on going research in the college health sciences


ON GOING RESEARCH IN THE COLLEGE HEALTH SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI A presentation by: Prof. Isaac O. Kibwage Principal, College of Health Sciences (CHS), University of Nairobi University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 1 Certified

  1. ON ‐ GOING RESEARCH IN THE COLLEGE HEALTH SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI A presentation by: Prof. Isaac O. Kibwage Principal, College of Health Sciences (CHS), University of Nairobi University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 1 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke AUGUST 2015

  2. 1. OVERVIEW � College of Health Sciences is the leading tertiary healthcare training centre in Kenya. � Declared a Centre of Excellence in the East Africa Community in 2014 � It is situated in Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) Campus about four (4) kilometers from Nairobi Central Business District (NCBD) � It offers 79 programmes in medicine, pharmacy, nursing, dentistry and public health are offered at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 2 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  3. 1.1 MAP OF KENYA University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 3 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  4. 1.2 College Mandate � Train high caliber health ‐ care professionals. � Conduct research. � Offer consultancy services. � Offer health ‐ related services to the community. � Inform health policy formulation. University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 4 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  5. 1.3 Functions I. Manage academic and research programmes through dedicated: � Human resource. � Approved budgets. � Procurement plans. � Appropriate facilities. II. Manage staff and student affairs. University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 5 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  6. 1.4 Vision & Mission Vision An internationally recognised centre committed to scholarly and professional excellence in healthcare Mission To provide quality medical education and training through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of health knowledge. University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 6 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  7. 2. STRUCTURE A. Five (5) Schools 1. School of Medicine (est. 1967) 2. School of Pharmacy (1995) 3. School of Dental Sciences (1995) 4. School of Nursing Sciences (2004) 5. School of Public Health (2010) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 7 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  8. 2. STRUCTURE../1 B. Three (3) Institutes 1. Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases (UNITID) (2004) 2. Kenya Aids Vaccine Initiative ‐ Institute of Clinical Research (KAVI ‐ ICR) (2013) 3. The East African Kidney Institute (EAKI) (2014) C. Two (2) Centres 1. Center for HIV Prevention and Research (CHIVPR) (2006) 2. Africa Coordinating Centre for Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation (ACCAF) (2013) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 8 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  9. 3. GOVERNANCE 1. College Principal 2. College Management Board 3. College Academic Board 4. College Committees 5. School Boards University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 9 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  10. 4. STATUS & RECOGNITION 1. Declared a Regional Centre of Excellence by a General Purpose Committee of the EA Legislative Assembly with a mandate to train Health Professionals. 2. Awarded MDGs Achievement Award 2010 by the MGDS Trust Fund in recognition of the contribution for combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases as one of the pillars in the UN Millennium Development Goals in Kenya University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 10 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  11. 4. STATUS & RECOGNITION University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 11 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  12. 5. DEGREE PROGRAMMES I. 80 high end programs regulated by various professional statutory boards � PhDs/MD ‐ 21 � Masters ‐ 41 � Bachelors ‐ 8 � Diplomas ‐ 5 II. Fellowships ‐ 5 University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 12 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  13. 6. LOCATION � Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) Complex , about 4 km from Nairobi Central Business District • Schools of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing Sciences, Public Health, UNITID and CHIVPR at KNH � Preclinical departments located at Chiromo Campus � School of Dental Sciences and University Dental Hospital in Upper hill, Nairobi University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 13 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  14. 7. STUDENTS’ POPULATION Total 4,629 students � 51 at PhD level (F ‐ 24, M ‐ 27) � 903 at Masters level (F ‐ 489, M ‐ 414) � 3642 at undergraduate level (F ‐ 1855, M ‐ 1787) � 15 at Diploma level (F ‐ 6, M ‐ 9) � 18 at Fellowship level (F ‐ 8, M ‐ 10) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 14 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  15. 7.1 International Students COUNTRY No. COUNTRY No. Benin 1 Ivory Coast 1 Botswana 4 Korea 1 Burundi 5 Liberia 1 Cameroon 1 Malawi 18 Canada 3 Mali 1 Congo DRC 6 Mauritania 3 Cote D’Ivore 1 Mozambique 5 Eritrean 1 Nepal 1 Ethiopia 6 Nigeria 7 Pakistan 1 Ghana 1 India 3 Rwanda 31 University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 15 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  16. 7.1 International Students../1 COUNTRY NO COUNTRY NO Sierra Leone 2 USA 23 Somalia 20 Zambia 13 Zimbabwe 1 South Sudan 49 Zaire 1 Sudan 1 Swaziland 2 Tanzania 21 Uganda 7 Total International 140 Students 33 Total Countries University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 16 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  17. 8. STAFF : 1057 I. Total Academic Staff ‐ 432 � Professors ‐ 53 � Associate Professors ‐ 66 � Senior Lecturers ‐ 86 � Lecturers ‐ 166 � Assistant Lecturers ‐ 2 � Tutorial Fellows ‐ 56 � Part Time Lecturers ‐ 1 � Graduate Assistants ‐ 2 II. Technical & Administrative ‐ 328 III. Research projects (Contracts) ‐ 297 University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 17 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  18. 9. TEACHING AND RESEARCH FACILITIES � KNH (National Referral and Official Teaching Hospital) and Mathari, Pumwani, Tigoni and Mbagathi Hospitals � Nairobi Surgical Skills Centre � Multipurpose Skills and Teaching Laboratories � Enhanced Level III Bio ‐ containment Laboratory � Telemedicine and Telepathology studios University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 18 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  19. 9. TEACHING AND RESEARCH FACILITIES../1 � WHO Regional Training Centre for Ophthalmology � Main Lecture Theatres (1*500 pax, 1*350 pax, 3*150 pax, 1*100 pax, 2*40 pax) � Laboratories (1*350 pax) � Seminar Rooms � Decentralized sites for students attachment University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 19 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  20. 9.1 Decentralized Sites 1. AIC Litein Hospital 11. Kitui District Hospital 2. Busia District Hospital 12. Machakos District Hospital 3. Coast Provincial General Hospital 13. Mama Lucy Kibaki District Hospital 4. Embu Provincial General Hospital 14. Mbagathi District Hospital 5. Garissa Provincial General Hospital 15. Naivasha District Hospital 6. Homabay District Hospital 16. Pumwani Maternity Hospital 7. Isiolo District Hospital 17. Tigoni District Hospital 8. Karatina District Hospital 18. Kajiado District Hospital 9. Kibwezi Sub ‐ District Hospital 10. Kisii Level 5 District Hospital University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 20 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  21. 10. COLLABORATIONS & LINKAGES 46 active collaborations including: � Teaching hospitals (Pumwani, Mathari, KNH) � Research partners (KEMRI, NACOSTI, Institute of Primate Research, AMREF, Wellcome Trust etc.) � Universities (Maryland, Baltimore, USA; Washington, Seattle, USA; Manitoba, Canada; Oxford, UK; Ludwig ‐ Macmillan, Munich, Germany etc.) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 21 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  22. 11. RESEARCH � CHS endeavors to attract funding, conduct research and publish research findings in relevant journals. � Activities span from basic to applied and operational research with strong platforms for clinical trials, traditional medicine, quality assurance of medicines, vaccine developments and Tropical and Infectious diseases. Research Output/Activities (2011 ‐ 2015) Item 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 Scientific 338 315 324 422 Papers Research 15.6M 16.3M 16.6M 17.7M Funding (USD) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 22 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  23. 11.1 Research Office Office of Research and Grants Promotion and Support (ORePS) Established in March 2014 to provide support in research administration and grants management to faculty, researchers and students to: � Provide pre ‐ award and post ‐ award services � Effectively manage research and grant programs � Build capacity of faculty, researchers and students in research related courses � Ensure compliance with UoN, Government and funding agencies policies, regulations and guidelines University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 23 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

  24. 11.2 RESEARCH THEMES AND PROJECTS 1 . HIV/AIDS � Central Province Response Integration Strengthening and Sustainability Project (CRISSP) � International Centre for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) � Most At Risk Populations (MARPS) � Partnership for Advanced Care and Treatment ‐ Centre of Excellence (PACT ‐ CoE) � Partnership for Advanced Clinical Education (PACE) � Pre ‐ Exposure Prophylaxis Study (PrEP) 2. Human Capacity Building � Partnership for Innovative Medical Education in Kenya (PRIME ‐ K) � Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative ‐ Institute of Clinical Research ( KAVI ‐ ICR ) University of Nairobi ISO 9001:2008 24 Certified http://chs.uonbi.ac.ke

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