Offloading Floating Car Data through V2V Communications Razvan Stanica (INSA Lyon), Marco Fiore (IEIIT - CNR), Francesco Malandrino (Politecnico di Torino) 3èmes Journées Nationales des Communications dans les Transports (JNCT) Nevers - 30 May 2013
Floating Car Data Mobility Trace Optimal Gain Degree-based Mechanism Degree-based with Confirmation Reservation-based Mechanism Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 1 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Floating Car Data Up to 100 Electronic Control Units in a car Large amount of data produced, but not stored Possible applications: Fleet management Remote diagnostic Customized car insurance Collaborative urban sensing Road traffic monitoring Navigation systems FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 2 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Floating Car Data Up to 100 Electronic Control Units in a car Large amount of data produced, but not stored Possible applications: Fleet management Remote diagnostic Customized car insurance Collaborative urban sensing Road traffic monitoring Navigation systems To enable such applications, data needs to be centralized and mined FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 2 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Current model Tom Tom HD Traffic, Meihui TrafficCast , Peugeot Connect Apps … FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 3 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Current model Tom Tom HD Traffic, Meihui TrafficCast , Peugeot Connect Apps … Very expensive: price limits the frequency of FCD collection The advantage of the low penetration ratio vs. Market share and application success FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 3 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Current model Tom Tom HD Traffic, Meihui TrafficCast , Peugeot Connect Apps … Very expensive: price limits the frequency of FCD collection The advantage of the low penetration ratio vs. Market share and application success FCD can represent a serious challenge for both cellular operators (network capacity) and service providers (collection price) FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 3 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Offloading FCD Use of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 4 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Offloading FCD Use of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication Local gathering and, perhaps, fusion of FCD: reduced network load, reduced cost, more data FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 4 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Offloading FCD Use of Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication Local gathering and, perhaps, fusion of FCD: reduced network load, reduced cost, more data Addressed questions: What is the possible gain brought by offloading FCD? Is there a simple, practical mechanism for FCD offload? FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 4 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Vehicular mobility trace Largest freely available vehicular mobility dataset 24h on a 400km 2 region in the Köln area: more than 700k trips Synthetic trace respecting real macroscopic measures OpenStreetMap, SUMO, TAPAS, Gawron’s relaxation For more information, see: S. Uppoor, O. Trullols-Cruces, M. Fiore, J.M. Barcelo-Ordinas, Generation and Analysis of a Large-scale Urban Vehicular Mobility Dataset , IEEE TMC 2013 Trace FCD Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 5 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
V2V connectivity Each second in the trace results in a connectivity graph Two vehicles separated by less than R meters are considered connected (this does not imply a unit disk graph radio propagation model) This allows the detection of important properties: assortative network Trace FCD Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 6 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Optimal gain Gain measured as percentage of vehicles that do not use the cellular uplink The FCD offloading problem maps to a classical Minimum Dominating Set problem MDS is NP-hard, but bounded approximation algorithms exist More than 60% of the FCD can be offloaded through V2V communication in more than 70 % of the cases Optimal Gain FCD Trace DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 7 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Impact of daytime Up to 90% gain in the time intervals 6:30am-9am and 3:30pm-7pm This second time interval maps to the daily peak in cellular traffic Optimal Gain FCD Trace DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 8 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Impact of geographical area The gain depends on the vehicular density, so it is not evenly distributed Some areas present a limited gain throughout the entire day, while a 95% gain can be achieved at peak hours in the central region Optimal Gain FCD Trace DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 9 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
Looking for practical solutions Centralized MDS already NP-hard Many distributed algorithms proposed for backbone construction in wireless sensor networks Trade-off between the quality of the MDS approximation and the amount of needed communication Best algorithms find a dominating set after multiple communication rounds (a different message can be exchanged with each neighbor during a round) Convergence time too long for a dynamic vehicular network FCD Trace Optimal Gain DB DB-C RB Razvan Stanica INSA Lyon JNCT 2013 10 Offloading Floating Car Data 30.05.2013
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