oklahoma works building oklahoma s future workforce

Oklahoma Works: Building Oklahomas Future Workforce Sarah Ashmore, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oklahoma Works: Building Oklahomas Future Workforce Sarah Ashmore, Oklahoma Works Coordinator Jimmy Stallings, Northwest KEN Champion Amber Riley, High Plains Technology Center 1 Building Oklahomas Future Workforce |

  1. Oklahoma Works: Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce Sarah Ashmore, Oklahoma Works Coordinator Jimmy Stallings, Northwest KEN Champion Amber Riley, High Plains Technology Center 1 Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  2. Goals & Strategies Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  3. Key Economic Networks (KENs) • Regional networks made up of business leaders, educators, economic developers, agencies, others • Better align education and training with regional business/industry needs • Tasked with identifying local workforce problems and generating regional solutions • Goals: – Lead discussions about workforce and training needs, gaps, solutions – Ensure policies and curriculum are responsive to workforce needs – Improve employment and growth opportunities – Investment in community Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  4. Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  5. KEN Business Champions Headquarter Headquarter KEN Champion Company Title City County NORTHWEST REGION Envirotech Engineering Jimmy Stallings and Consulting, Inc. President Enid Garfield SOUTHWEST REGION Jeff Greenlee NBC Oklahoma President Altus Jackson CENTRAL REGION Nathaniel Harding Antioch Engery Founder and President OKC Oklahoma SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Ryan Posey HSI Sensing, Inc. President Chickasha Grady EASTERN REGION John Barton BancFirst President Muskogee Muskogee EAST CENTRAL REGION Chuck Mills Mills Machine Company President Shawnee Pottawatomie NORTHEAST REGION Mike Fuller American Castings General Manager Pryor Mayes TULSA AREA REGION Stuart Solomon PSO President & CEO Tulsa Tulsa SOUTHERN REGION Vice President and Director of Le Flore Lundy Kiger AES Shady Point Government Relations Poteau Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  6. Key Economic Network Priorities Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  7. KEN Progress • Each KEN looks different in scope and strategy • Collaborating with regional economic development organizations to identify workforce needs and promote associated education/training available • Collaborating with Chambers of Commerce to expand internship programs and build career pathways • Aligning training programs to regional workforce needs • Building relationships between K-12 educators and superintendents, CareerTech, regional colleges/universities, and business/industry leaders • Exposing educators to regional industry via externship programs and workshops Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  8. Key Economic Networks (KENs) Jimmy Stallings, President Envirotech Engineering & Consulting Northwest KEN Champion Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  9. Northw est KEN Overview • Key Strategies – Leverage Existing Organizations and Regional Partners • Chamber of Commerce • Economic Development Groups • Educational Institutions – Career Tech Centers • What are your target sectors and how did you identify them? • What are your goals? Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  10. Northw est Key Strategy Organize Existing Efforts Identify Focus Area Create a Plan Engage Business Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  11. Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  12. Helping Individuals Reach Employment Success Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  13. GOALS Change the Definition of Success Inform Educators on Local Business Needs Provide Career Pathways for Students Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  14. Next Steps NWConnectED Website Business Outreach Advocacy Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

  15. For More Information: sarah.ashmore@okstate.edu oklaworks@osuokc.edu www.oklahomaworks.gov Follow us on social media: @OklaWorks @OklaWorks Building Oklahoma’s Future Workforce | www.oklahomaworks.gov | @OklaWorks

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