occurrences and researches of harmful algal blooms in

Occurrences and Researches of Harmful Algal Blooms in China in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WESTPAC HAB Workshop 2016, Nha Trong Occurrences and Researches of Harmful Algal Blooms in China in Recent Years LU Songhui Research Center for Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China Outline 1. Occurrences of

  1. WESTPAC HAB Workshop 2016, Nha Trong Occurrences and Researches of Harmful Algal Blooms in China in Recent Years LU Songhui Research Center for Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China

  2. Outline 1. Occurrences of Harmful Algal Blooms in China since 2010 2. HAB Researches in China in recent years

  3. 褐潮 Brown Tide ( 2009- ) 绿潮 Green Tide ( 2007- ) 赤 潮 Red Tide

  4. HAB incidents in the coastal waters of diferent seas in China since 2010 SOA, 2015

  5. The total coverage of HABs in the coastal waters of different seas in China since 2010 SOA, 2015

  6. 2015 2014 Monthly distribution of HAB incidents in the Chinese coasts SOA, 2014, 2015

  7. HAB incidents and total affected areas in Chinese coasts from 2011 to 2015 (SOA, 2015) Total Affected Area(Km 2 ) Year HABs Incidents 2011 55 6076 2012 73 7971 2013 45 4070 2014 56 7290 2015 33 2809

  8. Major HAB Events in Chinese Coasts in 2014 (SOA, 2014) Tota l D ate of P rovince L ocations C a usa tive species A ffec ted occurren ce Are a(K m 2 ) Liaoning 30Ma y- 13Jun Ea st Lia odong B ay 110 N oc tiluca scin tillans Q inhuangdao c oastal N octiluc asc intillans H ebei 11June -15Jun 228 are a Prorocentrum m inimum H ebei 13S ep-17S ep C e ntral B ohai S ea 400 K are nia m ikimo toi Q inhuangdao c oastal H ebei 1 5Ma y- 7Aug 2000 A ure ococc us anoph agefferens are a T halassiosira subtilis Tianjin 26Aug-25S ep Tianjin coasta l ar ea 300 C ochlodinium polykrik oides C eratium furca S handong 21S ep-23S ep C hangda o coasta l are a 890 C hattonella marina ZhoushanC hen gsi Zhejian g 21Ma y- 5Jun 170 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea ZhoushanC hen gsi Prorocentrum donghaiense Zhejian g 7S ep-9S ep 200 coastal a rea K are nia m ikimo toi Z housha nPutuo Zhejian g 21Ma y- 3Jun 300 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea ZhoushanZhujiajia n Zhejian g 27Ma y- 3Jun 400 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea Ta iz hou W enling Zhejian g 21Ma y- 9Jun 100 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea W enzhou C a ngnan Zhejian g 19Ma y- 11Jun 320 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea P utianN anri island Fujian 8M ay-15M ay 600 Prorocentrum donghaiense coastal a rea A kashiw o sanguine a G uangdong 11A pr-23A pr Huizhou coa stal a rea 100 Gony aulax polygramm a G uangdong 25N ov-27N ov M aom ing coasta l ar ea 300 N oc tiluca scin tillans Zhanjiang c oastal G uangdong 7Jul-13Au g 140 Sk ele tonem a costatum fishery a rea Tatol 6558

  9. Major HAB Events in Chinese Coasts in 2015 (SOA, 2015) Total Date of Locations Causative species Province Affected occurrences Area(Km2) Liaoning Suizhong Luanhekou 20May-13Aug 825 Aureococcus anophagefferens Hebei coastal area Hebei 14Jun-16Jun West Liaodong Bay 260 Noctiluca scintillans Tianjin 21Aug-9Sep South Tianjin Port 264 Cochlodinium polykrikoides Yushan islands coastal Zhejiang 26Apr-3May 200 Prorocentrum donghaiense area Wenzhou Nanlu coastal Zhejiang 12Jun-21Jun 390 Gonyaulax polygramma area Karenia mikimotoi Fujian 26May-2Jun Xiapu coastal area 100 Prorocentrum donghaiense Quanzhou Anhai and Fujian 10Sep-19Sep 150 Phaeocystis globosa Weitou Bay Hainan 23Jan-13Feb Zhanzhou coastal area 100 Phaeocystis globosa

  10. The monthly average distribution of the incidents and coverage of HABs in the Chinese Coasts

  11. Distribution of Green Tides in the Yellow Sea (SOA,2015) 2 ) T 2 ) Year T he largest distribution area (Km he largest coverag e area(Km 2011 26400 560 2012 19610 267 2013 29733 790 2014 50000 540 2015 52700 594

  12. June 19, 2015 July 14, 2014 Distribution of green tides patchness in the Yellow Sea, China in 2014 and 2015 (SOA, 2015)

  13. Outline 1. Occurrences of Harmful Algal Blooms in China since 2010 2. HAB Researches in China in recent years

  14. 2.1 Distribution of some toxic species Alexandrium Before After 2000 2000 After 2000 Alexandrium blooms in Chinese coasts Lu, et al. 2014

  15. Blooms of Karenia mikimotoi in the Chinese coasts Before 2000 Karenia mikimotoi Since 1998, nearly 90 blooms caused by this species occurred in China. The massive bloom After 2000 of Karenia mikimotoi in South China Sea in 1998 and in the East China Sea in 2005, 2012 resulted in the heavy loss of fish farming (http://www.soa.gov.cn).

  16. Blooms of Phaeocystis globosa in the Chinese coasts

  17. Aureococcus anophagefferens

  18. Distribution of Karlodinium venificum i n Chinese coastal waters Dai et al, 2011

  19. Alexandrium in China (Gu,2013)

  20. 2.2 New Species described from China Takayama xiamenensis sp. nov. (Gu et al. 2013)

  21. Azadinium dalianense Potentially azaspiracids (AZAs) producing species of Azadinium dalianense (Luo and Gu, 2013)

  22. Gymnodinium inusitatum sp. nov. (Gu et al. 2013)

  23. 2.3 Newly Recorded Harmful Species in China Vulcanodinium rugosum A pinnatoxin producing species of Vulcanodinium rugosum isolated from the SCS, and its life cycle (Zheng and Gu, 2012; Selwood et al. 2014)

  24. Karlodinium veneficum

  25. Newly recorded benthic Prorocentrum species : P. concavum P. fukuyoi P. emarginatum P. maculosum P. panamense Luo, Zhang and Lu et al. 2016. Algal Research

  26. Gambierdiscus G. caribaeus G. pacificus Zhang & Lu, 2016. Phycol. Res G. australes

  27. 3 、 Ostreopsis O. Ovata O. lenticularis Zhang & Lu, 2016. unpubl.

  28. 2.4 New Research Projects 2.4 New Research Projects

  29. Department of Science and Techonology National key research and development program 1: Study of Causative Mechanism, Early Warning, Monitoring strategy and Mitigation on Green Tide ( Ulva prolifera ) has been initiated from 2016

  30. Karenia mikimotoi blooms the ECS in 2012 caused 2 billion RMB(~30 million USD) due to kills of cultured abalone

  31. Phaeocysts globosa blooms in 2015 affected seviously on cooling system of power plant

  32. Department of Science and Techonology National key research and development program 2: Study of Causative Mechanism, Early Warning, Monitoring strategy, Mitigation on Target HABs has been initiated from 2016

  33. Thank you!

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