The Arkansas Self-Insurance Trust and Mike Johnson & Associates present Preventing Slips, Trips & Falls Today’s Presenter: Darrell G. Toenjes, ARM, CHSP, CWCP Darrell G. Toenjes, ARM, CHSP, CWCP Healthcare Risk Management Consultant Healthcare Risk Management Consultant Midwest Employers Casualty Company Midwest Employers Casualty Company • 25 years in insurance industry • Corporate Risk Manager, Employee Safety – SSM Health Care • Operations Manager – Sedgwick CMS • National Program Manager – Ascension Health Objectives Objectives • Review the magnitude of slips, trips & falls within ASIT facilities • Know where slips, trips & falls are occurring • Understand why they occur • Learn what you can do to prevent them 1
Slips, trips Slips, trips & falls & falls account for account for 1/4 1/4 of all of all ASIT ASIT accidents accidents In 2007, In 2007, slips, trips slips, trips & falls & falls accounted accounted for nearly for nearly 1/2 1/2 of all of all ASIT costs ASIT costs Some of the slips, trips & falls resulted in significant injuries! 2
Example 1 Example 1 Housekeeper trips on vacuum cleaner cord which results in permanent disability. Example 2 Example 2 Dietary worker trips on milk crate causing broken kneecap. Example 3 Example 3 Maintenance worker trips on garden hose and fractures wrist. 3
Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Hallways and intersections Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Showers Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Dining rooms & Dietary 4
Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Outside Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Resident’s rooms Where is it happening? Where is it happening? Laundry 5
Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Wet or slick floors Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Footwear Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Carelessness 6
Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Environment Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Obstacles Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Floor transitions & lighting 7
Why is it happening? Why is it happening? Residents What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Look for slip, trip & fall hazards – then eliminate them! What can we do about it? What can we do about it? BEFORE AFTER Eliminate the hazard or warn others 8
What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Don’t cut corners Increase your angle Increase your awareness – use safe work practices What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Appropriately place mirrors to eliminate blind corners or “hidden” doors What can we do about it? What can we do about it? Check exits and remove obstacles 9
Many, if not most, slips occur Many, if not most, slips occur due to liquids on the floor due to liquids on the floor • In the event of a spill – Re po rt it to Ho use ke e ping imme d ia te ly – Wa rn o the rs in the vic inity – Cle a n up the sp ill if yo u c a n – Re ma in in the a re a until “ WET F L OOR” sig ns a re in p la c e – If sp ill is b io lo g ic a l, fo llo w sa me p ro c e d ure s • Except: Only trained personnel with adequate personal protective equipment will do the clean-up Many, if not most, slips occur Many, if not most, slips occur due to liquids on the floor due to liquids on the floor • Keep in mind that – Ma ny sp ills o c c ur • Around ice machines • In the dining room – All p e rso nne l sho uld mo nito r the se a re a s – Using rub b e r ma ts in d ishwa shing a re a s c a n p re ve nt slip s Always wear appropriate skid Always wear appropriate skid resistant footwear resistant footwear 10
Like this! Like this! Or this! Or this! Note the skid resistant soles Not like this! Not like this! 11
Or this! Or this! Let’s set a goal to prevent Let’s set a goal to prevent slips, trips & falls! slips, trips & falls! Thanks to….. • Lisa Duncan, Winnie Carrie and Tommy Roland – Newton County Nursing Home • Robin Looney - Hudson Memorial Nursing Home. • Kelly Walters & the Safety Team - Katherine’s Place • Angie Freer, Ralph Moore and Sandy Garlets – Fountain Lake Health & Rehab • Twana Smith & the Safety Team - The Maples at Har-Ber Meadows • Rebecca Cole and Merle Wilkins – St. Elizabeth’s Place • Amy Rollins – Reliance Healthcare • Robert Greene - Convacare 12
Darrell G. Toenjes Jack McDaniel Healthcare Risk Management Safety/Loss Control Specialist Consultant Mike Johnson & Associates Midwest Employers Casualty Company Phone: 479-619-8045 Phone: 314-226-9706 13
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