity.)

  8. Harvesting  Population synchrony scales 2 2 + 𝑛 1 𝑚 𝑛1 2 = 𝑚 𝑓1 ∗ 𝑚 1 1 + 𝛾 1 ∗2 + 𝒫 𝛾 1 𝑠 1 2 2 + 𝑛 2 𝑚 𝑛2 2 = 𝑚 𝑓2 ∗ 𝑚 2 1 + 𝛾 2 ∗2 + 𝒫 𝛾 2 𝑠 2  Small dispersal contribution ⟹ harvesting does not affect the spatial synchrony scales.  Large dispersal contribution ⟹ harvesting increases synchrony scale of both species.

  9. Competition  Population synchrony scales 2 2 + 𝑛 1 𝑚 𝑛1 2 = 𝑚 𝑓1 ∗ Φ 1 𝑚 1 1 + 𝛽 1 ∗2 + 𝒫 𝛽 1 𝑠 1 2 2 + 𝑛 2 𝑚 𝑛2 2 = 𝑚 𝑓2 ∗ Φ 2 𝑚 2 1 + 𝛽 2 ∗2 + 𝒫 𝛽 2 𝑠 2  Small dispersal contribution ⟹ competition does not affect the synchrony scale.  Large dispersal contribution ⟹ effect of competition depends on sign of the competition sensitivity.  We distinguish two cases: uncorrelated or correlated environmental noises.

  10. Competition: uncorrelated environmental noises  Uncorrelated environmental noises: 𝜍 12 𝑧 = 0 .  Competition sensitivities are Φ 1 = Φ 2 = 1, i.e., 2 2 + 𝑛 𝑗 𝑚 𝑛𝑗 2 = 𝑚 𝑓𝑗 ∗ + 𝒫 𝛽 𝑗 ∗2 𝑚 𝑗 1 + 𝛽 𝑗 𝑠 𝑗  Competition between species with uncorrelated environmental noises always increases the synchrony scale of both species .

  11. Competition: correlated environmental noises  Correlated environmental noises: 𝜍 12 𝑧 ≠ 0 .  A richer situation : Φ 1 and Φ 2 may be positive or negative.  For completely correlated environmental noises ( 𝜍 12 𝑧 = 𝜍 1 𝑧 = 𝜍 2 𝑧 ), competition increases the spatial scale of the species with  the larger environmental variance 𝜏 𝑓 , 2 ,  the larger dispersal capacity 𝑛 𝑚 𝑛  and the smaller growth rate 𝑠 , while it decreases the spatial scale of the other one. However, when these effects compete the result is not straightforward.

  12. Competition: completely correlated environmental noises 2 , for some sets of values 2 For 𝜏 𝑓1 = 𝜏 𝑓2 or 𝑠 1 = 𝑠 2 , never both scales are simultaneously For 𝑛 1 𝑚 𝑛1 = 𝑛 2 𝑚 𝑛2 increased competition increases both synchrony scales (opposite to uncorrelated noises) (as in the uncorrelated scenarios)

  13. Example: effects of harvesting and competition Synchrony scales as function of the migration capacity, for species with 𝑠 1 = ∗ = 𝛽 2 ∗ = 0.2 2 , 𝑠 2 = 1 , 𝜏 𝑓1 = 𝜏 𝑓2 = 1 , 𝛽 1 ∗ = 𝛾 2 ∗ = (for competition cases), and 𝛾 1 0.2 (for harvesting cases). Synchrony scales as function of the ratio of environmental variances, for species 2 2 with 𝑠 1 = 𝑠 2 = 1 , 𝑛 1 𝑚 𝑛1 = 𝑛 2 𝑚 𝑛2 = 1 , ∗ = 𝛽 2 ∗ = 0.2 (for competition cases), 𝛽 1 ∗ = 𝛾 2 ∗ = 0.2 (for harvesting cases). and 𝛾 1

  14. Conclusions Harvesting and inter-species competition affect the spatial synchrony scales of species when the dispersal contribution is relevant. In this case: Harvesting increases the synchrony scales of both species.  The effect of competition is different for species with uncorrelated environmental  noises and for species with correlated environmental noises. For competing species with uncorrelated environmental noises, competition increases  the spatial population synchrony scale of both species. For competing species with correlated environmental noises, competition increases the  synchrony scale of the species with larger environmental variance, larger migration capacity, and smaller growth rate, while decreases the synchrony scale of the other. However, when these effects compete the result is not straightforward, and competition might increase or decrease the synchrony scales of both species. These effects are relevant for the sustainable exploitation of natural resources and are useful for the study of global extinction risk.

  15. Thanks for your attention!


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