observational and numerical observational and numerical

Observational and Numerical Observational and Numerical Study of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Observational and Numerical Observational and Numerical Study of Ocean Dynamics over Study of Ocean Dynamics over Canadian Atlantic Coastal Waters Canadian Atlantic Coastal Waters ) and Li ) Jinyu Sheng ( (

  1. Observational and Numerical Observational and Numerical Study of Ocean Dynamics over Study of Ocean Dynamics over Canadian Atlantic Coastal Waters Canadian Atlantic Coastal Waters 申锦瑜 ) and Li 翟 丽 丽 ) Jinyu Sheng ( 申锦瑜 ( 翟 ) and Li Zhai Zhai ( ) Jinyu Sheng ( Department of Oceanography Department of Oceanography Dalhousie University, Canada Dalhousie University, Canada 加拿大 达尔豪斯大学 达尔豪斯大学 海洋系 海洋系 ) ( 加拿大 ) ( Collaborators: Collaborators: Bo Yang, Kyoko Ohashi Ohashi, John Cullen, Keith Thompson , John Cullen, Keith Thompson Bo Yang, Kyoko Mike Dowd, Richard Mike Dowd, Richard Greatbatch Greatbatch, Hal Ritchie, Jun Zhao, , Hal Ritchie, Jun Zhao, Liang Wang Liang Wang

  2. Contents Contents Part One: Development and application of a nested-grid modeling system (presented by Jinyu Sheng) 1.1 Canadian coastal ocean observatory: : CMEP CMEP- -Bay Bay 1.1 Canadian coastal ocean observatory 1.2 The 5- -level nested level nested- -grid coastal circulation prediction grid coastal circulation prediction 1.2 The 5 system (NCOPS- -LB) LB) system (NCOPS 1.3 Storm- -induced circulation during tropical storm induced circulation during tropical storm 1.3 Storm Alberto Alberto Part Two: Baroclinic circulation in Lunenburg Bay in summer and fall 2003 (presented by Li Zhai) 2.1 Analysis of observations in summer and fall 2003 2.1 Analysis of observations in summer and fall 2003 2.2 Process study of baroclinic baroclinic dynamics dynamics 2.2 Process study of 2.3 Simulating 3D circulation in summer and fall 2003 2.3 Simulating 3D circulation in summer and fall 2003 2.4 Data assimilation using the pressure- -correction method correction method 2.4 Data assimilation using the pressure

  3. 1.1 Canadian Coastal Ocean Observatory 1.1 Canadian Coastal Ocean Observatory � The coastal ocean observatory ( The coastal ocean observatory (CMEP CMEP- -Bay Bay) was ) was � established in summer of 2002. established in summer of 2002. � It provides continuous real It provides continuous real- -time observations of time observations of � marine environmental variables in spring to fall of marine environmental variables in spring to fall of last 6 years. last 6 years. � The observatory was operational when The observatory was operational when Hurricane Hurricane � Juan made land fall within 50 km of the site in made land fall within 50 km of the site in Juan September, 2003 and tropical storm Alberto tropical storm Alberto in June in June September, 2003 and 2006. 2006.

  4. Centre of Marine Environmental Prediction Centre of Marine Environmental Prediction (CMEP) (CMEP) • Canadian scientists established a coastal ocean observatory in Lunenburg Bay, Nova Scotia, as part of a research project of marine environmental observation and prediction in the Atlantic Ocean of Canada. • Funding agencies provided ~$3.6 millions for research infrastructure and ~$7 millions for research funding for 7 years. • The observing system measures physical, biological, chemical and � Lunenburg Bay is a atmospheric variables. Halifax, Nova Scotia shallow coastal embayment � 8 km by 4 km with water depth less than 30 m

  5. Ocean Observing System in Lunenburg Bay, Nova Ocean Observing System in Lunenburg Bay, Nova Scotia as part of CMEP- -Bay Bay Scotia as part of CMEP Old Town Lunenburg--- UNESCO World Heritage Site

  6. CMEP MEP- -Bay: Forecast System Using Measurements Bay: Forecast System Using Measurements C from Land and Sea from Land and Sea Atmospheric Model Pressure, Winds, Fluxes,… Remote Sensing & Ocean Observatories Circulation Model Sea Level, Currents Temp, Salinity Biology & Sediment Models

  7. An interdisciplinary coupled modeling modeling system An interdisciplinary coupled system

  8. 1.2 Nested- -Grid Grid Coastal Ocean Circulation Coastal Ocean Circulation 1.2 Nested Prediction System (NCOPS- -LB) LB) Prediction System (NCOPS Main Features: • Five sub • Five sub- -models with different horizontal models with different horizontal resolutions resolutions • Based on Dalcoast3 (POM) and CANDIE. • Based on Dalcoast3 (POM) and CANDIE. • One • One- -way nesting ( way nesting (two two- -way nesting based on SPM way nesting based on SPM will be implemented) ) will be implemented • Driven by astronomical forcing ( • Driven by astronomical forcing (WebTide WebTide) and ) and meteorological forcing (forecast products produced meteorological forcing (forecast products produced by Meteorological Service of Canada, MSC) by Meteorological Service of Canada, MSC)

  9. NCOPS- -LB LB NCOPS (L1) Dalcoast3_2D POM 1 (L2) Dalcoast3_3D WebTide (L3) Inner Scotia Shelf (L4) Three-bay model CANDIE 2 Lunenburg Bay model (L5) 1 Thompson et al., CRS, 2007; Ohashi et al., JGR, 2008 2 Wang et al., JPO, 2007; Zhai et al., CRS, 2007; Zhai et al., JGR, 2008

  10. CANDIE CANDIE • CANDIE stands for CANadian version of Diecast. • A primitive-equation, z-level ocean circulation model developed by Sheng, Wright, Greatbatch and Dietrich (1998) from Diecast. • The fourth-order numerics, flux limiter and implicit free surface. • CANDIE has been applied to various shelf circulation modeling problems (e.g., Sheng et al., Jtech, 1998; Lu et al. CFAS, 2001; Sheng, JPO, 2001; Sheng et al., JGR, 2001; Sheng & Tang, JPO, 2003; Sheng & Tang, OD, 2004; Sheng & Wang, JGR, 2004 ; Wang et al., JPO, 2007; Sheng et al., PiO, 2006; Sheng & Rao, CSR, 2006; Tang et. al., JGR, 2006, Sheng et al., JGR, 2007; Yang et al., OD, 2007; Wang et al., JPO, 2007; Zhai et al., CRS, 2007, Zhai et al., JGR, 2008; Zhai et al., CRS, 2008; Sheng et al., JMS, 2008). • Website: www.phys.ocean.dal.ca/programs/CANDIE

  11. (L2) (L3) Dalcoast3D ~7 km CANDIE ~1.1 km (L4) (L5) (L1) CANDIE ~500 m CANDIE ~180 m Dalcoast3D ~9 km Developed by Keith Thompson and his colleagues

  12. 1.3 Storm- -Induced Circulation during Induced Circulation during Alberto Alberto 1.3 Storm Tropical Storm Alberto in June 2006: � The first tropical storm of the 2006 Atlantic hurricane season. � Formed on June 10 in the northwestern Caribbean Sea, and moved northward and then northeastward with a peak intensity of 110 km/h. � Moved through eastern Georgia, North Caroline and Virginia as a tropical depression before becoming an extra-tropical storm on June 14. � The remnants of Alberto produced strong winds and left four people missing in Atlantic Canada.

  13. Storm Track of Tropical Storm Alberto

  14. (June 15 - 18, 2006)

  15. Model performance of NCOPS- -LB LB Model performance of NCOPS Comparison of observed and Comparison of observed and simulated surface elevations simulated surface elevations

  16. SB2 SB3 Comparison of observed and simulated currents at SB2 and SB3

  17. SB2 SB3 MB1 Comparison of observed and simulated M 2 tidal current ellipses at SB2, SB3 and MB1

  18. Model SST and near-surface currents (18:00 July 1 2006) MODIS SST Data (by courtesy of Chris Jones)

  19. Model SST and near-surface currents (18:00 July 1 2006) MODIS SST Data (by courtesy of Chris Jones)

  20. Comparison of observed Comparison of observed and simulated SST and simulated SST

  21. EOF2 EOF1 Eigenvectors and mode coefficients of at 3.5 m (solid arrow) and 8.5 m (open arrow) from day 155 to 175. Velocity vectors are plotted at every 5th grid point.

  22. Model Sensitivity Study Model Sensitivity Study Control Run Exp-RGW Exp-LWF

  23. Outline of Part 2 Outline of Part 2 2.1 Data analysis of observations 2.1 Data analysis of observations 2.2 Process study of Process study of baroclinic baroclinic dynamics dynamics 2.2 2.3 Numerical simulation of 3D circulation 2.3 Numerical simulation of 3D circulation 2.4 Data assimilation using the pressure- - 2.4 Data assimilation using the pressure correction method correction method 2.5 Summary 2.5 Summary References: (a) Zhai, Ph.D thesis, 2008; (b) Zhai et al., CSR, 2007; (c) Zhai et al., CSR, 2008 (in press); (d) Zhai et al., JGR-Oceans, 2008.

  24. The Main Objective of Part 2: The Main Objective of Part 2: To have better understanding of baroclinic baroclinic To have better understanding of dynamics, water mass distributions, and dynamics, water mass distributions, and associated variability over coastal waters using associated variability over coastal waters using observations and three- -dimensional ocean dimensional ocean observations and three circulation models. circulation models.

  25. 2.1 Data Analysis of Observations (Aug- -Oct, 2003) Oct, 2003) 2.1 Data Analysis of Observations (Aug Halifax

  26. Hurricane Juan (Sep. 29, 2003) Hurricane Juan (Sep. 29, 2003) Nova Scotia

  27. Aug. 19 Coastal Upwelling (2003) Coastal Upwelling (2003) (Satellite MODIS SST) (Satellite MODIS SST) Aug. 28 Sep. 8

  28. Observed Temperature/Salinity in Lunenburg Bay Observed Temperature/Salinity in Lunenburg Bay (August 13- -October 27, 2003) October 27, 2003) (August 13 Juan (Sep. 29)

  29. Low Frequency (>10 days) Variability of Observed T/S Low Frequency (>10 days) Variability of Observed T/S at SB3 (August 13- -October 27, 2003) October 27, 2003) at SB3 (August 13 Juan (Sep. 29) Salinity Temperature Halifax Area-averaged satellite SST Near-surface T/S at Station 2


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