objectives for today s webinar

Objectives For Todays Webinar Recap of Illinois Pathways Initiative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Illinois P-20 Council Diverse Educator Learning Exchange July 2013 Objectives For Todays Webinar Recap of Illinois Pathways Initiative and Existing Learning Exchanges Discuss the Health Sciences Learning Exchange Exchange History and

  1. Illinois P-20 Council Diverse Educator Learning Exchange July 2013

  2. Objectives For Today’s Webinar Recap of Illinois Pathways Initiative and Existing Learning Exchanges Discuss the Health Sciences Learning Exchange  Exchange History and Partners  Timeline for the Work  Exchange Objectives  Work Across Exchanges, Sectors A School District ’ s Perspective on the Health Sciences Learning Exchange  Learn about Aurora School District 129 ’ s Health Science Academy  Understand How District 129 Sees the Exchange Deepening Its Work Wrap Up and Next Steps

  3. Illinois Pathways Initiative Recap Illinois Pathways Initiative and Existing Learning Exchanges

  4. Illinois Pathways: Objectives  Improves P-20 education, workforce, and economic development coordination in order to build more effective talent pipelines.  Supports implementation of college and career readiness standards and assessments.  Provides a strategy to meet the goal of 60 percent of adults attaining a high-quality academic degree or industry credential by 2025. (P-20 Council Goal)  Diverse educator pipeline = role of teachers with supporting this goal 4

  5. Illinois Pathways: Pathway Key Features Secondary • Provide orientation courses that cut across career clusters. Education • Integrate work-based learning . 9 th and 10 th • Provide academic supports. • Access early college courses aligned to career pathways. Secondary Education Develop portfolio of academic and employability skills and • 11 th and 12 th credentials. • Provide intensive supports tailored to student population Postsecondary • Manage effective transitions to college and workplace. (continuous communication with district partners) Education and Careers • Continue portfolio development through stackable credentials (relevant experiences) Continued • Provide induction support upon placement. Support

  6. Illinois Pathways: Learning Exchanges Defining Learning Exchanges Launch public-private networks (such as employer- • employee) in each of the identified application areas. • District/university partnerships • Organize to support local implementation of P-20 Programs of Study by improving coordination and reducing the transaction cost among network partners. Shared responsibility among universities and districts • with preparing diverse teachers • Available to partner with and support K-12, postsecondary and workforce programs statewide. 6

  7. Illinois Pathways: Learning Exchange Members Who participates in a Learning Exchange? • Employers, employer-led groups • School districts • Economic and workforce • Labor unions agencies • Professional associations • Education experts • Secondary and postsecondary • Local workforce investment • Teachers and faculty boards • Students, student organizations • Museums and non-profits • Community colleges, universities • Community-based organizations 7

  8. Illinois Pathways: Considerations for Future Learning Exchanges While STEM areas were identified as an early priority, the Illinois Pathways strategy is envisioned to extend to other career development areas. Considerations for future learning exchanges include… 1. Define a career pathway cluster. • Research supply-demand data that identifies talent pipeline. • Develop a program of study model that shows learning progressions from orientation to specific knowledge and skills. 2. Solicit partners to manage the Learning Exchange. • Establish Exchange governance through a steering committee. Manage a contractual relationship with the State and identify a • diverse investment portfolio. 3. Develop a strategic plan to address initial network priorities. • Inventory partner activities, conduct gap analysis and execute on top priorities to start. 8

  9. Health Sciences Learning Exchange Bruce Neimeyer University of Illinois at Chicago Health Science Learning Exchange, Lead Director

  10. Health Sciences Learning Exchange History The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) awarded the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) the contract o coordinate a Health Services Learning Exchange in December 2012. Anchored by a team of three, UIC – as the lead partner – has promoted the Health Sciences Learning Exchange at regional and national conferences and brought to the table 83 partners to advance the initiative.

  11. Health Services Employment The Health Services Learning Exchange built upon the earlier work of the Illinois Workforce Initiative Board that developed a pipeline strategy to address the nursing shortage in 2006. The Exchange looks beyond nursing to encompass health-related professions with the high growth forecast nationwide through 2020, such as: Occupation 2010 2020 Percent Change 2010 Median Employment (in Employment (in Annual Wage 1000s) 1000s) Personal Care Aides 861.0 1,468.0 70.5% $19,640 Home Health Aides 1,017.7 1,723.9 69.4% $20,560 Biomedical 15.7 25.4 61.7% $81,540 Engineers Veterinary 80.2 121.9 52.0% $29,710 Technologists Physical Therapist 67.4 98.2 45.7% $49,690 Assistants Physical Therapists 198.6 276.0 7.5% $76,310 Marriage and Family 36 50.8 39.0% $45,720 Therapists

  12. Health Science Learning Exchange Partners The Health Science Learning Exchange includes 83 members – 31 of which came to the table this spring. Examples of partners include…. Types of Partners Specific Members Employers • Northwestern Memorial • Rush Medical Center • Southern IL Collaborative Industry Associations • Illinois Center for Nursing Metropolitan Chicago Healthcare Council • Secondary Education Institutions Bloomington School District 87 • • Chicago Public Schools • Marion School District 2 • Rockford Public Schools 205 Community Colleges • Harper College • Heartland Community College Malcolm X City College • Public and Private Universities UIC • • NIU • SIU Community-Based Organizations • Alignment Rockford • Growing Home, Inc. Museums • Chicago Botanic Garden • Discovery Center

  13. Recruiting New Members The Health Science Learning Exchange has several strategies to recruit additional members, particularly among employers and in areas of the state that are underrepresented.  Members recruit members . The Exchange may sponsor membership drives in various regions of the state to spread the word about the Health Sciences Learning Exchange and invite participation.  Take the Exchange on the road . Lead members of the Exchange have presented on their work at conferences and convenings in Aurora, Chicago, Lincolnshire, Rockford, Springfield and Urbana. Additional outreach is planned.  Invite members to contribute . Each new member identifies resources from their respective organization that could support experiential learning for students in the health sciences.

  14. Dec ecember 20 2012: ISBE awarded Fall all 20 2013: University of Illinois Feb ebruary 2013 2013: Provide curricular May 20 Ma 2013: at Chicago (UIC) UIC develops groundwork resources and ‘ out of UIC, working with contract to lead the for the Exchange - the box ’ lesson plans for partners and supporters, Health Sciences staffing, budget, web site, health sciences as part of develops strategic plan for Learning Exchange. partner outreach, etc. Shared Learning Health Sciences Exchange. Environment rollout. Ju July/August 20 2013 13: Ap April 201 2013: Pilot with CPS and From February through April, Feb ebruary 20 2012 12: Aurora to pair high school UIC convened weekly meetings Illinois Pathways Initiative students and teachers with with partners to discuss how to industry mentors who have supports the launch of public- achieve the nine core functions. access to industry labs, private partnerships known as Also during this time, the Exchange Learning Exchanges. equip. for science competitions. surveyed partners to understand what resources they might bring to the Exchange as well as RTTT districts to understand areas of need, interest. 8/8/2013 14

  15. Exchange Objectives The Health Sciences Learning Exchange partners focused their initial efforts on three objectives in response to feedback from the field. They include:  Create a Health Sciences Speakers Bureau that schools might tap as a resource.  Develop out-of-the-box curriculum and lesson plans for foundational health science courses that are informed by university professors and industry experts.  Support academic competitions in health sciences through faculty and industry mentorship as well as access to state-of-the-art research labs and equipment.

  16. Exchange Objectives: Speakers Bureau The Exchange plans to assemble a Speakers Bureau of screened experts in the Health Sciences that schools might tap into through the Illinois Shared Learning Environment. Chicago Public Schools began to build the database of experts. The Exchange will support this effort by providing the technological platform that enables speakers to be virtually live in the classroom and facilitate experiment-based presentations. The aim is to recruit speakers who encourage virtual experiential learning in the classroom facilitated by a cadre of field experts.


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