occupational health and

Occupational Health and Infection Prevention and Control General - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Occupational Health and Infection Prevention and Control General Orientation Updated September 2015 Topics to be discussed: Isolation signs What to do if you are sick Influenza What to do if you hurt yourself at work Hand

  1. Occupational Health and Infection Prevention and Control General Orientation Updated September 2015

  2. Topics to be discussed:  Isolation signs  What to do if you are sick  Influenza  What to do if you hurt yourself at work  Hand Hygiene

  3. Isolation  Isolation signs are located on the patient’s door, or if the patient is in a multi-bed area it will be pinned to the curtain (curtain isolation)  HELP Volunteers: can enter Contact (Pink)/ Contact Plus (Orange) isolation ONLY  Other volunteers are not permitted within isolation rooms

  4. Isolation  The isolation signs will tell you:  What you need to wear to protect yourself and the patient (ie. gown, gloves, masks)  If the patient’s door can be open or closed  The type of isolation  Signs are double sided. The chart on the reverse will tell you what type of isolation may be required based on the illness or symptoms of the patient

  5. What to do if you are sick?  Follow your departmental procedure for reporting your absence.  Contact employee health if: -You are ill due to a contagious illness for example: fever with respiratory symptoms or vomiting and diarrhea( “stomach flu” ) -Your absence is 5 shifts or longer - Your absence is due to a work related illness or injury - You require a return to work plan based on abilities/restrictions

  6. Influenza  Influenza aka “the flu” is typically in Ontario from October to April  Flu vaccines are available from Employee Health  If you have received your flu vaccine elsewhere, please provide documentation to employee health  The flu vaccine not only protects you, it protects others around you

  7. Unvaccinated for Influenza? Unvaccinated health care workers who refuse antivirals during an influenza outbreak may not provide patient care or carry on activities where they have the potential to transmit or acquire influenza. They may be placed on a leave of absence until the outbreak is declared over. Staff placed on such a leave may elect to use banked vacation time, lieu time owing or take an unpaid leave

  8. What to do if you hurt yourself at work? 1. Get first aid or medical attention if needed 2. Notify your Manager/designate or Charge Nurse/PCC 3. Complete an employee incident report (obtain from Employee Health, some departments, ER). Notify Employee Health and give them the incident report 4. If you seek health care as a result of a workplace injury notify Employee Health immediately **Any injury that requires: time away from work, lost wages or health care treatment is reportable to WSIB

  9. HAND HYGIENE ALL STAFF MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING MODULES: Follow this LINK to the training and select the following topics under the heading “Hospitals” How to Hand Rub  How to Hand Wash 

  10. Just Clean Your Hands – Your 4 Moments for Hand Hygiene This training is required for ALL staff Follow this LINK to the presentation

  11. ROUTINE PRACTICES This training module is required for any staff that are required to enter patient rooms or provide care to patients (i.e. Housekeeping, Nutritional Services, Maintenance, Dietitian, Diabetes Education, Physio, Diagnostic Imaging, Nursing etc): Training LINK

  12. Thank you Employee Health/Infection Prevention and Control Contact Information: GMCH: Trina Kamm at x3217 or tkamm@gmch.fergus.net NWHC: Sandra Hamilton at ext. 4270/2270 or shamilton@nwhealthcare.ca


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