on sewage sludge handling

on sewage sludge handling Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky HELCOM Total - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Draft HELCOM Recommendation on sewage sludge handling Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky HELCOM Total sludge volumes in tonnes of dry solids per year (tDS/a) of different countries of the Baltic Sea Region reported to the EU Commission and estimated

  1. Draft HELCOM Recommendation on sewage sludge handling Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky HELCOM

  2. ⃰ Total sludge volumes in tonnes of dry solids per year (tDS/a) of different countries of the Baltic Sea Region reported to the EU Commission and estimated to develop by respective Member States (Milieu, WRc and RPA, 2008). Non-EU countries; and hence no data available in Milieu et al., 2008 report, order of magnitude estimated by Pöyry Finland Oy for PURE, based on population connected to municipal systems in the Baltic Sea Region.

  3. HELCOM Ministerial Declaration 20 May 2010, Moscow educational cooperation and exchange of best practices and experiences of solving the problem of municipal sewage in smaller municipalities and scattered settlements (e.g. recycling of treated sewage and sludge utilisation) HELCOM Copenhagen Ministerial Declaration 3 October 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark AGREE to enhance the recycling of phosphorus (especially in agriculture and waste water treatment) and to promote development of appropriate methodology;

  4. 17th Land-based Pollution Group meeting (May 2012) 4.19The Meeting supported in general the idea of revising HELCOM Recommendation 28E/5 “Municipal wastewater treatment” with a view to either include into it a sewage sludge handling component or developing a separate HELCOM Recommendation on sewage sludge handling. The Meeting invited Germany and Sweden to investigate possibilities to contribute to the drafting of such a revised/new recommendation

  5. 18th Land-based Pollution Group meeting (April 2013) The Contracting Parties further commented: -on the differences in national regulations , e.g. regarding hygienisation for landscaping and horticulture purposes, -less strict limit values , as well as on the need to consider potential increase of wastewater treatment costs resulting from stricter limits regulating application of sludge. - different opinions on the list of parameters to be included in the draft recommendation.

  6. 19th Land-based Pollution Group meeting (May 2014) • Estonia , pointing on lack of justification for item A(3) regarding “choice of treatment technology to facilitate phosphorus re- use”, as well as the need to clarify that item A(4) is applicable mostly for anaerobic process, that C(5) – hygienization should be applied only for agriculture; that item C(8) – an explanation note should be included to justify proposals for specific proposed limit values ; section D – that recommendation for control could be proposed, and in section E – re-use of ash should be clarified with regard to availability of technologies, as well as that Estonia prepares waste-end criteria on sewage sludge expected to be finalized by 2015; • Finland , asking for a study reservation and further time for national consultations on the proposed draft and in general pointing on the need to look further into the proposed limits for hazardous substances ; • Lithuania , suggesting the need for further national consultation and that a justification of emission limit values and inclusion of additional substances is needed; • Poland , asking for a study reservation in order to provide formal comments in writing to the Lead countries and the Secretariat; • Russia , in general accepting the proposed draft; • Sweden , proposing that copper limits can be adjusted in the draft, and pointing out the need for providing further background information of the proposed limit values .

  7. XVI International environmental forum “Baltic Sea Day” 19-20 March 2015 Saint-Petersburg, Russia Outcome of the roundtable discussion on Sustainable sewage sludge handling The participants of the round table supported further development of the HELCOM Recommendation on sustainable handling of sewage sludge including P recovery, utilization of its energetic potential and minimization of the negative impact on the environment. Experts indicated that the experience of SPb Vodokanal should be taken into account in development of the regional document. SPb Vodokanal is ready to contribute to the development of the HELCOM Recommendation.

  8. Common approaches to technical solutions for sewage sludge handling and similarity of basic legal acts in the countries being EU members and Russia create the platform for the development of the regional approach to sustainable sewage sludge handling. Different economic drivers, e.g. energy and fertilizers prices should be taken into account when developing the regional approach to sustainable sewage sludge handling. The need of governmental stimulation for the introduction of green technologies was emphasised. National regulations regarding application of treated sewage sludge and its products should be harmonized in order to facilitate transfer of the best available techniques and practises taking into account national economical and environmental conditions.

  9. A proposal for the structure of HELCOM on sustainable handling of sewage sludge PREANBLE ………… . RECOMMENDS to the Governments of the Contracting States to the Helsinki Convention to develop within [20 … ] Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP) for sustainable and environmentally friendly procedure of sewage sludge handling in the Baltic Sea region based on the following principle: RECOMMENDS ALSO to the Governments of the Contracting Parties to develop, apply and enforce BAT and BEP measures aiming at sustainable and environmentally friendly procedure of sewage sludge handling, based on Guidance, as contained in Annex 1 to this Recommendation .

  10. Annex 1 Guidance for BAT and BEP measures aiming at sustainable sewage sludge handling in the Baltic Sea region. The following document provides a guidance to promote sustainable, ecologically sound techniques and handling practices for sewage sludge with the aim to ensure maximum use of valuable substances and energy potential while keeping in mind that the Baltic Sea is a vulnerable ecosystem which environmental status requires intensive efforts towards improvement. This Guidance is supposed to enhance cooperation and provision of economic incentives while aiming at limiting potential environmental impacts of sewage sludge. A. Overall recommendations regarding sewage sludge handling. Common recommendations applicable for all the sewage sludge handling practices. B. Overall restrictions regarding handling of sewage sludge. General restrictions for sewage sludge application. C. Recommendations regarding agricultural and horticultural use. D. Recommendations regarding use in landscaping, urban green areas and forestry. E. Recommendations regarding incineration, construction and other applications

  11. Annex 2. Tentative limit values. Table 1. Concentration of unwanted substances in soil Table 2. Concentration of unwanted substances in sludge for use in agriculture and horticulture (one of the two limits should be used Table 3. Amount of unwanted substances which may be added to agricultural and horticultural land on a yearly average.

  12. Provisional working plan for further development of the Recommendation First commenting round on the strusture and scope of the Document as well as for the provisional agenda for the workshop by 30.06.2015 15.08.2015 – Circulation of draft Recommendation with new structure. 15.09.2015 – Commenting period for the contracting Parties. Workshop on BAT & BAT in SS handling early October October 2015 – Detailed consideration of the draft Recommendation at the HELCOM Pressure group with the view to submit the document to the HoD for endorsement. November 2015 – On-line meeting to finalize the document could be arranged if needed. December 2015 – Consideration of the draft Recommendation at the HoD meeting. Submission of the document to the annual HELCOM meeting in March 2016 for adoption. One more online meeting could be arrange in order to clear some issues if needed.

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