on a class of polish like spaces

On a class of Polish-like spaces Claudio Agostini Universit degli - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On a class of Polish-like spaces Claudio Agostini Universit degli Studi di Torino 03 February 2020 Joint work with Luca Motto Ros Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) -DST spaces 03 February 2020 1 / 14 The starting point From classical to

  1. On a class of Polish-like spaces Claudio Agostini Università degli Studi di Torino 03 February 2020 Joint work with Luca Motto Ros Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 1 / 14

  2. The starting point From classical to generalized descriptive set theory: DST: GDST: ω κ Cantor space ↝ κ -Cantor space 2 2 ω κ Baire space ↝ κ -Baire space ω κ Polish spaces ↝ κ -Polish spaces? Context: cardinals κ satisfying κ < κ = κ . Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 2 / 14

  3. The starting point From classical to generalized descriptive set theory: DST: GDST: ω κ Cantor space ↝ κ -Cantor space 2 2 ω κ Baire space ↝ κ -Baire space ω κ Polish spaces ↝ κ -Polish spaces? Context: cardinals κ satisfying κ < κ = κ . Is the assumption κ < κ = κ necessary? Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 2 / 14

  4. The starting point From classical to generalized descriptive set theory: DST: GDST: ω κ Cantor space ↝ κ -Cantor space 2 2 ω κ Baire space ↝ κ -Baire space ω κ Polish spaces ↝ κ -Polish spaces? Context: cardinals κ satisfying κ < κ = κ . Is the assumption κ < κ = κ necessary? If κ regular, κ < κ = κ is equivalent to 2 < κ = κ , but the latter allows to extend the definition to singular cardinals. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 2 / 14

  5. The starting point From classical to generalized descriptive set theory: DST: GDST: ω λ Cantor space ↝ λ -Cantor space 2 2 ω cf ( λ ) Baire space ω ↝ λ -Baire space λ Polish spaces ↝ λ -Polish spaces? Context: cardinals λ satisfying 2 < λ = λ (equivalent to λ < λ = λ if λ regular). Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 2 / 14

  6. The starting point From classical to generalized descriptive set theory: DST: GDST: ω λ Cantor space 2 ↝ λ -Cantor space 2 cf ( λ ) ω Baire space ↝ λ -Baire space ω λ Polish spaces ↝ λ -Polish spaces? Context: cardinals λ satisfying 2 < λ = λ (equivalent to λ < λ = λ if λ regular). V. Dimonte, L. Motto Ros and X. Shi, forthcoming paper on GDST on singular cardinals of countable cofinality. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 2 / 14

  7. Motivations and goals Aim: study GDST on λ singular of uncountable cofinality. What we want: A suitable class λ -DST of Polish-like spaces of weight λ that: cf ( λ ) . 1 includes λ and 2 λ 2 can support most of DST tools and results. 3 for λ = ω gives exactly Polish spaces. 4 goes well with different definitions of λ -Polish for other known cases. Context: T 3 (regular and Hausdorf) topological spaces, cardinals λ satisfying 2 < λ = λ . Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 3 / 14

  8. What is known: λ singular Why should we want to study these spaces for λ singular? Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 4 / 14

  9. What is known: λ singular Why should we want to study these spaces for λ singular? Lambda singular recovers parts of classical DST that "fail" (or simply are much different/harder) in GDST on κ regular. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 4 / 14

  10. What is known: λ singular Why should we want to study these spaces for λ singular? Lambda singular recovers parts of classical DST that "fail" (or simply are much different/harder) in GDST on κ regular. λ singular of countable cofinality: much can be recovered (PSP Σ 1 1 , Silver Dichotomy, ...) (V. Dimonte, L. Motto Ros and X. Shi, forthcoming) Definition Let λ be a (singular) cardinal of countable cofinality. A λ -Polish space is a completely metrizable space of weight λ . Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 4 / 14

  11. What is known: λ singular Why should we want to study these spaces for λ singular? Lambda singular recovers parts of classical DST that "fail" (or simply are much different/harder) in GDST on κ regular. λ singular of countable cofinality: much can be recovered (PSP Σ 1 1 , Silver Dichotomy, ...) (V. Dimonte, L. Motto Ros and X. Shi, forthcoming) Definition Let λ be a (singular) cardinal of countable cofinality. A λ -Polish space is a completely metrizable space of weight λ . Remark The λ -Cantor and λ -Baire spaces are metrizable if and only if cf ( λ ) = ω . Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 4 / 14

  12. What is known: λ regular Theorem Let X be a second countable ( T 1 , regular) space. Then X is metrizable. X is Polish if and only if X is strong Choquet. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 5 / 14

  13. What is known: λ regular Theorem Let X be a second countable ( T 1 , regular) space. Then X is metrizable. X is Polish if and only if X is strong Choquet. Definition The strong Choquet game on X is played in the following way: I V 0 , x 0 V 1 , x 1 ... II U 0 U 1 ... V α and U α are nonempty (if possible) open sets. V α ⊆ U β ⊆ V γ for every γ ≤ β < α < ω . x α ∈ V α and x α ∈ U α for every α < ω . The first player I wins if ⋂ α < ω U α = ∅ , otherwise II wins. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 5 / 14

  14. What is known: λ regular Theorem Let X be a second countable ( T 1 , regular) space. Then X is metrizable. X is Polish if and only if X is strong Choquet. Definition The strong δ -Choquet game on X is played in the following way: I V 0 , x 0 V 1 , x 1 ... V γ , x γ ... II U 0 U 1 ... U γ ... V α and U α are nonempty (if possible) relatively open sets. V α ⊆ U β ⊆ V γ for every γ ≤ β < α < δ . x α ∈ V α and x α ∈ U α for every α < δ . The first player I wins if ⋂ α < δ U α = ∅ , otherwise II wins. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 5 / 14

  15. What is known: λ regular Coskey and Schlicht, Generalized choquet spaces , 2016: Let κ be a regular cardinal. The class of strong κ -Choquet spaces has desirable properties for GDST. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 6 / 14

  16. What is known: λ regular Coskey and Schlicht, Generalized choquet spaces , 2016: Let κ be a regular cardinal. The class of strong κ -Choquet spaces has desirable properties for GDST. Can we take the same class for λ singular? Remark Let λ be a singular cardinal. There are strong λ -Choquet topological spaces of weight λ with "patological" behaviour. What goes wrong? For λ regular the spaces preserve some properties of metric spaces that are not preserved for λ singular. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 6 / 14

  17. What is known: λ regular Coskey and Schlicht, Generalized choquet spaces , 2016: Let κ be a regular cardinal. The class of strong κ -Choquet spaces has desirable properties for GDST. Can we take the same class for λ singular? Remark Let λ be a singular cardinal. There are strong λ -Choquet topological spaces of weight λ with "patological" behaviour. What goes wrong? For λ regular the spaces preserve some properties of metric spaces that are not preserved for λ singular. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 6 / 14

  18. Restoring metrizability Polish λ -DST Second countablity ↝ weight λ Completeness ↝ strong cf ( λ ) -Choquet ↝ Metrizability ? Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 7 / 14

  19. Restoring metrizability Polish λ -DST Second countablity ↝ weight λ Completeness ↝ strong cf ( λ ) -Choquet ↝ Metrizability ? Theorem (Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem) Let X be a topological space. Then X is metrizable if and only X admits a σ -locally finite base. Definition Let X be a topological space, and A a family of subsets of X . We say A is locally finite if every point x ∈ X has a neighborhood U intersecting finitely many pieces of A . We say A is σ -locally finite if it has a cover A = ⋃ i ∈ ω A i of countable size such that each A i is locally finite. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 7 / 14

  20. Restoring metrizability Polish λ -DST Second countablity ↝ weight λ Completeness ↝ strong cf ( λ ) -Choquet ↝ Metrizability ? Theorem (Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem) Let X be a topological space. Then X is metrizable if and only X admits a σ -locally finite base. Definition Let X be a topological space, and A a family of subsets of X . We say A is locally finite if every point x ∈ X has a neighborhood U intersecting finitely many pieces of A . We say A is σ -locally finite if it has a cover A = ⋃ i ∈ ω A i of countable size such that each A i is locally finite. Claudio Agostini (Univ. Torino) λ -DST spaces 03 February 2020 7 / 14

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